Chapter 14

'She really has her priorities straight' Sophia thought, amused by Ana's attitude.

Sophia and Ana dressed in comfortable clothes and went to the garage to find a car.

''It's been a while since I've been driving'' Sophia said excitedly as she went very fast down the road.

'' I'm surprised you know how to drive'' Ana said as she looked out the window.

"A housekeeper must be ready for everything, I remember when the previous housekeeper taught me, she was a good driver, she took me to a race track and did not let me rest until I met her expectations," Said Sophia remembering the woman who taught her.

''Look straight ahead,'' Ana said neutrally, seeing that Sophia was getting lost in her memories.


Damian on the other hand quickly flew over New York and extended his senses, he soon found the only place that felt strange and flew towards it, after landing in front of it he knocked on the door.

The door opened and the one he assumed was the guardian of the New York sanctuary appeared.

''Good morning, do you need anything?'' Said the guardian, puzzled by the visit of a person since there was a spell so that people would not bother.

''I came to meet the Ancient One,'' Damian said casually.

The person was puzzled to hear who he was looking for but he quickly told him to wait a moment before going to report.

Damian really didn't know what to think of the Ancient One, she was supposed to be a terribly powerful being that protected reality from mystical threats and other dimensions but her death was ridiculous, it could be considered a suicide, after a long age we could say that she is tired of to live but when she was close to dying she admitted that still wanted to stretch out the seconds.

She said that had seen her future and how was going to die but she didn't really try to prevent it, she could also have prevented the book from being stolen in the first place or even rejected Kaecilius from the start if she knew what was he going to become, he is curious and if It is possible he wants to save her.

Soon the door opened and a woman appeared with a delicate face and was bald. She is the Ancient One, she looked at him curiously before her eyes widened and she looked at him as if knew who he was.

''Come in please,'' the Ancient One said as she nodded at him.

"Thank you," Damian said as he entered the sanctuary wondering why she gave him that kind of look.

The Ancient One led them into a room where they both sat down.

"It really is surprising for me to have an unexpected visit, although maybe it's not unexpected if it's you," Said Ancient One while serving him some tea, after all, she had seen every part of her future life and this meeting was not there.

Besides the unexpected visit, she was really surprised by the immense power that she feels in the young man in front of her, this kind of power that she only feels in powerful cosmic entities.

"So you couldn't see me coming to see you, interesting," Damian said as he looked at the eye of Agamotto on her neck, he was curious if she couldn't see into his future.

The Ancient One was really wary of this powerful being, she couldn't identify what kind of creature it was and she didn't know what its intentions were.

''If you want, just check my future, I'm curious if you can see something about me'' Damian said, urging her to look.

Seeing that the stranger already knew about her ability to see the future, she decided not to hide it, also by activating the eye of Agamotto she would have more power and could be prepared for more situations.

"It is no longer possible to see the future, around 20 years ago a being with great power appeared that blocked any gaze in time or it would be more accurate to say that the known future disappeared with the arrival of this being" Said Ancient One while she was staring at him.

Damian was really surprised by the information she gave him.

''I see, I must say that I hoped that you couldn't see my future, but I didn't expect that the future had disappeared from your sight'' Damian said.

He suddenly thought of an organization that should have appeared on his doorstep as soon as he was born, the TVA.

He couldn't help but feel a little nervous, he could have been eliminated as he was surely a variant that shouldn't have been born or existed.

Also wonders if the reason why The Ancient One does not change her destiny was for the TVA

''Did you do something?'' The Ancient One asked doubtfully.

''No, I suppose it's just the nature of my existence, I didn't really know about this situation either'' Damian said.

''I see, and why did you come looking for me?'' The Ancient One asked doubtfully.

"There is no specific reason, I was just curious to see what you are like," Damian said cheerfully.

''Hm I see, how about it?'' The Ancient One asked playfully.

''Well, I certainly expected more wrinkles and hair considering your age,'' Damian said jokingly.

''Age?, I'm only a little over 7 centuries old, I wonder how many times older you are'' Said Ancient One mocking without believing in the young appearance she sees, according to her it's just a powerful being that entered this universe altering the time.

''I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am really young, I am 20 years old, do you want me to show you my identity card?'' Damian asked jokingly, seeing her disbelief.

The Ancient One however decided not to believe him and asked him instead.

''What is your intention in coming to this planet?'' Ancient One asked

''You treat me like an alien, I've lived here all my life, come on don't worry I don't have any bad intentions towards the earth, you didn't know about me before this and if I wanted to do something you couldn't have stopped me'' He said Damien seriously.

''I'm sorry, but you are a being of great power and one I have no idea about'' Ancient One said with a sigh.

"Okay, I get it," Damian said casually.

Soon there was a somewhat awkward silence between the two, Damian wanted to come but he had no special topic to talk to her without revealing the future that apparently she can no longer see, Ancient One on the other hand does not know what to say to this powerful being either, that out of nowhere he appeared at her door.

''The tea is delicious'' Damian said, trying to break the silence.

''Of course, I am proud of my tea. After all, I have been preparing it for centuries, '' Ancient One said with a smile.

''And tell me what's your name?'' Damian asked after all they hadn't exactly introduced themselves yet.

''Ancient One, and you?'' She answered briefly.

''My name is Damian but come on that can't be your name'' Damian said.

