Chapter 44

Damian and Sophia watched as the three women entered the mall, they attracted attention because of how beautiful they were. Still, as they kept walking they eventually got out of sight and didn't cause much commotion.

Damian and Sophia watched as they passed by different types of stores, from everyday clothing to pajamas, dresses, and toiletries.

For Damian, it was all really boring, as they just chatted nonchalantly about their tastes or which dress or clothes were better.

Although it got a little interesting when they got to the underwear Damian didn't really spy on Natasha, Natasha didn't have that kind of relationship with him, and he would be violating her privacy if they further develop that kind of relationship he will be able to see and touch everything.

It was 3 hours after they arrived at the mall and finally finished shopping for the basics, he watched with Sophia as they made their way to some tables and ordered food.

Damian watched as Sophia got excited when they sat down as they were finally going to discuss something interesting to her.


Carol, Ana, and Natasha finished shopping for clothes, they spent quite a while talking about their clothing preferences until they sat down and ordered things to eat, the atmosphere couldn't help but become a little tense as they shared glances and waited for someone to start the conversation.

''So, how did you meet Damian?'' Ana asked inexpressively when she saw that no one was talking.

''I met him when I was 16, at the time I was on a mission to infiltrate Madripoor and uncover its secrets,'' Natasha said sincerely.

''16 years old? Wow, you started young to be a spy'' Carol said a little curious.

''Young?, I was sold by my family to the Red Room as they considered me to have great genetic potential, I was trained for as long as I can remember'' Natasha said casually as if she didn't care.

After Natasha talked about her past there was an awkward silence, although Ana and Carol have been through unusual situations in their childhood it is nothing compared to Natasha who apparently did not know her family and was trained from a very young age.

''I'm sorry,'' Carol said somewhat uncomfortably.

''Don't worry, it's what I'm used to, besides now I'm free and I can choose who I work for,'' Natasha said, although this is not entirely true.

''Are you a natural redhead?'' Ana asked her out of the blue while looking at her hair.


Carol and Natasha couldn't help but stare at Ana for her anticlimactic comment.

''Uh yeah, it's natural'' Natasha said a little speechless.

''I wonder if I should paint it on'' Ana murmured softly.

Although Natasha couldn't hear her, Carol heard her clearly and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

''And what can you tell me about yourselves?'' Natasha asked.

''I like Damian,'' said Ana.

''It would be weird if it didn't,'' Carol said mockingly.

''What about you? I heard you were a pilot'' Natasha said looking at Carol with a slight smile.

''Yes, many years ago, but I left him'' Carol said without going into details as it is a very long story.

''How old are you?'' Natasha asked hesitantly, Carol looked to be around 25 years old.

''She's 41 years old'' Ana said with some mockery towards Carol.

''Shut up,'' Carol said annoyed.

''What?'' Natasha said with surprise.

''Carol could easily be your mother'' Said Ana teasing Carol.

Carol just glared furiously at Ana and you could see some sparks flying in her hair.

''We're the same age,'' Carol said, gritting her teeth.

''How is that possible?'' Natasha asked doubtfully.

After giving Ana an annoyed look, She look at Natasha with a smile before answering her.

''It's only because of Damian, you know, advanced technology and all that'' Carol said using Damian as an excuse.

''Is your technology good for healing? I don't know, like recovering limbs or repairing organs?'' Natasha said doubtfully as she unconsciously moved her hand a little closer toward her abdomen.

''Don't worry if you can't answer, sorry for the indiscreet question'' Natasha said realizing that her question could be misunderstood.

''Hm yeah, let's say Damian has those abilities'' Carol said doubtfully, Natasha looked a bit distressed asking that, she guessed she has her own problem.

''Why do you ask?'' Carol asked curiously.

''No, don't worry it's just curiosity'' Natasha said smiling to avoid further questions.

''And tell me have you ever had a partner before?'' Carol asked, leaving the previous topic aside.

''No, I've been a spy all my life and I've never really had a personal life'' Natasha said.

''What about you, was Damian your first boyfriend?'' Natasha asked curiously, she couldn't imagine how two women who were not from some particular culture could share a man.

''Yes, Damian was my first boyfriend, at that time it was not normal for women to fly planes which caused several conflicts so I actually found men annoying, Damian was different from the others and supported me, plus him being incredibly handsome helped a lot'' Said Carol laughing, Natasha also laughed softly.

''And tell me how you agreed to share him? that's not very common in this part of the world,'' Natasha said curiously.

''Well there are many reasons, I admit that I was angry too when she told me but with time I have learned to see the good side, I have Ana who is like a sister to me'' Said Carol smiling at Ana.

Ana couldn't help but feel some heat on her cheeks but just pretended not to hear anything.

''Although sometimes I feel like strangling her'' said Carol with a smile.

''It is also clear that Damian is a king and he is a very powerful man, usually, those people have multiple lovers or just fun nights out, unlike, Damian is very loyal to our relationship, he has never been with anyone but the two of us'' Said Carol.

''You look like a woman selling her husband,'' said Ana mockingly.

''Hm, I understand that there are women who would rather share a powerful man than be alone with an ordinary one'' Natasha said nodding with understanding.

