Chapter 81

Damian hovered a few inches off the ground with Carol in his arms.

With their stretching completed, they could return home.

''It's time to go back,'' said Damian stroking Carol's back.

''Hm, let's go back,'' Carol said with a smile as she hugged Damian.

They both quickly cleaned up before starting to get dressed.

Carol activated her costume on her bracelet causing her costume to grow from her wrist and cover her entire body, she had no idea where her panties had been.

Damian also pulled a garment from his dimensional pocket before teleporting them both home.

Damian and Carol showed up at the entrance before going in, they were usually up a little early for training so it was just Sophia and Natasha awake.

Carol went forward to greet Sophia and Natasha who smiled back at her.

''That suit really suits you," Sophia said, smiling as she pinned it on.

''It really is like a superheroine's costume,'' said Natasha nodding.

Damian smiled at Natasha's words.

It was already mid-2007, a little less than half a year before Tony's kidnapping, which would trigger the era of superheroes.

Speaking of Tony, Damian was still pretty much in touch with him, he was his only male friend although he was a really annoying jerk at times.

Damian had played matchmaker between Tony and Pepper, and while there were no results yet he had noticed that Tony was paying more attention to Pepper while also toning down his playboy tendencies a bit.

It looked like Tony was trying to resist but finally couldn't take it, which led him to drink sugar-free coffee.

Damian approached and also greeted Sophia and Natasha before heading upstairs.

He arrived at the room where his daughters usually slept only to be surprised not to see them sleeping there.

Damian frowned deeply as he scanned the entire city.

In the end, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his overreaction when he detected them in his room.

It is practically impossible for someone to kidnap them.

Damian walked to his room and saw Ana in bed sleeping next to Alice, Emma, and Ivy.

Damian smiled softly as he approached them before pulling the blankets aside and laying down next to Ivy.

So the three babies were left between Ana and Damian.

Damian gently stroked the hair of Ivy who was closest to him.

The three girls were really a handful since they learned to walk, they would not sit still and be full of curiosity about the world.

They didn't look any different from a normal 1-year-old baby, if there was something to highlight it would be the hair, the color of her hair was very intense, Alice's hair was almost golden and she looked like Carol with her powers activated.

Ivy also had very colorful green hair, Emma's hair on the other hand was very black and almost seemed to absorb the light.

Damian smiled as he felt at peace watching his three little girls, unknowingly his eyes closed before he fell asleep.

Damian didn't know how long it was before he felt small hands touching his face.

He opened his eyes a little puzzled to see beautiful green eyes.

Damian smiled at the sight of Ivy playing with his face.

''Hi sweetheart'' said Damian, smiling at his daughter.

''Daddy, your face is really soft'' said Ivy laughing.

Damian laughed at the sound of his daughter's adorable voice.

Ana also laughed softly at the sight of them.


Ana was surprised when she woke up and saw Damian sleeping with her and the girls.

Still, she decided not to wake him up and just sat on the bed while watching her family.

Although Alice and Ivy were not her biological daughters, it made little difference to Ana.

She really loved all three of them, even many times nursing Alice or Ivy.

In the end, Ana, who seemed the coldest and most inexpressive, turned out to be the most maternal.

As she watched Damian, her daughters woke up.

All three gently rubbed their eyes as they looked around.

Seeing their father sleeping next to them, they couldn't help but show smiles of happiness before approaching him.

Ivy was the quickest and sat on Damian's chest before she started playing with his face.

Ana couldn't help but chuckle slightly as she watched Damian wake up, she also really liked playing with Damian's face when he slept, it was really soft.

Damian laughed as he waved to Ivy and looked at his other two daughters and Ana.

Damian's only regret about having three daughters is that he only has two arms.

Still, Damian drew his three daughters close with his arms before leaving kisses on their cheeks.

''What are my little girls doing in my bed?'' Damian asked, smiling.

''Alice made noise and woke us up so we came to see if we could sleep here,'' said Ivy adorably.

''I didn't make that much noise,'' Alice muttered, pouting.

''We knocked on the door'' said Emma with a proud smile, several times their parents had told them they had to knock before entering.

Damian gave a slight laugh when he heard Emma's words, on many occasions the girls almost caught them doing things for adults, fortunately, Damian reacted in time and avoided the situation.

''Did you forget about me now that you see your father?'' Anne asked with a smile as she came up from behind and caught Alice in her embrace.

''Mommy, I want Daddy,'' said Alice pouting.

''Little girl, now you want your father, don't you? When you get hungry go get him too'' said Ana scolding her while laughing.

''I'm hungry,'' Alice said, looking at Ana.

Ana just laughed softly looking at Alice, she was a cheeky little minx like her mother.

''I'm hungry too,'' said Emma, nodding.

''Me too,'' Ivy said with a smile.

"I heard that my little girl is hungry," said Ophelia from the entrance of the room. She had just finished some business in Madripoor and was in a hurry to feed her daughter.

"Mommy!" said Ivy happily as she saw her.

"How are you, honey? Did your mom Ana bother you?" Ophelia asked, laughing as she took Ivy in her arms.

Ivy looked at Ophelia in confusion. Why would her mother bother her?

"Let's go have breakfast," said Damian, smiling slightly as he took Emma in his arms and got out of bed.