''After so many years my name has no meaning, I am known as the Ancient One'' She said with dignity

''I will not call you Ancient One, do you want me to call you an old woman? Or Bald?'' Damian said, annoying her.

'' You can call me Jennifer '' Ancient One quickly relented, after all, she is a woman and those are sensitive points for anyone, this name means 'high-spirited' so she decided to take it to interact with Damian.

Ancient One was an orphan and was taken in by the previous sorcerer supreme, he was from Tibet and called her Yao although it has been centuries since someone called her that name and she is sure that no one knows that name, that's why she decided to start with a new name Celtic that was her ethnic origin.

"Jennifer is a nice name though not one you'd expect from the great sorcerer supreme, I guess call you Jen for short," Damian said cheerfully.

''Call me what you want'' Jen said resignedly.

''Do you live here?'' Damian asked.

"No, I live in Kamar-taj, it's in Nepal," Jen said.

'' I see, I will remember to visit you regularly '' Damian said, he would really like to have Jen as his friend is a kind person with a great experience.

''I really can't stop you, I guess we'll see each other often'' Jen said, although she felt a little guarded against Damian, she would be happy to have a friend, all the ones she had ended up leaving her.

"Great, I hope we can be friends," Damian said.

''I hope the same,'' Jen said sincerely.

''And tell me what kind of being are you exactly?'' Jen asked curiously.

"Do you know about werewolves?" Damian asked.

"Are you a werewolf?" Jen asked, puzzled.

''No'' Damian said seriously.


''Then why are you asking me if I know about them?'' Jen asked, giving him a dirty look.

''Are we the same fictional universe, I am a vampire'' Damian said looking at Jen amused by his bad joke.

''The truth is that I have a very superficial knowledge about those subjects since neither vampires nor werewolves exist in this universe, or so I thought'' Jen said.

''Well even though I tell you I'm a vampire, the stories don't help you understand me, the main things they get right are red eyes, fangs, and drinking blood'' Damian said casually.

'' I understand, do you drink a lot of blood?'' Jen asked, the only thing she did in the centuries of her existence is to obtain knowledge, now that an unknown species is presented she is full of curiosity.

''More or less, I usually drink from 2 women who you could say are my girlfriends,'' Damian said.

'' Girlfriends? How more than one?'' Jen said, staring at him.

''Yes, don't look at me like that, they agree, rather tell me about yourself'' Damian said also with interest.

''I am a master of the mystical arts, to put it simply we draw energy from other dimensions to do magic'' Jen said.

"Hm I see that's interesting, show me something," Damian said.

So Jen made several magic constructs that were quite beautiful.

''It's quite beautiful, but isn't it a bit flashy? I'm sure you can't ambush someone with that garish orange color, you look like a certain ninja I remember'' Damian said, teasing Jen.

''It says the vampire with silver-blue hair, wasn't there another color at the hair salon?'' Jen scoffed back.


"How aggressive," Damian said with an ironic smile for the strong return.

'' Well, it was great to meet you, Jen, I will visit you often '' Damian said, they had already met and this was the target for him, in the future, they will be able to interact more.

''Yes, it was nice talking to you'' Jen said sincerely, with other people she has to act like the sorcerer supreme, in front of Damian she doesn't have to keep up appearances.

''Here, this is a cell phone, we can keep in touch'' Damian told her as he handed her the phone.

"Ok thanks, we're in touch then," Jen said as she looked at the phone.

"Well then bye," Damian said before turning into mist and disappearing, making a stylish exit.

Jen was speechless at his exit but she has to admit it was kind of cool, although she thinks her entrances are better.

After Damian left the sanctuary he lazily flew over to New York and thought that this would be where the avengers began some decades later.

Damian doesn't know if he'll be part of the avengers, but he thinks there's a good chance.

He also thought about Carol's accident. He thought that tomorrow afternoon to fly to Los Angeles again, he can't help but have a bad feeling that the flight might be moved up.

Finally, he extended his senses throughout the city to see if Ana and Sophia were still outside or if they had already returned home, apparently they were still outside, they were in what looked like a spa, he decided to let them enjoy what they wanted and while he levitated on top from the city.

As Ana was a vampire she stood out among all the people so it was easy to find her.

He already had a great capacity with radio waves and he could listen to any message sent, Wi-fi hadn't been invented yet or he could try to access the internet with his mind.

He decided now to focus more on the controlling and manipulating metal part as he has trained just the basics.

He approached a junkyard and stealthily took out a large piece of metal weighing around 500 kilograms before going back to heaven, he always deflected light around him so even though he was carrying a large piece of metal no one noticed.

As the scrap blocks were a mixture of metallic and non-metallic things, he decided to start separating and even leaving only the metal, then he began to compress it as much as he could, it looked really beautiful and shone, although he thinks if he drops this it will actually leave a big crater in the ground, he wonders if this could be harder than Vibranium because of its high density.

He finally unzipped the metal and left it in the junkyard, surely someone would wonder where it came from.

It was already late and without his knowing Ana and Sophia had already returned home so he quickly flew to his house and entered his room, as he had come out invisible it would really be strange if he enter out of nowhere from outside

After greeting Ana and Sophia they went to dinner since they came really hungry from being out all day shopping and having fun.

Actually, Sophia was the only one hungry, Ana was more thirsty than hungry.

They really had to find a time to tell Sophia they were vampires and surely she would end up turning too.


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