Chapter 20

The next day Damian woke up again with Ana next to him, he couldn't help but stroke her hair and kiss her before getting up and getting ready for the day.

As he was about to leave the room he saw Ana naked sitting on the bed as she looked up at him with reddened eyes.

Damian couldn't help but turn to her as he sat her on his lap before stretching her neck out allowing her access to him, Damian bit her neck as well and together they drank blood to their heart's content.

Finally, Damian was able to free himself and go downstairs with Sassy, Damian found 3 ladies eating breakfast.

'' '' Daddy '' shouted Monica when she saw him.

''Don't talk when you eat'' Maria scolded her.

''Good morning'' said Damian smiling with the tigress in his arms.

''Good morning, where is Ana?'' Sofia said.

''I don't know, maybe she has fallen asleep,'' said Damian pretending he didn't know anything.

He approached the plate and filled it with milk with his magic, creating something with his magic is really hard, it's funny because he could easily devastate a continent but creating some milk tires him out, but as they say, it's harder to create than to destroy.

After leaving Sassy drinking milk he cheerfully walked to the table and sat down.

''Are you ready to go after breakfast?'' Damian asked as he ate from the plate he had just been served.

''Yes, Monica is very excited to go shopping'' Maria said as she petted Monica who nodded happily.

''Great I'm sure it will be fun'' said Damian smiling at Monica.

After breakfast and getting ready Damian left with Maria and Monica in a vehicle, of course leaving Sofia in charge of taking care of Sassy, they drove until they reached a mall where they started shopping for all kinds of things needed for elementary school.

Apparently excited for Sassy, Monica bought many tiger-related things, like her backpack or her pencil case.

After buying the necessary things Damian decided to take Monica for ice cream, the couple of three soon arrived at the ice cream shop and Damian took Monica in his arms so she could see all the flavors that were there.

There were many types of flavors and Monica was seriously thinking about which one she wanted, finally, she decided on a strawberry ice cream, Damian had a mango one and Maria had a chocolate one.

They decided to sit at a table in the ice cream shop and enjoy the ice cream.

''Are you excited about going to school?'' asked Damian.

''Yes, I want to make lots of friends,'' said Monica.

''I'm sure you will, remember if someone bothers you you should tell me'' Damian said smiling at her.

''Hm, I'll make sure Sassy gives them a good scare too when she grows up'' said Monica.

''Good girl'' Damian said as he patted her head.

''Don't teach her weird stuff'' said Maria frowning.

"Okay, even if Sassy eats someone I'll take care of it," Damian joked.

"Damian!" Maria said loudly.

''Just kidding, don't worry, Sassy won't eat humans, they're not as nutritious as the food I feed her,'' Damian said.

''Yeah, it can hurt her stomach,'' Monica said seriously.

Maria can only sigh at the weird things Monica will learn from Damian.

''Ok then, how about we stop by your work to pick up the uniform and badge?". asked Damian to Maria.

''Yeah, I want to see mom's work'' Monica said excitedly, she had never been able to go to her mom's old job, but now she is happy to be able to go.

''Sure, let's go'' said Maria patting Monica's head.

After eating the ice cream they drove to the main police station in New York, when they arrived Damian got out and took Monica in his arms before going inside with Maria.

When they arrived they asked to speak to the chief of police and after waiting a few minutes they were taken to his office.

As they entered they saw a somewhat older man in an officer's uniform, surely he had little time left on the job and the bribe received would help him live comfortably after retirement.

''You must be Mr. Damian, it is an honor to meet you, I hope the arrangements I have made have been to your liking'' Said the chief very enthusiastically.

"I am satisfied with your arrangements, don't worry," said Damian nodding.

''And you must be Mrs. Maria, I feel honored to receive such a good pilot in our humble police force, I hope to work with you in the future'' said the police chief, he didn't know what relationship this woman had with Damian, but seeing how Damian was carrying a girl somewhat similar to Maria, he decided to treat her with the utmost respect.

''Thank you, I came to receive my clothes and see where I'm going to work '' said Maria somewhat uncomfortable, she did not feel so comfortable with how enthusiastic the boss was, knowing that it is because of the bribe.

''Of course, I chose a quiet precinct in the outskirts of New York, there's really almost no crime in that area and it's a quiet place,'' said the chief.

''Great, you've done a good job'' Damian said and nodded in satisfaction.

''Well, then go with my assistant to take you to where you receive the uniform, badge, and the necessary things'', said the chief while giving you a paper to receive the things.

Monica was a sensible girl and did not say anything during the whole process, she just watched and listened to everything with curiosity.

After leaving the office they went to a police officer and after handing him their paperwork, he took them to a warehouse where they gave Maria her uniform, badge, and regulation weapon.

After finishing all the paperwork Maria had to do with her joining the police, they went back to the car, it was close to lunchtime so Damian decided to quickly go home.

"Did you have fun, honey?". asked Damian to Monica.

''Yes, I finally got to see what mom's job is like,'' Monica said.

''Dad, will my school be close to mom's work?'' asked Monica.

''It's not very close, why?'' asked Damian.

''I want to visit mom after school,'' said Monica.

''Don't worry, I can always take you after school,'' said Damian.

Maria just smiled as she watched them interact, she was really grateful to Damian for being a father to Monica, she has seen her happier these days.

They finally got home and Monica quickly left to go play with Sassy, in the morning she only got to see her briefly as they had to go out.

Maria helped Damian get all the things they were bringing down in the trunk of the car.

