Chapter 166

Steve left the hospital feeling great pressure in his heart.

He took his phone and looked up Natasha's contact.

Steve felt like he stared at the name for a long time before dialing.

He felt that what he was doing was very selfish, that he was using his friendship with Natasha to reverse something that was the natural order of things.

The phone rang for a few moments before Natasha's familiar voice answered.

''Hello Steve, and this miracle you call me?'' Natasha asked laughing.

"Hi Nat, can we meet?" Steve asked.

"Sure, I'll see you at that café in front of Stark Tower," Natasha said.

"I'll be waiting," Steve said before hanging up and calling a taxi.

10 minutes later.

Steve was at a small table for two, with one of his legs anxiously moving.

Suddenly, a very beautiful red-haired woman entered and looked around with curiosity before fixing her eyes on Steve.

Natasha approached with a smile before sitting in front of him.

With her arrival, the eyes of almost the entire cafe gathered around his table.

"It's a bit tough being so famous... and beautiful," Natasha joked with Steve.

"In fact, taxi drivers give me strange looks," Steve said, chuckling.

"Now, tell me what have you so down," Natasha said, maintaining a slight smile.

"Peggy, I found out she's alive," Steve said directly.

"Oh, your girlfriend," Natasha said, nodding.

"I know Madripoor has a way of extending people's lives, is it possible in this case?" Steve asked directly.

"Hmm, how can I put this, what people believe is actually a lie."

"It's not technology, it's magic," Natasha quickly said, so as not to discourage Steve.

"Magic?" Steve said, nodding.

"Damian is... a magician, yeah... we could call him that, and he can rejuvenate a person," Natasha said, smiling. She wasn't lying, just omitting some information.

"Can you help me meet Damian? I'll ask him myself," Steve asked, looking directly into Natasha's eyes.

"Sigh, alright, let's go. Although I really don't know if Damian will agree, and if he does, he'll probably have conditions. After all, this kind of thing will only create problems if it gets out."

''I understand, no matter what his terms are," Steve said, nodding seriously, looking determined to sell his soul.

"Don't be so dramatic," Natasha said, laughing, rolling her eyes before getting up and gesturing for Steve to follow her.

They quickly arrived in Natasha's car at the mansion where she used to live, Natasha pushed a button and the gate to the mansion opened before she got in and they both got out of the vehicle.

Standing in front of the main door, Natasha simply turned the handle and the door opened.

With Damian's protection, only the family could enter.

Natasha led Steve to the basement where the portal to Madripoor was located.

Steve followed Natasha, completely confused, especially when they went down to the basement and he saw a ring in the middle of the room.

Natasha quickly activated the portal before clouds formed in the center of the ring and expanded, forming the portal.

Steve noticed that it was particularly similar to the portal above New York.

"Let's go," Natasha said, walking through the portal and arriving in Madripoor.

Steve looked at the portal doubtfully before going through it, and looking at the place he had arrived at, Steve already had his suspicions.

''I should have taken a picture'' said Natasha laughing as she saw his silly and confused expression.

"I thought nothing could surprise me after New York," Steve said. One of the big mysteries about Damian he had read was how he came and went from his country without seemingly using a plane.

It seems he now knows how. Many had really wild theories, like him arriving in a submarine or an invisible jet. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.

Natasha led Steve to the elevator, and they both went up to the palace. She stopped a maid and asked her about Damian's whereabouts.

After hearing her answer, she nodded before walking towards the garden.

Natasha chuckled to herself when she saw Damian reclining in a beach chair with sunglasses.

In front of him were the three little ones playing with Sassy, Tyr, and the little raptors.

Steve just raised an eyebrow before sighing at the sight of dinosaurs running around the yard while they played.

"I'm not even going to ask," Steve said as he walked towards Damian with Natasha.

"Hello," Damian said, taking off his glasses and looking at Natasha and Steve approaching.

He couldn't help but be curious about why Natasha brought him to see him.

Waving his hand slightly, he conjured two chairs in front of him while adjusting his own chair to sit up straighter.

"Is something wrong?" Damian asked, smiling slightly.

I want to ask you to help Peggy, I heard that you can give her back her youth," Steve said, bowing his head almost in supplication.

''Hm...okay, but she has to live in Madripoor temporarily,'' Damian said after thinking about it for a few seconds.

"We don't want to start a war, right?" Damian laughed.

"Done, what do I have to give?" Steve asked, looking at Damian as he nodded.

