Chapter 33

Damian teleported directly to Jen or also known as Ancient One, unlike the first time he used teleportation he has never had a 'perverted accident' again.

Jen was training several disciples, and among them was Kaecilius, the disciple who in the future was going to betray her, although Jen obviously knew that too.

When he suddenly appeared everyone became alert and pointed their weapons at him.

''It's okay, he's a friend,'' Jen said.

Everyone lowered their weapons although the masters and some rather sensitive disciples didn't let their guard down, they could sense that the person in front of them was a very powerful cosmic being.

''Friend?, weren't we getting married?'' Damian said, very surprised.


Jen sometimes seriously wondered what was in Damian's head, he could make the most ridiculous jokes at the time he least should.

''Come on it's a joke, don't look at me like that'' Damian said laughing softly as he saw how the teachers and disciples looked at him like a heretic as if he had sullied their saint.

''You are dismissed for the day'' Jen said, ending the training.

''Why did you accept him if you know he will betray you and indirectly be your assassin?'' Damian asked as everyone left.

''Because right now he's not that person, he really needs help, besides the future already changed, I don't know where it will lead us with your presence'' Said Jen calmly.

''You really are nicer than you should be'' Damian said, looking at her with a frown.

''And to what do I owe your visit?'' Jen asked.

''Can't I visit a friend?'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''Sure, come on, I'll make you some tea," Jen said, smiling at him.

''Oh tea, you've never given me tea before'' Damian said sarcastically.

''It's the only thing to drink here'' Jen said.

''Why don't you come over tonight for dinner at my house, Carol is finally back and my whole family is together, it's a good time to introduce you'' Damian said smiling at her.

''It wouldn't be bad, it really has been years since I've been out of some sanctuary'' Jen said.

''Great, then remember to arrive in the afternoon'' Damian said.

''Tell me when you plan to return the Tesseract, you must have already affected the future enough by keeping it for 5 years'' Said Jen.

''You're right, maybe I'll return it today'' Damian said, nodding.

''I often wonder where the future will take us with your intervention'' Jen said, sighing as she handed him the tea.

''I don't know, I'll just make sure the people I love are okay,'' Damian said it really was all he cared about, only if he could save the earth.

''It's what everyone wants'' Jen said.

''I guess so, but let's not start with dramatic themes'' Damian said.

''I'll probably have kids soon'' Damian said suddenly.

''Really?'' Said Jen surprised, she can't imagine what Damian's kids will be like.

''Hm, with Ana and Carol, I wish they were pregnant at the same time, so my kids would grow up together, but it's hard'' Said Damian smiling slightly at the thought.

''They'll probably be quite adorable'' Said Jen smiling.

''Well you'll see them often, won't you be like their aunt, one that's close to 800 years old'' Damian said jokingly.

''You really like mentioning my age'' Jen said slowly.

''Don't be so serious, after 100 years it doesn't matter how old you are'' Damian said.

''Even if you say you are 30 anyone would believe you, as they say, age is just a number'' Damian said again.

''Sometimes it makes me want to push you into the mirror dimension, but I remember you can get out easily'' Said Jen looking at him wrong.

''We've been friends for 11 years now, time really passes'' Said Damian.

''I guess so, it's been 11 fun years'' Said Jen.

''Don't say it like you're going to die'' Said Damian rolling his eyes.

''You know what-'' Jen said before she was interrupted.

''I won't let you die, you should know that,'' Damian said, interrupting her.

''You don't know what repercussions it could have, even though a lot of things have changed overall everything is still on track, but that's a pretty big change'' Jen said seriously.

''Never mind, what's the worst that could happen?'' Damian joked saying a phrase that raises flags.

''You really shouldn't say that kind of phrase'' Jen said speechlessly.

''Well I have the strength to back up whatever happens'' Damian said calmly.

''Well, I think I should go, remember to go to my place in the afternoon'' Damian said after drinking his tea.