''Well, are you that kind of woman too?'' Carol asked jokingly with a mischievous look.

''Hm, if it's the right man I don't mind being a mistress'' Natasha said matter-of-factly, after all, she can't give a family to the man she loves.


Damian watched as the girls chatted casually and laughed.

''Looks like nothing dramatic happened,'' Damian said looking at Sophia.

''You're just lucky to have them, they accept your wishes gently'' Sophia said annoyed, she just wanted to see some drama.

''Well, I'm lucky to have them'' Damian said looking at them and smiling.

''Let's go back, I guess nothing will happen'' Sophia said bored.

Damian rolled his eyes before grabbing her and teleporting them home.

''Tell me, do you intend to reveal your identity as a vampire?'' Sophia asked casually as she leaned back against Damian on the couch.

''You make it sound like I'm some kind of superhero,'' Damian said wryly.

''You know what I'm talking about'' Sophia said hitting him with her elbow.

''I'm not sure if the reveal is the word I would use but surely everyone in the future will know'' said Damian thinking about the first appearance of the avengers.

''Things will change when that happens'' Sophia said, at this time most people in the world did not believe in the supernatural, only in science, with the arrival of fantasy beings and magic the world's beliefs will change.

''I really don't care,'' Damian said indifferently.

Sophia just rolled her eyes.

Damian and Sophia watched TV for a while until Ana, Carol and Natasha arrived.

"How did it go girls?'' Sophia asked as she stood up excitedly and watched their expressions, there didn't seem to be discomfort in any of them so nothing should have happened after they left.

''Fine, we bought a lot of things'' Carol said cheerfully, over the years she has gotten a taste for spending money.

''Did you get everything you need Natasha?'' Sophia asked Natasha.

''Yes, I got everything, thank you very much'' Natasha said with a pleasant smile.

''Come I'll walk you to your room, you must be tired, after all, the time in both countries is different, sure you want to sleep'' said Damian also getting up.

''Hm, I hadn't thought of that, you must be tired'' Carol said giving Natasha a slightly apologetic look at all the stores they went to.

''Let's go'' Damian said smiling, he took the bags they bought before starting to walk towards Natasha's room.

"Right," Natasha said before starting to follow Damian.

Natasha followed Damian through the house until they reached a room, Damian opened the door before gesturing for her to enter.

Natasha with a slight smile entered the room and looked around, it was a very nice room, better than anything she could afford 'working' for The Red Room.

''Do you like it?'' Damian asked behind her.

''Yes, it's very nice, thank you for accepting me into your home'' Natasha said turning around and smiling at Damian.

''It's okay, I wouldn't want you to be alone in an unknown country'' Damian said.

''Tell me, why did you release me 5 years ago?'' Natasha asked suddenly, she had always wanted to know why, even if they weren't going to kill her they should have kept her locked up because of the information she had acquired.

''Because you're really not a bad person and I really like redheads,'' Damian said with a slight smile.

''Be serious'' Natasha said looking away slightly with some embarrassment.

''Although it was important information for many countries I really didn't think it was, no country can take something from me down there, if it had been someone else it is true that I would have locked you up because your information would cause an annoying wave of spies, but you are special'' Damian said smiling at her.

''Although I want to ask you something too'' Damian said before Natasha could answer anything.

''Why did you agree to live with someone who is almost a stranger?'' Damian asked looking at her mischievously.

''Well...I just, I don't know, just ever since we met 5 years ago I've always thought very highly of you, you were kind to me and gave me some hope for going on'' Natasha said somewhat embarrassed.

''I'm glad I was able to have some positive effect on your life'' Damian said stroking her hair, Natasha was somewhat short at only 5'6", she looked quite small next to him.

''Well, then I hope you can count on me now for anything you need'' Damian said smiling at her.

''Hm, if I need anything I'll tell you'' Natasha said without being able to deny something to those red eyes that were looking at her with intensity.

''I'm happy to help you with whatever you need'' Damian said smiling at her.

''I think I'll let you rest, remember this is your home now'' Damian said before closing the door to the room.

Natasha couldn't help but sigh when she saw Damian come out, it really made her nervous which was strange for a spy like her.

But there was nothing she could do, his red eyes hypnotized her and his softly spoken voice melted her, she couldn't help but touch her stomach and sigh at the thought that she may never be able to experience being a mother with the man she loves.

At 21 almost no woman wants to be a mother, but maybe when you lose something you took for granted you start to want it.

Natasha lay down on the bed and with the same clothes she was wearing she fell asleep, she hadn't slept for many hours due to the time change and she really felt tired.

His emotions were on a roller coaster today, first, she saw Damian again, she met his wives, and the most unlikely thing she would have thought, she is living with Damian.

She also wondered if she could become Damian's mistress, his two wives seem nice and maybe they were open to someone else coming in.

Natasha fell asleep for the first time in years with hope and happiness for living, even though she can't have a relationship with Damian she is happy living here and having people she can call family or friends.

Damian who was leaning against the wall of his room smiled slightly as he felt her falling asleep before going down to the living room, he was curious to know what Carol and Ana thought of Natasha.

He hoped everything would go smoothly on that side.


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