Chapter 22

(Guys this chapter could be considered a little filler since things happen more or less the same as in the movie and there are only a few changes and mainly reviews some parts of the movie for people who have not seen it.)

Vers was a very special Kree, apparently, she had been chosen by the supreme intelligence to obtain great power.

Although anyone could say that she is lucky, in reality, her life is somewhat complicated, she has amnesia and constantly has dreams of a past that she does not recognize.

After a morning training with her tutor Yon-Rogg in which both were even, they prepared to go out, today she was going to request again to let her go on a mission, she wanted to go out and see new landscapes to stop thinking about her past.

When one dialogues with the supreme intelligence, one seems to see her as the person he admires the most and curiously sees a woman she doesn't remember.

After getting off the train with Yon-Rogg they arrived at a large building where Vers entered alone, inside the building there was a room with a hexagon where she stood and multiple cables were connected to her, soon her consciousness darkened and she reached a strange place full of lights.

The place was blank and there were only strange lights in the sky, soon in front of her, a humanoid figure formed that transformed into a face that was familiar but strange at the same time.

''Vers,'' the Supreme Intelligence said slowly.

"Intelligence," Carol said.

"Your commander says that you are ready but you still struggle with your emotions and your past, you are one more victim of the Skrull expansion, horrors that you still remember, and many more that you forgot," Said the Supreme Intelligence while show images of the dreams she had.

''All my memory is gone? You're supposed to take the form of who I admire but I don't even know who this woman was for me'' Carol said a little disturbed.

''Perhaps it is compassion, it saves you from deeper pain so that you do what a Kree must do, we bestow you with a great gift,'' Said the Supreme Intelligence.

"I want to help, I want to go on a mission," Carol said seriously.

''Control yourself then, what was granted to you can be withdrawn'' Said the Supreme Intelligence trying to intimidate her.

"I won't let you down," Carol replied.

''We will know soon, you have a mission'' Said the Supreme Intelligence.

Vers came back to reality with a slight smile, finally, she will do something besides being locked up on this planet.

Vers along with Yon-Rogg's team heroically walked towards the ship before slightly arguing amongst themselves.

Soon the captain of her team Yon-Rogg arrived and began to explain their mission in which they had to extract a spy placed on a planet and the things that should be pending before especially warning Vers.

After flying to the plane and landing by water they finally arrived at the extraction site.

Arriving at the position, Yon-Rogg hesitated to enter as it seemed like an ambush. Even so, Vers finally went to meet the mission objective but it turned out to be a transformed Skrull, Vers was electrocuted and captured.

When Vers awoke again she found herself pinned head down and apparently they were seeing what seemed to be memories that she did not remember, but there were many times when the image was replaced by an incredibly handsome man looking at her affectionately and she could not help feeling longing, this strange feeling scared her since she couldn't remember who this person was.

"Idiots, can't you prevent this man from appearing? We must retrieve the coordinates," Talos shouted to his subordinates.

''Sir there is a large part of your memories that we cannot access'' Said a smaller Skrull.

''Just extract what you can quickly'' Talos said.

After many attempts, they finally achieved their goal.

''Check the coordinates of C-53 to find out where this is and find out who that man is that appears every so often on the screen,'' Talos said.

Vers, after listening to the conversation and assuming that there was no more valuable information, began to use her powers until she overheated the restraints that held her captive before tearing them off, but she was left with two metal tubes clinging to her hands, which made it impossible to use her powers.

After taking down some Skrulls she attached Talos the leader of the Skrulls on this ship.

''What did they do with me?'' Vers asked furiously.

''We're just looking for some information,'' Talos said quietly.

''What did they put into my mind?'' Vers asked again with some anger.

''Nothing that wasn't there,'' Talos said.

''But it wasn't my memory'' Vers replied.

''Feels strange doesn't it? I'm not surprised you don't remember everything, they left a mess there'' Talos said a little mockingly towards the Kree

''Although there is a strange protection in your mind, you are truly fascinating,'' Talos said looking at her curiously.

"Don't confuse me anymore, tell me what you want," Vers said frustrated.

''We're looking for Dr. Lawson and her lightspeed engine,'' Talos said.

''I don't know that Dr. Lawson,'' Vers said.

''Really? And why is she in your memories?'' Talos asked mockingly as some Skull soldiers entered.

Vers soon found herself running from there while fighting many Skrulls coming at her.