"Nothing, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm such a kind person, it's just that you have nothing I would want. Besides, I'm a passionate person, I sympathize with your situation, and how to do it is very simple. I don't mind helping you," Damian said casually.

''Besides, when I put myself in your situation, I see that it is something really terrible that I would not wish on anyone''

Steve was very surprised and unconsciously looked at Natasha, who was more familiar with him.

''How nice for you," Natasha said smiling at him.

"Thank you," Steve said, looking at Damian and Natasha. He was incredulous at the great favor he had received in exchange for nothing.

"Well, let's go find your beloved," Damian said, getting up.

"Girls, I'll be right back," Damian said to his daughters, who responded with nods while they continued playing.

Damian made the three of them appear outside Peggy's room.

"Go in and talk to her about this," Damian said to Steve, who entered the room mechanically. He's almost 100 years old; these surprises are bad for his heart.

"Surprising a person too much isn't so fun," Natasha said, arms crossed as she leaned against Damian.

Damian looked at Natasha wordlessly before turning his body, causing her to start falling before grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to his chest.

"I'm not a wall," Damian joked, whispering in Natasha's ear.

"Really? Then why is everything I touch so hard?" Natasha flirted, running her hands down Damian's chest and abdomen.

"Don't be naughty," Damian said, laughing.

"If I'm naughty, are you going to punish me?" Natasha asked innocently, giving a little jump and wrapping her legs around Damian's waist.

Looking into Natasha's beautiful green eyes, Damian couldn't help but laugh.

"Little succubus, if Steve wasn't about to walk out that door in a minute, I would definitely punish you deeply," Damian said, giving her a kiss and biting her lower lip.

Natasha just smiled slightly, looking at him.

As Damian said, exactly one minute later, Steve opened the door and looked at them.

"Everything ready?" Damian asked as if nothing had happened.

"Yes," Steve said seriously, stepping aside for them to pass.

Damian entered with Natasha, and they saw Peggy. For being over 90 years old, she looked good in their opinion.

"Hello," Damian said, looking at Peggy.

"Hello, we finally met."

"You gave me little headaches many years ago when I was still active," Peggy said, laughing lightly.

"In fact, we never formally met," Damian said, smiling slightly.

"You must be Black Widow, although it doesn't seem like a name that suits you," Peggy said, looking at Natasha as she laughed lightly.

"Yes, it's not really a name that fits me," Natasha said, laughing while looking at Damian.

"Well, then, to what we came for," Damian said, looking at Peggy.

"Is there any special procedure? Do I need to leave or what do you need?" Steve asked, a bit anxious.

"It would be good if you closed your eyes so you won't be too surprised," Damian joked.

"As for you, I'll put you to sleep, and when you wake up, everything will be ready," Damian said, looking at Peggy.

Peggy just nodded, closing her eyes, ready for whatever was to come.

Damian conjured two magic circles in his hands just for a good visual effect for Steve.

Upon seeing this, Natasha also chuckled to herself, observing Steve's serious expression as he looked around in amazement.

Damian put Peggy to sleep before starting to rewind time in her body.

With previous experience, he didn't have to take as many precautions, and in a couple of seconds, Peggy had returned to the same age she was when she met Steve.

Steve looked at Peggy's face, beginning to remember everything they had been through, that beautiful but stern face he had longed for since he woke up.

"Let's go back. I'll make it look like you took her to Madripoor in a ship, after all, many will want to investigate if she suddenly disappears," Damian said, then saw Steve nod in agreement.

Damian had them disappear again and appear in the palace directly in a guest room, he would let them stay here until Peggy wakes up and they decide what to do.

"We'll leave you alone," Damian said before leaving with Natasha.

"Thank you very much," Steve said as he watched Damian leave. There are no words to describe how grateful he is.

"It's great that you were able to reunite despite everything," Natasha said, smiling happily.

"Yes, I'm happy for them, although it's also because Peggy chose to be alone. If she had started a family, they wouldn't have been able to get back together," Damian said.

"Yes, it would have been strange for both of them and for Peggy's hypothetical family," Natasha said, nodding with a little laugh.

"Alright, since I've done my good deed of the month, how about I do my bad deed of the day?" Damian said, pinning Natasha against the wall while leaving a kiss on her neck.

"What are you waiting for then?" Natasha said, laughing, before wrapping her legs around Damian and hugging his neck, bringing her eyes to the same level as Damian's.


"Morgan, sweetheart, where are you?" Tony said, walking around his house in Malibu.