The whole group, including Carol, Sophia, and Natasha who were still talking downstairs, followed Damian. He didn't sleep for very long; it must have been about half an hour.

Upon reaching the dining room, the previously unnecessarily large table was already filling up. Ivy, Emma, and Alice had their own special chairs to reach the table.

In total, there were nine people, and that was without Monica, Jane, and Maria, who usually came a couple of times a week. Monica, in particular, came almost every day.

"Mommy, can I have some?" Emma asked shyly, seeing Ana drinking a cup of blood.

"Honey, you know the rules. It's one bottle a day, and it's not time yet," said Ana, smiling as she arranged Emma's hair.

Emma pouted; she really liked tasting her father's blood.

Ana just smiled when she saw their disappointed faces. They were given Damian's blood only once a day, and after several tests, they realized that it was the optimal amount for their age.

"You should look at Alice," said Ana, looking disdainfully at Carol.

Carol turned to look and saw her daughter eating. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw Alice's big appetite.

"Sometimes I wonder if you had daughters or photocopies," Sophia said, denying with a faint smile.

After breakfast, everyone went to do their own thing.

Damian approached Ophelia, who was watching the girls through the window. Damian sat in a chair a little behind her. The next day was going to be his daughter's first birthday, and she had taken it upon herself to prepare a big party.

"How is everything going for tomorrow?" Damian asked, looking at Ophelia.

"Alright, but are you sure it's okay to have such a big event? I thought it would be something more intimate," Ophelia asked, a little confused as she looked at Damian.

Damian had always been a low-key person, and throwing such a high-profile party was not his way of doing things.

"I have my reasons. I want my daughters to experience that kind of thing. Although they are young, they are also very smart," said Damian, getting up and looking out the window.

"I'm a little worried if my daughters will adapt well to this world. This world is so normal and fragile that I worry about how they will feel as they grow up," Damian said thoughtfully.

"We had no powers from birth and grew up as normal people," said Damian, referring more to everyone than to himself.

"Just the thought of my daughters living a life where they have to repress themselves and pretend to be like everyone else makes me want to destroy the current society and create something where they can be free; a place where they can use their abilities to their heart's content," said Damian, with a twinkle in his eye as he continued to think about the Reality Stone.

"How frightening," said Ophelia mockingly, looking at him.

"You know, when I saw the Hulk videos, I got excited, as I thought this world can be more than what we see. I hadn't thought from that point of view," said Ophelia, nodding as she looked at her daughters.

"I just hope it doesn't come to that point, and that they can adapt well to this world, or the world will have to adapt to them, and a lot of people will die in the process," said Damian, watching as his daughters played with Sassy.

Alice was riding Sassy as she roared and played at attacking Emma and Ivy. Alice had a big smile as her hair glistened slightly.

Emma and Ivy laughed as they ran and deftly dodged Sassy's attempts to capture them.

Ivy waited for the moment when Sassy hit the ground before jumping up and hugging Alice, knocking her to the ground.

"She's good, just like her mother," said Ophelia, laughing as she watched Ivy's deft movement.

Damian just smiled softly at the sight of them.

"Tomorrow will be fun," Damian said, leaving the room with a smile.

As Damian walked into the living room to see what they were doing, he heard his phone ring.

"Hello," Damian said into the phone.

"Hey, I saw the invitation for your daughters' birthday. Did you email me instead of calling me?" asked Tony, complaining.

"The invitations were sent by Ophelia," Damian said with a laugh.

"Whatever, I've already prepared what to give those little devils," said Tony, laughing. He had met them several times, and they were always a pain in the ass. When he carried them, they often pulled his hair or his beard.

"Make sure you don't overdo it," Damian said with a laugh. He could picture Tony bringing a giant stuffed animal strapped to his jet.

"Don't worry, it's something simple but a lot of fun. I created it a while ago, waiting for their birthday," said Tony, smiling proudly on the other end of the phone.

"You seem to like kids. You should have one of your own," said Damian, chuckling softly, as he was curious about Tony's response.

Tony on the other end of the phone couldn't help but fall silent.

"I had already told you. I don't think I can be a good father. Mine wasn't with me, and I don't want to give my childhood to my child," said Tony, somewhat melancholic.

"I think you'd make a good father. Just ask Pepper," Damian said with a laugh.

"Ha ha, don't think I haven't seen what you're doing. I can't leave the wanderings, so it's best not to get into that kind of relationship with Pepper," said Tony, refusing.

"Just give it some time," Damian said with a laugh.

"I'll never change," Tony said, raising his voice through the phone.

"Anyway, I'm kind of busy. See you tomorrow," said Tony, saying goodbye.

"Hm, see you tomorrow," Damian said before cutting the call.

Damian was silent, thinking about Tony. There were about six months left until his kidnapping.

Damian had never considered deliberately altering those events; it was the moment when Tony changed and became the best version of himself. However, he felt guilty for allowing it to happen.

But only by witnessing firsthand the destruction and suffering caused by his weapons in the wrong hands could he change. He would have to ensure that he did not die accidentally.

As he walked into the room, Damian shook his head and smiled wryly. He could only act as Tony's guardian during those months to make up for it.


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