Chapter 61

Damian appeared again at the entrance of his universe without the cold expression he had shown before as he was just acting, it was not really his personality to act like that but he wanted to appear ruthless.

He who remains just wanted to test him to see if he could eliminate him, he wanted his sacred timeline back, Damian just hopes it was enough for him not to start plotting behind his back.

If Damian were a lonely person he wouldn't care he would look forward to his plans, unfortunately, he can't endanger his family, Alioth is clearly a threat even to Carol.

The good thing is that he has no way of seeing into his universe so he doesn't know anything about Damian.

That question aside, Damian touched his timeline and felt the suction again before entering.

Damian appeared back in his universe, where he could feel his connection to the two stones that let him know he was home.


The first day after Damian's departure, the entire group of women went to a cold climate country to enjoy the hot springs.

Ophelia took care of renting the entire place so they could enjoy themselves without any problems.

So the whole group was each on a changing table putting on a bikini.

''I'll finally get a break,'' Ophelia said from her changing table.

''You're not fooling anyone, I know perfectly well that you go to the resorts'' Said Ana putting on her bikini on her changing table.

''Hmph, you should worry about whether Damian will bring any girls'' said Ophelia as she stepped out of her changing table and ran towards the hot springs.


There was silence in the fitting rooms at Ophelia's words.

"Dad wouldn't do that... would he?'' Monica asked hesitantly.

"He won't," Carol said firmly.

''How confident you are,'' said Maria mockingly, who had already finished changing and was waiting outside.

''It's not confidence, it's just that I know Damian and I know he wouldn't bring someone from another universe as it would be problematic for everyone'' Carol said nonchalantly as she walked out of the locker room in her bikini.

''Anyway, we came here to relax, so let's not talk about those issues," Carol said, ending the discussion.

Soon the entire group headed for the terminal waters and submerged.

''Ah~...I really needed that'' said Jane slowly dipping.

"Don't make weird noises," Monica told Jane.

''Don't be a bad thinker,'' Jane said, looking at her with annoyance.

"How are your investigations going, Jane?" Sophia asked.

''Well, not bad, I've started researching storms and soon I'll have a serv...I mean an intern'' said Jane coughing slightly.

Everyone looked at her speechless at her slip.

"And tell me, have you ever had a boyfriend? If you want, I can give you advice on these matters'' asked Carol, giving her a knowing smile.

''What advice, if you've only had one boyfriend and he's Damian, not to say you're an easy one'' Said Ana mocking mercilessly from a corner of the spa.

''Shut up, you're no different,'' Carol said.

''There is a difference, I offered myself to Damian and you were just easily conquered'' Ana said with a slight smile.

''Come on girls don't fight, in the end, with Damian's looks it's very easy to fall'' said Natasha smiling slightly.

Ana and Carol snorted and looked away.

''Jane, why are you blushing? Don't imagine my father's face'' said Monica comically shaking Jane.

The whole group of women just watched him with a faint smile and did not make any comment, as it would make the atmosphere uncomfortable.

"Tell me, Jane, why are you going so fast with your studies? you should have taken a break," Carol asked curiously.

''Well... when I wanted answers about the New York portal Damian told me to look for them myself so...'' Said Jane somewhat flushed without finishing the sentence.

''You really are hopeless'' said Monica sighing, although she believed Jane liked her father she needed to confirm it and be prepared for whatever might come.

The girls enjoyed the water until Jane couldn't take it anymore and her skin became like a raisin.

They all accompanied her and arrived in a room with several sofas, everyone relaxed while the staff brought them food and drink.

''This is the life I deserve," said Ophelia, sighing with satisfaction.

Ana just looked at her with disdain while drinking juice.

"Tell me, Jane, did you ever talk about becoming a vampire with Damian? Sophia asked.

Jane couldn't help but grimace at Sophia's question.

''Well, Damian never offered it to me,'' Jane said.

''You didn't ask him either,'' Carol said with a slight chuckle.

''I think he thought you were young and might decide later, after all, for some people it may not be an easy decision," Sophia said.

''It's very difficult to know what's going on in his head, so it's better not to guess anything, he must have his reasons,'' Ophelia said.