She found herself cornered and tried again to shoot from her hands but this time she did the best she could by overloading it and soon the metal in her hands shattered and large amounts of plasma poured out of her hands which hit the wall of the ship and knocked out the Skrulls in the path.

Vers looked at her hands and felt that she had used more force than usually could, as if she was usually limited, putting that aside she turned to fight the other Skrulls until she saw them running away, looking back she saw the wall of the ship destroyed and a great suction came from space.

Carol grabbed on quickly and shooting from her hands back she propelled herself until she made it out of the room.

She wandered around until found the room again where she was reviewing her memory.

After re-entering the room where she was seeing her memories or the ones she believed she implanted in her, she picked up her boots and searched for an escape pod.

Upon entering the escape pod Talos shot the pod but she was still ejected and she began to travel toward the planet below the ship.

The pod began to disintegrate exaggeratedly from just one shot, when Carol landed on a building alone she had a piece of metal in her hand.

Vers went through this adventure and landed hard without knowing that a very powerful vampire was watching her, if she also knew that he is her boyfriend, she would surely beat him up for letting her fall so hard.

As she slowly got up from the sharp fall she looked around her curiously, as she left the building saw what seemed to be a guard, and after asking him for a communication system she walked away from him.

Arriving at an old public telephone, somehow connecting a kind of chip to it, she was able to contact Yon-Rogg who was extremely far away.

After verifying the codes and knowing that they are not impostors, she began to speak.

''Is everyone alright? What happened to you?'' Vers ask.

''It was an ambush, I thought you wouldn't get out, did you find the target?'' Yon-Rogg said.

''It wasn't him, Talos simulated it and knew his code,'' Vers said.

"But it's impossible, the code was implanted in his unconscious," Yon-Rogg said, surprised because apparently, some fugitives have better technology than them.

"The Skulls invaded my mind, I think that's how they extracted the target code," Vers said.

''Where are you?'' Yon-rogg asked.

''On planet C-53, they're looking for a woman named Lawson,'' Vers said.

Listening to her, Yon-Rogg couldn't help but show a worried face.

''Who?'' Yon-rogg asked.

"She's who I see," Vers said slowly.

''See what?'' Yon-rogg asked.

"They think she solved the light-speed thing, she's a scientist, I have to get ahead of them or they'll be able to invade new galaxies," Carol said.

''No, you've already been captured,'' Yon-Rogg said as he asked about the distance to C-53.

"Vers, hold your position until we arrive, turn on your communicator so we can contact you," Yon-Rogg said.

Vers tried to reply but the communication had been cut, she frustrated recovered the chip, and sent her location.

As she was leaving she was stopped by a black man accompanied by two others behind.

''Excuse me, we were told that a woman caused a huge hole in the Blockbuster, according to the witness brought a laser game costume'' Said the black man.

''Oh yeah I think she went that way,'' Vers said playfully as she tried to leave.

''I'd like to ask you a few questions, we can talk about the night mailbox and how it works, does she have her ID?'' the man said as he showed her his ID.

''Vers from Starforce and I don't put an ID on a card,'' Vers said as if it were normal.

''See?, Starforce? And how long is she going to stay?'' Agent Fury asked exaggeratedly and mockingly.

"I'll stop bothering you as soon as I find the Skrulls infiltrating your planet," Vers said.

''Skrull?'' Fury asked puzzled.

''Shapeshifters, they mimic any form of life including their DNA,'' Carol said.

''Oh no, you don't know anything, right?'' Vers said after seeing how they looked at her and tried to leave only to be detained again.

''Wow, wait for a second, what assures us that you're not one of those shapeshifters?'' Fury asked amused.

''Congratulations Agent Fury, you finally asked a relevant question,'' Vers said, smirking at him.

"No, congratulations to you star lady, you are under arrest," Fury said.

Just as the policeman approached, Vers saw a Skrull taking aim at them, she quickly dodged Fury away from the shot before firing plasma at him from his hands.

Vers didn't linger with them and went after the Skrull.

Fury and his partner were taken aback before rushing to their car to give chase.

Vers chased the Skrull to a train, but after entering the train she didn't see the Skrull anymore, she guessed that he had transformed again so she started walking slowly looking at everyone.

She soon found an old woman that she had already seen leaving the train.

She smiled slightly as he looked at her.