After entering the house, she saw Monica playing with Sassy, she had sent her to order cat toys, and although Sassy is not a cat, their behaviors are very similar, although the toys will not last her long.

After dropping things off in their respective rooms, Damian went downstairs to play with Monica and Sassy.

Damian was soon told that lunch was ready, so he also took Monica to wash her hands and served her portion of food to Sassy before sitting down at the table to eat with everyone.

After lunch, the afternoon passed quickly, with a girl and a giant cat life can't be boring.

In the evening Damian was again visited by Ana and they couldn't help but do it for several hours before resting.

The next day Damian got up a little earlier, today was Monica's first day of school and he was going to take her himself.

When he went down to breakfast he found a policewoman and a student having breakfast, of course, there was also Sofia who was wearing comfortable clothes while having a coffee.

''Good morning, how are you for your first day?'' Damian said smiling at them.

''Good morning,'' Sophia said.

''Good morning daddy, I'm very excited'' said Monica happily.

''Good morning, I think I'm fine, going from flying planes to doing desk work is a bit drastic,'' Monica said.

''Well, you can retire later if it's really not your thing'' said Damian.

''I'll think about it'' said Maria, she could not work and be supported by Damian but it's really not her style, she wants to be independent and get her own money, maybe after raising a good amount she will buy a cottage somewhere far away.

"Honey, do you want mommy to drop you off at school?" asked Maria, even though she had to go to work, it was okay if she was a little late because of her daughter.

''No mom, you can go to work, dad will take me'' said Monica.

''Now you prefer your father to your mother,'' said Maria jokingly.

''Mom has to work and dad is free, I'll come to see you after school'' said Monica smiling.

''Ok, I'll wait for you than'' said Maria.

''Let's go then'' said Damian.

After watching Maria leave in a car Damian gave him he too headed to Monica's school.

Damian walked Monica to the school gate and watched her leave with a teacher.

Damian followed her sneaking invisibly to see if she had any problems, he saw her enter the classroom and introduce herself to the class, Monica was not a shy girl so there were no problems.

Soon he saw that she was sitting next to another girl and secretly chatting with her while the teacher was teaching.

Seeing no problem, she left and went back to her car.

He decided to go home and planned to spend the rest of the afternoon with Sofia and Ana.

When he arrived he walked in and saw Ana and Sophia sitting on the couch with their legs stretched out watching TV with Sassy lying on her legs sleeping.


''You're early Damian'' Sophia said smiling as if it was nothing.

''You're too early'' Ana said expressionlessly as she stared at him.

''Am I not welcome in my house now?'' asked Damian ironically before sitting down with them to watch TV.

''Tell me, Damian, what are you planning with Madripoor? I saw there was information about that nation in your study,'' said Sofia, who wasn't much into what Damian was doing, she was just curious.

''I'm going to take over that nation and turn it into a monarchy, of course, I'll be the king,'' Damian said smugly to his mother.

''Are you serious?'' Sofia said in surprise.

''Aren't you glad you're going to be 'queen mother'?'' Damian asked jokingly.

''Hmph, are you serious, what do you plan to do with that?'' asked Sofia looking at him with disdain.

''Madripoor is a major center of the underworld, I want to take over the underworld globally, the plan is already underway'' said Damian.

''I see, if you need help don't hesitate to tell me'' Sophia said smiling at him, whatever Damian did, she planned to support him.

''I don't want you to worry about those things I want you to enjoy life, of course, if you get bored you can also get involved in the plan'' Damian said casually.

"I'll think about it later," Sofia said, for now, she felt comfortable.

Soon the afternoon came and she had to go to take Monica to Maria's work, so she left quickly.

When she arrived she found many children coming out of school and quickly found Monica with other children.

When he approached her she finally recognized him and ran to him.

''Hi daddy,'' the little girl said.

''Hi sweetie, how was your day?'' asked Damian.

''It went great, I made a lot of friends, come on I'll introduce you to them''' said Monica as she pulled him by the hand towards the girls who were looking at them.

They were 2 girls, one blonde and one with black hair.

''Daddy this is Susan, Susan this is my daddy'' said Monica as she introduced him to the blonde-haired girl.

''Hello sir,'' said Susan.

''Nice to meet you,'' said Damian.

''This is Emma, Emma this is my daddy'' introduced Monica again.

''Hello'' said the girl smiling at him.

''Hi, it's nice to meet you, I hope you are good friends'' said Damian smiling at the girls.

After the introductions, Damian said goodbye and went with Monica to the police station where Maria worked.

Maria worked in a small police station in charge of a rather quiet sector.

Damian arrived with Monica and took her to Maria's office after indicating his purpose, as she was the daughter of his new boss, no one interfered.

As they entered the office, Maria saw them and greeted them with a smile.

''Hi, how was school?'' asked Maria.

''It was great mom, I made 2 new friends'' said Monica excitedly.

''That's nice, do you want to stay with mom until I leave?'' Maria asked smiling.

''Yes'' said Monica.

''Well girls then I'm going home first, I'll wait for you there'' said Damian.

''Bye daddy'' said Monica as she leaned over to kiss his cheek.

''Bye Damian'' said Maria.

''Bye,'' said Damian.

After he left he got back in his car and drove to her house.

The days passed quickly for the little family of 5 and before they knew it 6 years had passed.


Let me know if you guys felt any changes in grammar or vocabulary, I used DeepL to see if there is any improvement.

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