Chapter 95

Damian began asking questions of the hybrid man, and to his great surprise, the man responded in somewhat strange English. Unfortunately, this person didn't have all the answers Damian needed, but at least he learned how things worked in this place.

The dark-skinned beings with blue armor were called Bhadwuans; they were the masters of this place, and the hybrid men had been their slaves for as long as they could remember.

After obtaining this information, Damian released him before disappearing. The hybrid man looked around with confusion before going about his business.

Damian moved away from the area and started searching for some dinosaurs. He couldn't help but think that if he had believed this place existed, he could have gotten a dinosaur for his daughter many years ago.

Damian was cautious with this unknown civilization; he didn't know what tricks they might have, so he decided to test them.

He controlled a few dinosaurs and made them attack the main city of the Bhadwuans. Several Bhadwuans flew out of the city, shooting various magical abilities from their hands at the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs quickly fell to the attacks as the Bhadwuans approached, confused.

In the savage lands, no one dared to attack them; after so many attempts, obedience was almost ingrained in their DNA.

After finding nothing that could have caused the attack, they began to return to their city. At that moment, another dinosaur approached to attack, only to be brought down once again.

Looking in the direction the dinosaur came from, the group leader couldn't help but hesitate before telling one of his subordinates to go back and report.

The group leader, along with five members of his race, cautiously advanced in the direction where the dinosaurs came from. Along the way, they encountered many dinosaur attacks from the same direction.

Finally, they reached an area with sparse vegetation where they found a half-eaten dinosaur corpse; its flesh looked somewhat purplish and seemed to be poisoned.

The leader carefully scanned the surroundings before focusing on the corpse, and he sent one of his men to take samples and quickly return to the city to find out what was happening. The leader assumed that the poison had caused some kind of frenzy in the animals.

As the person carrying the sample flew, halfway through, gravity suddenly increased greatly, causing him to fall heavily to the ground. As he tried to get up, he saw someone appear in front of him; this person was different, with incredibly white skin.

"Who are you?" the man asked, gritting his teeth as he tried to stand up. Damian didn't understand the language, but he could still deduce what was said.

"I ask the questions here," Damian said with a slight smile before hypnotizing him. Clearly, Damian had caused all these "accidents" to create an opportunity to be alone with one of these individuals. Who knows if they were immune to hypnosis or something like that.

He was being extremely cautious since they didn't appear to be strong; he also didn't want to risk them knowing there were more people outside in case they didn't already know.

"Do you speak my language?" Damian asked in English.

"Yes," he replied.

"How do you know this language?" Damian asked, somewhat curious.

"Many years ago, people with white skin who spoke this language arrived. In the end, they proved to be too stupid and couldn't quickly learn our language, so we learned theirs," the man said in a neutral tone of voice.

"What happened to those people?" Damian asked.

"We conducted experiments on them after obtaining information from the outside world; in the end, they became hybrids," the man said.

Damian continued questioning him about his race. In the end, it turned out that these people were also more or less human; they were the survivors of Atlantis after a cataclysm more than 10,000 years ago.

This place served as an amusement zone for them, so they filled it with all kinds of ancient animals for occasional hunting. In the end, this place was the only one that survived.

Damian also inquired about their technology and numbers, although their knowledge was quite basic. There were about a million of them, and their technology wasn't as advanced as he had thought. It turns out they combined magic with technology, but it wasn't that impressive; clearly, they had reached a stagnation point thousands of years ago. Their technology was fairly average, comparable to that of a less developed intergalactic civilization.

They had remained isolated in this place because of a legend that said if they left, another cataclysm would befall them. Damian sensed that they had significant trauma associated with that word.

Damian released the soldier, who once again looked around somewhat confused before examining the sample in his hands and starting to run. His physical abilities were rather average, a little stronger than Captain America's. His magical abilities, on the other hand, were quite good, although a bit embarrassing as they had to recite spells.

There weren't any particularly impressive spells in the man's mind whom he had interrogated; they seemed quite typical of Western fantasy stories, such as fireballs or icy gusts.

Nevertheless, Damian was interested in reading their records to see if he could find something that would complement his magical system.

With the information complete, Damian disappeared from the place and reappeared in the underground laboratory where the scientist awaited him.

Upon seeing Damian, the scientist stood up and looked at him expectantly.

"How is the training going?" Damian asked, gazing at the scientist.

"Well, the soldiers have adapted to the armor. The results are better than we expected. They will undoubtedly cause a massacre," the scientist said, his eyes gleaming.

"Let's proceed as planned. Let them train for another month so they can fully utilize the armor's capabilities. In a month, we will take over the Savage Lands," Damian said.

"Yes, sir. The soldiers will be thrilled to flex their muscles," the scientist said with a big smile.

Damian mentally communicated with his AI, downloading the relevant content about the Savage Lands.

"The information about the place is already in the database. However, don't get too complacent, as I didn't infiltrate their base, so there may still be surprises. They should be prepared for any situation," Damian said, even though he would be there to prevent any accidents.

Damian also didn't want to hand everything to them on a silver platter. If he didn't let them suffer a little, they wouldn't become good soldiers.

"Yes, sir," the scientist said, nodding seriously.

"I'll be back. See you tomorrow," Damian said before disappearing, leaving the scientist to review the information.

Damian returned home somewhat disheartened for not having completed his magic system.

Still, he couldn't help but smile as he saw his daughters passing by.

"My princesses, give Daddy a kiss," Damian said, kneeling down and extending his arms to them.