''Well, the idea of drinking blood turns my stomach a little," Jane said, somewhat uncomfortable with the subject.

"Well, it depends on whose blood we're talking about," Ophelia said.

''If you have tasted Damian's blood and then taste that of a normal human you will find it disgusting'' said Ophelia licking her lips at the thought of Damian's blood.

''Hm,'' Jane nodded as if she considered it the most normal thing to do, someone as handsome as Damian sure his blood is sweet.

''Humans have a lot of cholesterol in their blood and, believe me, cholesterol tastes terrible," Ophelia said with a grimace.

"By the way, what happens if you drink animal blood?" asked Jane innocently.

All the vampires in the room couldn't help but freeze at that question since they didn't know either.

"Maybe we should do an experiment?" asked Ophelia hesitantly.

''But who would do it? It's kind of gross to think about doing it,'' Monica said.

"What if we turn someone into a vampire and give them animal blood and see what happens?" asked Ophelia with great curiosity.

''As you would expect from a villain,'' Carol said, looking at Ophelia with disdain.

''Hey!, it's for the good of the race,'' Ophelia said with annoyance justifying herself.

"Maybe Damian knows?'' Sophia asked hesitantly.

''Maybe... we should ask him when he comes back'' said Carol, although she was not a vampire she was also curious.

The rest of the day was spent resting before the group decided to return.

When they all arrived at the house, Carol pulled Ana aside before having a secret conversation.

"Do you think we should invite Natasha to sleep with us? Carol asked Ana.

''Do you want to take Damian's harem? It's not enough with me? you even want Natasha too'' Said Ana looking at Carol with disdain.

''In that case, I would go to sleep with Natasha and not with you, her red hair is really beautiful'' Said Carol teasing Ana.

Ana couldn't help but look at Carol with annoyance as thoughts of dyeing her hair resurfaced.

"Come on, seriously, it would be nice to be closer," Carol said.

''Okay, I agree,'' said Ana.

"You could have said that from the beginning," Carol said.

''If I don't make fun of you daily, you might start thinking weird things,'' Ana said.

Carol just stared at her wordlessly before turning away and going to find Natasha.

Carol found Natasha in the kitchen eating something.

"Hi Nat, do you want to sleep with Ana and me today?'' Carol asked.

"Just sleep, right?'' Natasha joked with a slight smile.

''Well, if you want to do something else I won't say no either,'' Carol laughed.

''I meant Ana, you're not my type'' Natasha laughed as she saw Carol's frozen expression.

''What happened to the tender Natasha who was afraid to look me in the eye because she liked my husband?'' Carol said, sighing.

Natasha only laughed lightly at Carol's words.

"We'll sleep with our clothes on, won't we?" asked Natasha, remembering the bath scene.

''Well, we have never slept without Damian, maybe we sleep in our underwear, now that I think about it I think that with Ana we don't have pajamas'' Said Carol while thinking that in reality they always slept naked.

''So you sleep naked too, I just hope I don't become a nudist like you guys'' said Natasha, sighing.

''Come on, you don't get it, when you do that sort of thing with Damian you'll understand'' Carol said, smiling suggestively at her.

''Things will change when the children arrive anyway,'' Carol says.

"Children, huh?" Natasha said with some nostalgia.

''Come on, don't make that face, that's why Damian left'' Said Carol gently nudging Natasha.

''You're right, it just brings back memories of the red room'' said Natasha, smiling at Carol.

''Okay let's forget it, let's go to the room'' Said Carol pulling Natasha.

While Carol was talking to Natasha, Ophelia approached Ana.

''Yo,'' Ophelia said to Ana.

''What's up?'' Anna asked.

"Do you still have it?" asked Ophelia.

''Yes, but I don't have much left, you know the current situation, I can't give you the same price as before'' said Ana looking at Ofelia with a slight smile.

"That's taking advantage," Ophelia said in annoyance.

''I want 5 liters'' said Ana.

''Forget it, the most I can give you is 2, do you think it's easy to get?'' Ophelia said, annoyed.

''Fine'' Ana said with a faint smile.

