Chapter 113

Two months later.

Damian woke up with a wet sensation on his chest.

He looked down and saw Natasha drooling in her sleep.

Damian chuckled slightly at the sight of her; for the past two months she had been running around eliminating HYDRA agents, usually arriving tired.

Damian gently stroked Natasha's head, running his fingers through her hair and massaging her scalp.

Natasha let out a soft moan of satisfaction, unconsciously moving closer to his hand.

Damian gently let her rest on the bed before getting up.

Walking downstairs, Damian entered the dining room and opened the fridge to find something to drink. He spotted a pitcher of orange juice and poured himself a glass. He took small sips, savoring the taste before finishing it all.

Damian teleported to Madripoor to the scientist's location.

The scientist was reviewing some files when Damian appeared next to him.

"My lord," greeted the scientist with a smile.

"How's everything going?" Damian asked, nodding in greeting.

"Everything is going well. The armors are almost ready, and things in Knowhere are going well too. There have been many traders," replied the scientist.

"With the new Spartans, we can finally rotate the ones in Knowhere. They've gotten quite bored after standing guard for two months,".

"Hm, have there been any repercussions for Tivan's death?" Damian asked. He knew Tivan had a brother, and even if he didn't believe he would seek revenge, it was better to be prepared.

"I looked into Tivan's brother, and it's a complicated planet. It's hard to say if he even received the news, considering the flow of time there," the scientist answered.

"Just let me know if there are any updates," Damian said.

"Here are the data from Knowhere. Several civilizations approached us to obtain materials," the scientist said, handing Damian a tablet with the data.

Damian reviewed the list and saw many unknown civilizations requesting to buy certain products.

"If there's anything we don't need, you can sell it. Set aside the most important things for the armor and only sell a small portion to those offering more," Damian instructed.

"In the future, we will create a true army of Spartans," Damian said with a slight smile as he handed the tablet back to the scientist.

"My lord... what kind of plans do you have for the future?" the scientist asked hesitantly.

Damian looked at the scientist for a moment before speaking.

"I intend to change this world. It will become hundreds of times more dangerous, and many people will die. Humans will have to fight again to become the dominant species, but they will also have the opportunity to be more. It's just that the opportunity hasn't come yet. There are still a few years left until the convergence," Damian explained.

The scientist looked at his king in astonishment. He would surely become an enemy of the world by doing that.

"Many will hate me, but others will be glad to have the opportunity to rise above the rest. While going through the Badwuan files, I investigated several humans," Damian continued.

"I found something really interesting about them. It seems there's a dormant gene within some humans, and it's highly likely that these genes will awaken with what I plan to do," Damian said.

"I haven't discovered the exact reason for these genes yet, but it's probably related in some way to the Celestials," Damian added.

"It seems things will get more lively over time," the scientist remarked with a wry smile.

"I'll have to trouble you for your assistance," Damian said, giving the scientist a slight smile.

''My lord, why would you do that?'' asked the scientist, looking at Damian.

''No race can thrive in darkness''.

"I'll be back. Let me know if there's any emergency," Damian said before disappearing.

Damian appeared back at his home just in time to see his three little girls coming down in their mothers' arms.

"Is Natasha still sleeping?" Damian asked with a smile as he saw them.

"Yes, she's sound asleep," Carol replied, laughing, as she approached Damian and handed him Alice, who hugged Damian's neck with a smile.

"Did you sleep well, baby?" Damian asked Alice softly as he stroked her hair.

"Yes," Alice replied, smiling happily.

"And what do you want to do today?" Damian asked, looking at Alice and his other two daughters in Ana and Ophelia's arms.

"Can we go to the amusement park?" Ivy asked excitedly.

"We don't have the height for the fun rides," Emma said, shaking her head cutely.

"I'm sure Daddy can do something about that, right?" Alice teased with a playful smile.

"Haha, she got you there," Ophelia laughed, already seeing how these three little ones controlled Damian.

"I guess we can go after breakfast," Damian said, happy to see the smiles on his little girls' faces.

The whole family moved to the dining room and started eating.

Emma tugged at Damian's sleeve with a small smile as she moved her plate closer to him.

Damian chuckled softly before feeding Emma with a smile.

"How did an ice block like you give birth to such an adorable daughter?" Carol whispered teasingly to Ana.

Ana looked at her with coldness before ignoring her.

Everyone finished breakfast and went upstairs to get ready.

Damian entered his room and approached Natasha, who was still sleeping.

"Sweetheart, do you want to go to the amusement park?" Damian asked softly, whispering in her ear.

"Hm, okay, just let me take a cold shower," Natasha replied, sitting up sleepily and rubbing her eyes gently.

"Come on, I'll help you," Damian said, smiling slightly at her sleepy expression, even though she really wanted to go.

Damian carried Natasha in his arms and took her to the bathroom, helping her undress.

"Your hair has grown quite a bit," Damian said, smiling as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"If it weren't for the suit, I would cut it," Natasha said, smiling. It was really annoying during fights, not to mention it could be used against her.

Natasha smiled coyly, looking back at Damian before turning on the shower.

Damian simply smiled back, not falling for her tricks. They didn't have much time to spare.

Several minutes later, everyone was dressed and getting into a minivan to go together.

Carol quickly took the driver's seat from Damian with a mischievous smile.

Damian rolled his eyes and sat in the back with everyone since Ana had already taken the co-pilot seat.

Natasha sat in the second row with Alice in her arms. Sophia was next to her with Emma.

In the third row, Ophelia sat with Ivy, so Damian sat next to them.

Ivy couldn't help but smile happily, being between her parents as they each held her hand.

Carol quickly started the car and began driving.

"By the way... where are we going?" Carol asked.

There was silence in the vehicle as almost everyone turned to look at Damian.