Without hesitating she hit the old woman surprising everyone on the train, after hitting her the old woman quickly hit her back but was soon dominated by Vers until the people on the train held her down and made he escape, Vers soon broke free and chased after the Skrull but not before picking up a purple stone that he dropped while they were fighting.

She followed him through another compartment and watched him turn into a man before escaping onto the roof of the train.

Vers quickly followed him and upon reaching the roof they had a fight until they reached a tunnel and lost sight of the Skrull.

Meanwhile, Agent Fury discovered that the one next to him was not his partner but a Skrull and ended up killing him when he crashed the car into a bus that impacted where the Skrull was.

After losing the Skrull she checked the stone she picked up, apparently, it had several images that supposedly had been extracted from her memory, after looking for information about the bar in her memories using a computer she stood on the street with a large map trying to identify where remained.

While looking at her map, a car stopped in front of her, looking at the car Vers couldn't help but think that it was really cool.

The car window rolled down and a face appeared that greatly surprised Vers, it was the handsome young man who appeared in her memories, she thought he could be a Skrull in disguise so she was alert.

''Do you need help?'' The handsome young man asked with a smile.

Vers wanted to test if he was a Skrull or a real person who was in his mind for some reason.

''I'm going to a bar called Pancho's'' Vers said, a Skrull couldn't know where it is.

"Sure, get on," said the young man.

Vers still with some doubt but she got on anyway, somehow she had the need to know about this person and she wanted to be in contact with the mysterious young man.

After getting in the car, she stared at him, although he was very attractive, and couldn't help but get distracted quickly, trying to concentrate on being alert.

The car began to drive towards the place, while they were driving Vers saw that the young man was playing a song, for some reason she liked it a lot.

The young man smiled when he saw her smile when she heard the song, he knew that Carol or perhaps Vers for now loved Guns N' Roses, the song he played is "Sweet child o mine"

''So, what is your name?'' Vers asked, wanting to know more.

''My name is Da-'' he couldn't finish saying his name because he was interrupted.

"Damian," Vers said unconsciously interrupting him.

Damian just smiled a little happy to see her say his name but Vers couldn't help but feel frustrated, she didn't really know if these memories were hers from the past or were implanted but she increasingly believes that they are hers.

''So I have to guess your name?'' Damian smiled at her mischievously.

''Give it a try,'' Vers said, perking up a bit at seeing his smile.

"I think your name is Carol," Damian said.

Vers couldn't help feeling strange at that name, but even so, she forced a smile and replied:

"You were wrong, my name is Vers," said Vers.

''Really? I just thought it looked like your name was Carol.'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''And tell me, does someone as beautiful as you have a boyfriend?'' Damian asked.

''Beautiful?'' Vers asked puzzled, she on her planet is not considered so attractive because her skin is not blue.

"Don't you think you're beautiful? I think you're the most beautiful woman there is," Damian said flirting with her.

Vers couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at his flattery.

After a moment they reached the bar, and Vers could see that he was the same one in the image she saw.

"I guess here we are," Damian said.

''Yes, here it is,'' Vers said, a little sad to have arrived so quickly, but unfortunately, their paths parted here.

Vers got out of the car and approached his window, resting her arms on the door to say goodbye to him.

"Thank you for bringing me, take care," Vers said, discouraged by the separation.

''Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other again,'' Damian said softly as he leaned over to her and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Vers took a few steps back, puzzled, she could only watch as the car moved away from her.

Somewhat disconcerted Vers entered the bar and she began to remember things that happened in this bar, she saw herself singing, playing, and drinking with a woman, and she also saw Damian.

She also saw a picture of a plane with the Pegasus sign.

''Where was this photo taken?'' Vers asked, just when the bartender was going to answer, another voice answered.

"That's classified, just like the file I opened on you, but you've changed a bit since then," Fury said, suddenly appearing.

''Was it a difficult day, Agent Fury?'' Vers asked, smiling slightly.

''Crazy, space invasion, chase, I saw a horrible alien autopsy, typical work day,'' Fury said.

''Then you saw one,'' Vers said.

"I never really believed in aliens but I didn't dream that," Fury said with a sigh.

After a conversation where Vers and Fury verified that neither was a Skrull, they headed to the Pegasus base to find answers.


As I said at the beginning, this could be considered filler and I'm sure some of you will be upset that I didn't return Carol's memories right away, so I'll just say be patient.

Remember that you can support me and see 10 advanced chapters at