''Yeah yeah, don't worry about it and go'' Jen said, rolling her eyes.

Damian smiled at her before disappearing.

Damian appeared invisible outside one of the SHIELD headquarters left in New York, fortunately, Fury was there and he didn't have to look for him in other bases.

He could sense Fury alone in his office so he suddenly appeared before him.

Fury almost had a heart attack and quickly pointed his gun at him, seeing it was Damian he calmed down and lowered his weapon.

''That could be considered attempted murder'' Fury said in annoyance.

''Never mind, I have diplomatic immunity'' Damian said laughing.

''Yeah, I know, is something wrong?'' Fury asked, sighing.

''I came to give you a gift, it turns out I have no use for it at the moment so you can keep it, just make sure you don't lose it'' Damian said before pulling out the Tesseract and showing it to him.

Fury immediately became severe when he saw the Tesseract, he knows it's a miraculous artifact that can produce unlimited energy, he didn't dare to ask Damian for it 5 years ago but now that he's handing it over he couldn't help but feel relieved, he also wonders what he did with it for 5 years and why he's handing it over so easily.

''Are you really going to hand him over to me?'' Fury asked, really confused.

''Sure, I told you it's of no use to me for now, besides it'll be back in my hands in a few years anyway,'' Damian said sincerely.

''But I advise you to find a container unless you want to know what happens if you touch it'' Damian said amused.

''Sure, give me a moment,'' Said Fury.

Fury made a call and walked out of his office to receive some sort of container he assumed was for the Tesseract.

''That was pretty quick'' Damian said.

''Well, when you're the leader of SHIELD that's the way things are for you'' Said Fury.

Fury opened the container and indicated that he could put the Tesseract in, Damian put the cube in place before Fury closed the container.

''And tell me how is Carol?'' Fury asked.

''She came back about a week ago, and now she's staying at my place'' Damian said.

''That's great'' Said Fury honestly, he felt safer if Carol was on the planet, unlike Damian who is more indifferent to things Carol has more of a hero spirit.

''And how are you doing as director of SHIELD?'' Damian asked casually.

''You know, sorting things out here and there, I'm really busy all the time,'' Fury said briefly.

''I understand, well it's time for me to go, make sure you take care of that'' Damian said.

''Okay, say hi to Carol for me'' Said Fury.

''Bye,'' Damian said before disappearing.

Damian went back to his house and told the chef that one more person was coming for dinner, then he went to the living room where Carol and Monica were playing video games, and Sophia and Ana who were sitting with Sassy were watching them.

''How did it go?'' Carol said without taking her eyes off the screen.

''Good, I also met Fury, he said hi'' Damian said.

''Fury?, weren't you meeting a friend?'' Carol asked puzzled.

''Yes, but I went to give him the Tesseract'' Damian said.

''Why did you give the Tesseract to the humans?They probably blew up a city while investigating'' Said Ana, frowning.

''Hey! There are 2 humans here'' Carol shouted in annoyance as she played.

''The Tesseract is of no use to me anymore, besides you could consider it belongs to them, it was left on Earth by Odin many years ago'' said Damian.

''Aren't you worried about them making weapons?'' Sophia asked.

''Why should I care?I'm not their father or their owner if they make weapons to defend themselves good for them'' Damian said, what the humans did or didn't do doesn't affect him.

''Hey again I say it, there are 2 humans here'' Said Carol, finally looking away from the screen.

''You're the vampire queen'' Damian said, smiling at her.

''Hm, right'' Carol said, she was quickly defeated as all sorts of thoughts ran through her mind.

''Damian, when are we getting married?'' Carol said.

''Hm, that's a good question, but I wish it was equal for everyone'' said Damian.

"You want to walk down a hallway with 5 women, you insensitive bastard," Carol said, shooting him a dirty look.

Even Sophia, Monica, and Ana gave him a dirty look.