"I also don't know where there's an amusement park," Damian said directly, seeing everyone's gaze.

"I'm from Los Angeles," Carol laughed.

"I'm not even from this country," Ophelia said.

"Just look it up on the internet," Ana said, rolling her eyes.

Natasha quickly searched for it on the internet before showing Carol the way.

Around 20 minutes later, they arrived at an amusement park. It wasn't a holiday, so fortunately, there weren't many people.

The whole family got out of the vehicle before walking towards the entrance.

The girls happily jumped around as they looked around. They had wanted to come to a place like this for a long time, but they had been told they were too young.

Damian approached the counter before buying the tickets and entering with everyone.

The three girls quickly looked around for a ride to get on.

"How about we start with something gentle?" Damian asked with a smile, pointing to the carousel of horses in the distance.

"That looks a bit boring," Alice said, making a face.

"How about that one?" Ivy said, pointing in the distance where several swings were spinning in the air.

"Alright, let's go to that one," Damian said, nodding as he walked with the whole family towards the ride.

And so, the nine family members started queuing behind others.

As usual, their group attracted a lot of attention. The combination of hair colors drew looks wherever they went.

After several minutes, it was finally their turn, and they moved forward.

The ride attendant stopped them and hesitantly looked at the three little girls as they were smaller than allowed.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen," Damian said, smiling friendly.

The attendant absentmindedly nodded before letting them through.

Sophia glared at Damian as they passed by.

Damian made sure to hypnotize the other attendants before putting his daughters on the floating swings.

"Remember to hold on or you might fall," Damian said, smiling at his daughter as he fixed her hair.

Damian made sure everything was in order before taking his seat and waiting for the ride to start.

A few minutes later, the machine began to rotate, and the swings were pushed outward by centrifugal force.

The girls smiled happily as they looked around and felt the wind on their faces.

Several minutes later, they walked out of the ride, while the little girls searched for another ride to get on.

They passed by various types of attractions until they finally reached the roller coaster.

The girls were really excited to get on it.

This time, Damian transfigured the seat to fit the size of the little girls, or else they wouldn't enjoy the ride.

The roller coaster quickly started ascending before descending at high speeds. The three girls screamed in surprise, feeling the drop in their stomachs, before bursting into laughter and screams, enjoying the sensation of speed.

The roller coaster made several loops and even turned them upside down before coming to a stop.

Since it was getting late, they decided to take a break and grab something to eat. They quickly ordered all kinds of food offered at the park.

After eating, they continued to enjoy what the park had to offer.

Natasha approached the shooting games and successfully won three plush toys for the little girls.

Carol competitively approached and also hit all the shots, to the dismay of the owner.

Ophelia, who was also a skilled shooter, didn't lag behind and won plush toys as well.

The three little girls hugged their new plush toys tightly.

The owner watched the family walk away with dejection. It was as if he had worked for free that day.

Although unbeknownst to the owner, Damian made sure to leave him some money for the stuffed animals.

The whole family walked around for a while before deciding to head back home.

On the way back, they animatedly talked about the amusement park before arriving home.

Night quickly fell, and the whole family went to sleep.

Suddenly, the silence of the room was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing.

Ana opened her eyes with annoyance as she saw that it was her phone.

She picked it up and answered before falling silent.

"Hello? Ana?" Tony asked a bit timidly, definitely not because he was scared.

"Tony... what do you want?" Ana said slowly, making it even more intimidating for the person on the other end of the call.

"Well, Damian told me you were a lawyer and that you could represent me in the armor case. In the end, as Damian's wife, you also have a part in all of this," Tony said.

"Fine, I'll go," Ana said, giving a slight smile upon hearing the word "wife."

Tony had no clue why Ana suddenly changed her tone, but he didn't bother to find out. He quickly thanked her before hanging up.

"Why did you agree?" Carol asked curiously. Ana would usually refuse such things.

"It will make me famous so that my daughter knows her mother is awesome," Ana said, looking at Carol before lying down and closing her eyes.

Carol just chuckled before closing her eyes and falling asleep.


In a dimly lit room, several holograms were discussed.

"It's clear that there's a traitor; we just need to find out whose subordinate they are," said the first holographic figure.

"We've never had a spy of such a high level before. Almost all of New York has been swept, and we don't know what's happening there anymore," said the second holographic figure.

"We just need to calm down. What are a few deaths to us? Remember our motto," said the third figure, who seemed more composed about the situation.

"What do you think? You're stationed in that area," the first figure said, looking at another holographic figure who had remained silent the whole time.

"I'm just thinking. None of the soldiers under my command have all the information. The only option is if they obtained it from my house, but we all know the level of security those files have," said the fourth holographic figure.

''You should be careful, it's more than certain that he knows your identity, you should stop contacting any agents, they are probably just keeping you to catch more fish'' said the second figure.

"I still say we should calm down and lay low for a while," said the third figure.

"How's the situation in Madripoor? Have you made any progress?" the fourth holographic figure asked.

"You're really obsessed with that place. That man is not our enemy temporarily. Sending men to that place is like trying to empty the ocean. We have lost more than a thousand agents over the years because of your insistence," said the third figure.

"I think we already have enough enemies. Why look for someone else who's after us?" the third figure asked again, not really expecting an answer.

"I think you're mistaken," said the fifth figure, who had never spoken before. Their voice was somewhat distorted and robotic.

"According to my calculations, that man is our greatest enemy. From my perspective, it's like a cat playing with a mouse. He can kill it at any moment, but watching the mouse dance amuses him," said the fifth figure.

The room fell silent after those words. They knew their predictions were somewhat reliable.

"I will continue sending men," said the third figure, without any other option, only needing to find some 'volunteer' recruits.

"Let's lay low for a while," the fifth figure suggested.


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