The three girls laughed before running and hugging Damian, planting kisses on his face.

Damian held them in his arms as they talked about what they had done during the day.

"Daddy, are we humans?" Emma asked, looking at Damian.

The other two girls also fell silent and looked at their father.

"Why do you ask, sweetheart?" Damian asked, chuckling softly.

"We are different from Brian, Aminah, and Sharon," Emma said, looking at Damian.

"Well, sweetheart, you're right. The three of you are not humans," Damian said, touching Emma's little nose with his own.

Damian smiled ironically inside, as this was not a topic they should address at such a young age.

"If we're not humans, then what are we?" Ivy asked curiously.

"We're vampires," Damian said, chuckling lightly.

The three girls looked at him with confusion since they didn't know what that meant.

Damian looked at them, thinking for a moment before speaking.

"Tonight, I will tell you a vampire story so you can understand, okay?" Damian said, looking at them with a smile.

"Like in an animated book?" Alice asked, her eyes sparkling. She had seen some books that glowed and had moving pictures.

"Whatever you want, sweetheart," Damian said, smiling faintly.

The three girls nodded happily.

At that moment, Ana arrived, looking at the girls with a slight smile.

The three girls glanced at each other before starting to run in different directions.

"Study time?" Damian asked, laughing.

"Yes, I'll go find them," Ana said with a slight smile as she disappeared.

At that moment, Carol and Natasha came downstairs, engaged in a conversation. When they saw him, they stopped and greeted him.

"Are you going somewhere?" Damian asked, smiling at them.

"Yes, we're going to the mall," Carol said.

"Do you want to come?" Natasha asked, smiling.

"I would like to, but I have things to do," Damian said, sighing at the thought of the animated book he would have to create quickly.

"What do you have to do?" Carol asked, furrowing her brow with curiosity.

"I'm going to teach the girls what a vampire is. I'm going to create an animated book," Damian said, smiling ironically.

"Well, good luck. I'm also excited to see it," Carol said, giving Damian a kiss before leaving.

"You still have to convince me to be a vampire, so I'm waiting for your book," Natasha said, laughing before giving him a kiss and following Carol.

Damian was left alone, massaging his temples as he thought about what to do.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but think of a certain vampire movie for children, but when he remembered that it was about a vampire who marries a human, his expression couldn't help but darken.

Definitely, some things need to be changed.

Damian teleported to his AI's location in Madripoor before starting to share his memory of the movie.

"I want you to modify the movie. Make it shorter and add more about the fact that vampires drink blood. Also, remove the male character and replace him with a female, like this," Damian said, nodding as he saw the changes.

"I've completed several versions. You can choose one of them," the AI said.

Damian nodded before starting to watch all the movies in super-fast motion.

After an hour, Damian chose the best movie for this situation.

The characters remained mostly the same, but now the plot revolves around Dracula preventing Mavis from befriending a human.

The movie was quite entertaining, and some more adult scenes had been removed.

"Hm, perfect," Damian said, nodding.

"Thank you," Damian said before disappearing with the movie.

The AI remained silent, trying to process why his master always thanked him.

Damian returned home, smiling satisfactorily as he imagined how he would impress his daughters with the movie.

Damian arrived just in time to see his daughters running around, searching for hiding places. Smiling slightly, he assumed they had finished studying.

All three of them saw him and greeted him with a smile before going to hide.

After finding Alice in Damian's arms, they no longer asked him to help them hide.

Damian smiled and walked to the kitchen to get some fruit while he waited for the girls to finish playing.

Damian was eating when Ana appeared in the kitchen, quickly glancing around before focusing on him.

Damian looked at Ana as she approached, wearing a cute white dress.

Ana approached Damian and started running her hands all over his body, apparently searching for one of the girls.

Damian smiled slightly before lifting Ana by her legs and placing her on the small kitchen table.

"Damian," Ana protested playfully.

''Weren't you seducing me?'' Damian asked while leaving kisses on Ana's neck.

Ana raised her head as she let out a soft moan.

Damian licked Ana's neck a little before burying his fangs in her neck.

Ana moaned even louder as she hugged Damian's neck and wrapped her legs around Damian's back.

Damian took a few gulps before withdrawing his fangs and licking up the remaining blood.

''You are as delicious as ever," Damian said, looking at Ana with an affectionate smile.

Ana sighed as she rubbed her head against Damian, she felt like she had a mini orgasm at that moment.

"How will I keep playing now?" Ana asked, complaining as she was completely soaked.

"I love you," Damian said, smiling.

Ana blushed before gently hitting Damian's chest while softly murmuring that she loved him more.

At that moment, the three girls arrived, looking at them confused.

"What happened, Mommy?" Alice asked, approaching and looking at Ana curiously.

"I held Mommy back for you guys to win," Damian said, laughing.

The three girls laughed since they had never actually beaten Ana before.

"I have the story ready, although it won't be a book, it will be a movie, okay?" Damian asked, looking at his daughters.

"Yes!," x3.

"Great, then after dinner, we'll watch the movie together," Damian said, smiling.

"How about we play again? This time I'll count, so run," Damian said before covering his eyes against the wall and quickly starting to count.

Upon hearing him count so fast, the girls screamed and laughed as they ran as fast as they could.

"Go change or I'll hide in a certain place," Damian joked, laughing.

Ana also chuckled softly before going to change.

Damian continued playing for a while until lunchtime, and then they spent the rest of the afternoon together until movie time arrived.


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