''Hey don't look at me like that, I just want it to be fair for everyone'' Damian said, defending himself.

''Just wait a few years then it won't be too late, it's not like you're getting old'' Damian said again.

''Fine'' Carol said reluctantly.

''By the way, I'm having my friend over for dinner'' Damian said out of nowhere.

Everyone couldn't help but turn their attention to Damian again, it was strange that they had visitors.

''She doesn't know what we are so be careful not to expose yourselves'' Damian said, even though it was a lie and Jen probably knew more than everyone here it would be fun to watch them fight.

''Don't worry it's not like we're any different than humans'' Carol said as she played with Monica, right after saying that she apparently lost the game and her body glowed in cosmic light as she smashed the console controller.


''Whatever'' Damian said as he looked at Carol speechless.

Time passed and soon they were alerted that there was someone at the gate, Damian told the guards to let her through and that she was a friend of his so that in the future she would not be stopped.

Damian stood to open the door and when he saw that it was the right person he gestured for her to enter.

Everyone was waiting to know what kind of friend Damian had invited, was she beautiful? Did she have superpowers? And the most important question of all, were they starting some kind of relationship?

Many questions ran through all the girls waiting for the mysterious friend to enter, but they expected anything but a bald woman in a Buddhist dress to walk in.

''Hi,'' Jen said as she gave her trademark smile to everyone.

Damian went behind Jen and pushed her forward slightly before introducing her.

''Girls, this is Jen, a rather old friend,'' Damian said, smiling.

''Why do you have to mention my age?'' Jen said looking at Damian annoyed.

''What are you talking about?I just said you're an old friend, after all, we've known each other for 11 years'' Damian said, feigning innocence to which he only received an annoyed look from Jen.

''Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Damian's mother'' Said Sophia.

''Hm'' Said Ana looking at Jen a little confused, she wondered if Damian's tastes had changed, should she get a haircut?

''Hi Jen, I'm Damian's wife, although we're not married yet'' Said Carol smiling.

''Hi, I'm Damian's daughter Monica'' Monica said.

''Hm, nice to meet you, Damian has told me about you'' said Jen cordially.

''How did you all meet?'' Carol asked curiously.

''Damian came to a shrine I was guarding where we met, chatted, and eventually became friends, although sometimes it makes me want to sew his mouth shut,'' Jen said, smiling kindly as if there was nothing wrong with what she was saying.

''So you're some sort of priestess?'' Sophia asked, she couldn't be blamed for thinking that, after all, Jen was wearing clearly ornamental oriental-looking clothing.

''She's like a cult leader'' Damian said jokingly.

''I'm not a cult leader'' Jen said, annoyed.

''I'm a spiritual guide for lost people'' Jen said.

''But you have disciples and ranks within the group, not to mention operating in secret, that's clearly a cult'' Damian said.

''Don't worry, we won't judge you'' Said Carol looking at her sympathetically.

Jen was speechless, she could only look very annoyed at Damian.

''Well, how about we stop by for lunch? I'll let you taste all kinds of things, '' Damian said to Jen.

"Well, I'm expecting it," Jen said.

The five women and Damian walked to the dining room, each took a seat, and soon the maids came in, bringing food and placing it in front of each person.

As they ate Damian couldn't help but annoy Carol by making her hands glow by sending her pulses of cosmic energy.

Carol quickly hides her hand as Damian told her that Jen doesn't know anything about superpowers.

Carol was very surprised, she doesn't know why her power activated out of nowhere.

Fortunately, Jen was looking away and didn't notice, or so she thinks.

Soon some strands of her hair started to glow and float, Carol again in panic tried to pull them down and not be noticed but soon her whole body started to glow and she looked like a deer in headlights looking at Jen and Damian.

''Pfff'' Damian laughed loudly.

Hearing Damian laugh like that she understood that he was the one to blame for everything, she thought was losing control of her powers, and she couldn't help but blush intensely and shoot Damian a lightning bolt.


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