''We'll make the switch where we always do, you really are a vampire'' said Ophelia giving Ana a dirty look before leaving.

On another side of the house, Jane and Monica were lying together.

Monica and Jane had been used to sleeping together since they were in college, and they also occasionally watched movies and fell asleep, so their closeness was not unusual.

Monica and Jane were leaning against the back of the bed as they each did their own thing.

Monica looked thoughtfully at Jane, who was looking at her cell phone with a faint smile.

"Tell me, Jane, do you like my father?" asked Monica, looking at Jane.

''What!?'' Jane shouted and almost dropped her phone.

''Well, you've always reacted so much to him, you look like a deer in the headlights when you see him'' said Monica.

Well... I'd say it's something of a platonic crush," Jane said with flushed cheeks.

''He's your cousin,'' Monica said, looking at her speechless.

''It's your father, I've seen you look at him weird too'' said Jane looking at Monica.

''Well, Dad is very handsome, what if I look at him a little bit? Monica said, raising her voice.

''So, how about I look at it a little bit too,'' Jane said.

"So you don't want to have any kind of relationship with Dad?" Monica asked seriously.

''Of course not, he's my cousin, he's just my visual enjoyment,'' Jane said with a blush.

"What about you?'' Jane asked hesitantly.

''He's my father,'' Monica said, looking at Jane speechless.

''You're a vampire, reasons shouldn't affect you'' said Jane rolling her eyes.

''Although I think my dad is the most handsome man in the world I'm definitely not looking for that kind of relationship, stop imagining weird things'' said Monica looking at Jane with disdain.

''You never know what might go through the mind of a perverted vampire," Jane said mockingly.

"You're the pervert," Monica said.

''I'm glad you're not behind my father, it would be awkward,'' Monica said.

''Tell me, what do you think of your new mother?" asked Jane teasingly as she changed the subject.

"She's not my mother," Monica muttered in annoyance.

''I'm sorry to tell you that all of your father's wives are at least your stepmothers,'' Jane said, teasing Monica.

''Now the difference between you and her is only one year, I wonder how many years the difference will be for the next one'' Jane continued as she laughed seeing Monica's expression change as she spoke.

''I haven't been able to talk to her much, if my dad chose her she must at least be good to her loved ones so I have nothing to say'' said Monica answering seriously to avoid further teasing.

''Enough of these topics, does that doctor still bother you? asked Monica laughing.

''Yes, he's been quite persistent, your father really hurt me, my standard of appearance is too high'' Jane sighed.

''Well, that happens when you get used to something better, you don't want to go back to the old,'' said Monica, smiling wryly as her situation is somewhat similar.

''Maybe you should look for a beauty god, I wonder if someone like that would be more handsome than daddy'' Monica said as she tried to picture it.

"Do gods exist?" asked Jane, very surprised.

"Wait, you didn't know?" asked Monica in surprise.

''Of course not,'' Jane said, annoyed.

''Well, I heard about it a few years ago, do you remember the trip dad took with grandma, Ana, and Carol?'' asked Monica.

I remember I had just recently come to live with you,'' Jane nodded.

''Well, according to what dad told me they went to a place called Omnipotence City where almost all the gods of the universe gather'' said Monica.

"So all mythologies are real?" asked Jane, very confused.

''I think so. Remember the golden lightning bolt that hung in the living room? Aunt Carol bragged about snatching it from Zeus," Monica said.

"Wow, so the gods aren't that strong?" asked Jane.

''There are strong and weak gods, plus dad also told me that if gods lose their will they start to weaken, he told me that Zeus was incredibly weak'' said Monica.

''In the end, the gods are nothing more than very powerful aliens, if you think about it dad looks more like a god than they do'' said Monica laughing.

"At first glance, yes," Jane said blushing.

''Jane!'' Monica shouted to Jane as she laughed.


Guys, I wanted to leave this chapter to maybe get to know all the female characters better, especially Jane who doesn't usually have that much participation.

You know, when I was reading, many times I realized that the authors forgot some characters and now I understand them, many times I write a chapter and I remember that at that time there was a character that didn't appear, which makes me go back to the chapter and introduce it somehow.

Remember that you can support me and see 10 advanced chapters at