Tony sighed, wondering if he really should have given her the dietary supplements that Damian had given him.

Morgan was just under two years old but she was already walking, running, and jumping all over the house. Fortunately, Jarvis was constantly watching her, so they didn't have to follow her around all the time.

"Sir, Morgan is playing in the pool again," Jarvis said.

"Okay," Tony said, sighing as he walked towards the area.

On the balcony was a pool covered with a black elastic surface.

Morgan was happily jumping on the elastic, causing it to bounce gently.

When her feet touched the water upon landing, it made it pleasant for her.

"Morgan H. Stark, what have I told you about jumping on the pool?" Tony said, trying to put on a serious expression.

Morgan looked at her father and stopped jumping before giving him an innocent giggle that immediately melted him.

"Maybe I should make an armor for my heart?" Tony said to Morgan as he laughed. One look into her innocent eyes and he couldn't scold her.

"What happened? Were you hot?" Tony asked, smiling.

"It's hot," Morgan said, nodding.

"How about we get a popsicle?" Tony said, picking up Morgan in his arms.

"Pineapple?" Morgan asked, smiling at her father.

"Maybe," Tony said, nodding as if considering it.

Tony took Morgan to the kitchen before sitting her on the counter and going to the freezer to get two popsicles.

Both of them ate in silence as they looked at each other.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a vehicle at the door. They looked at each other before starting to eat faster.

"No time," Tony said, finishing his popsicle before taking a big bite out of Morgan's, making both popsicles disappear.

"Daddyyy!" Morgan said loudly, complaining.

Tony quickly threw the sticks in the trash before taking a napkin and wiping both of their mouths.

"We can have another one with Mommy later, but if she finds out now, there won't be another one later," Tony said to Morgan anxiously before taking her to the living room and sitting down as if nothing had happened.

Pepper came home after checking on the company. Most of the time, they lived in New York and only came back very occasionally. She took advantage of those moments to address some issues or attend meetings.

That day, in particular, she had a meeting with an old acquaintance.

Upon entering the house, she saw Tony and Morgan on the couch watching TV.

She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she wondered what they had been up to.

Approaching them and kissing each of them immediately brought the scent of pineapple ice cream, and seeing their innocent-looking faces as they watched TV made her laugh lightly. Any annoyance from work was immediately erased.

"Alright, I'm going to work for a while. See you for dinner," Tony said, giving his daughter a kiss before walking towards the basement.

"Jarvis, bring the Autonomous Propulsion Suit, Trial 1," Tony said upon arriving at his workshop.

"Yes, sir," Jarvis said.

Tony stood on the platform protecting the floor before pointing towards several disassembled pieces of armor.

One of the pieces glowed in blue as a thruster sent it towards his arm, where it began to unfold and form the armor.

Tony laughed as he looked at his forearm covered in armor before making the same gesture with his other arm.

Soon, the armor fully formed on his body as a mirror unfolded, allowing Tony to see himself.

"Not bad," Tony said, looking at himself.

"Let's conduct a test of strength and endurance," Tony said before walking towards a special hydraulic press designed to test the strength of his suits.

Tony grabbed the hydraulic press by the handle before Jarvis activated it, and Tony started pulling upwards.

The tons on the hydraulic press quickly started to rise.






Suddenly, the armor couldn't take it anymore and he was forced to kneel. Jarvis quickly turned off the press, allowing Tony to release and stand up.

"Whew, not bad, a bit less than I expected," Tony said, looking at the numbers on the screen.

Tony thought for a moment before approaching another machine. It was a wall that resembled the game of hitting the mole.

Except here, the moles hit him if he didn't hit them first. It was a little game he created to test the armor and improve his reflexes.

Tony quickly got into position and constantly hit the 'moles' that came out of the wall.

The speed increased steadily until he couldn't hit one and received a strong blow to the abdomen, sending him flying before falling to the ground.

"Ouch," Tony said, groaning slightly as he sat down.

Looking around, he was surprised to see parts of his armor scattered around him.

"Huh? Jarvis, play back what happened," Tony said. Soon, a screen appeared in front of him showing how he was sent flying and crashed to the ground.

Upon impact, several pieces of his armor came loose.

"I suspected it. The armor is a bit fragile when not fully welded," Tony muttered, getting up with a slight groan of pain.

"Ideas?" Tony asked.

"If the pieces are magnetized, it could increase resistance to coming apart," Jarvis suggested.

"Hm, let's try that," Tony said, nodding before getting to work.


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