Chapter 173

Without knowing the mischief his AI had been up to and Tony's discovery.

Damian was having breakfast with his family outdoors.

"Tell me, do you want to have that training?" Carol said, smiling at Natasha.

"Aren't you too old for that?" Natasha replied, smiling competitively.

"Let's find out," Carol said, smiling fiercely.

"Mommy is going to fight with Mommy?" Alice asked, looking at Damian.

"It seems so, but it's like a game, they're not really fighting," Damian said, caressing her little head.

"Hm," Alice nodded, indicating that she understood.

They both finished eating before looking at Damian, wanting him to take them to a place to fight; they didn't want to destroy the forest.

Damian rolled his eyes before taking everyone to a fairly large island.

"Listen, I want a clean and kid-friendly fight, understood?" Damian said, looking at both of them.

"Sure," they both said excitedly before stepping away.

Damian made everyone levitate above the island before creating a platform with railings for them to watch.

Natasha stood in front of Carol with excitement. Since transforming, she had felt weightless and had to touch everything delicately. She was eager to stretch her muscles to their maximum capacity.

Carol smiled arrogantly as she enveloped herself in her energy cloak, crossing her arms.

Natasha wasn't going to hold back, enhancing her body with the magic she had learned in the short time she had been a vampire, she launched herself at Carol at full speed.

Carol stared intently at Natasha, prepared for her move, but was momentarily surprised by her speed, as she expected a gentler start.

Thus, Natasha's forehead collided with Carol's, and the momentum caused them both to kiss before they staggered backward.

"What are you doing!?" Carol exclaimed, rubbing her forehead in pain.

"I wanted to give you a kiss," Natasha said, her cheeks reddening, preferring to say that rather than admitting she couldn't control her movements.

"What are they doing?" Sophia asked, placing her hand on her forehead as she sighed.

"Natasha is quite fast," Ophelia commented, Carol could barely react.

Carol glared at Natasha before enveloping herself in cosmic energy and lunging at Natasha, who quickly kicked upward while flipping backward.

Carol dodged to the side before continuing to pursue Natasha, making her constantly dodge.

Natasha quickly sought an opportunity and forcefully kicked the forearm Carol used to block, using the force to propel herself backward and gain some space.

Carol didn't chase Natasha and let her recover.

Natasha also became serious, assuming her typical fighting stance as she carefully observed Carol's body for her next move.

Carol floated a few inches above the ground before launching herself at Natasha, constantly sending punches and kicks in unpredictable combinations.

Natasha danced flexibly around Carol's blows, often trying to use locks against Carol or trying to knock her down using her momentum.

But she soon realized that it was a bit futile when your opponent could fly. When she wanted to use her momentum, Carol simply stayed in the air, and Natasha couldn't control her body or center of gravity.

Then she realized that she no longer had to fight as the weaker party. She was used to using locks or her own body weight to defeat stronger enemies.

Now she was the strong one.

With things clearer, Natasha began to clash directly with Carol, her impacts causing shockwaves that sent leaves and dust flying around them.

In a moment of carelessness from Carol, Natasha landed a strong kick to her cheek, sending her crashing to the ground and creating a large crater.

Natasha quickly launched herself at Carol but was suddenly sent flying by a powerful explosion.

As she flew through the air, she saw Carol appearing, sending a direct punch to her face. Natasha quickly blocked the blow with her arms.

The strong impact made her wince in pain as she was sent crashing to the ground with great force, creating another crater.

Carol didn't intend to give her any respite and launched herself at her.

Natasha was a bit breathless from the blow before quickly predicting Carol's move. She wrapped her legs around Carol's head and twisted her waist, sending her flying away.

Natasha quickly followed, trying to hit her in the abdomen.

Carol suddenly came to a stop in midair, making Natasha's punch miss before punching her in the cheek.

Natasha was also sent flying, crashing through many trees in her path before turning and putting her feet on the ground, leaving a large trail before stopping.

A drop of blood ran down her lips, which Natasha wiped away before looking angrily at Carol and launching herself at her.

"Well, this is interesting," Maria said, looking with interest. They weren't holding back on where to hit.

Damian only pursed his lips upon hearing the sound of the blows. This was also the first time in his family that two people were fighting so seriously since they usually avoided hitting each other.

Although Damian saw it coming, it's inevitable to get angry while fighting and taking hits. Now they were practically not holding back when hitting each other.

Of course, Damian could see that Carol wasn't using all her strength, unlike Natasha.

Natasha was a newly turned Ancient Vampire; her control over her magic wasn't very good, and she didn't even have her familiars, only her physical strength was truly up to her level.

Carol and Natasha collided repeatedly; from a distance, it looked like a golden flash colliding with a humanoid figure repeatedly.

They repelled each other before meeting again accompanied by strong impacts.

The landscape of the island had already been completely destroyed, and the whole island was in total disarray with logs, dirt, and water.

They fought for over an hour before stopping. Unlike Natasha, who looked quite dirty and her hair was all messed up, Carol had a proud smile since she looked intact thanks to her energy cloak protecting her.

Natasha just pursed her lips and didn't want to look at her anymore.

"I'll help you clean up," Damian said, smiling as he approached Natasha.

"But I want it without magic," Natasha said, looking at Damian with a suggestive smile.

"Fine," Damian said, laughing quietly.

"The fight was great," Ivy said excitedly, approaching Carol and Natasha. She couldn't help but feel the urge to fight too.

"Yeah, when I grow up, I'll also fight with many people," Alice said with a big smile.

Emma didn't say anything, but her expression showed quite a bit of interest.

"It was refreshing; it's really cool to fight with you, Nat. We should do it more often," Carol said cheerfully, jumping and hugging Natasha's neck from behind.

"Hm, it felt good, let's do it another day," Natasha said, smiling slightly.

Jane, as the only normal human, was still surprised to see the fight. She had seen many incredible things, but not this type of fight. The closest was Thor against the Destroyer several years ago.

"I'll go clean up," Natasha said, giving Damian a look before approaching the beach on the island.

"How about you start gathering things? I'll help Nat, and we'll go home," Damian said, looking at everyone.

"Sure," Carol said teasingly before taking her daughter and giving her a couple of kisses on her cheek.

Alice chuckled while also hugging Carol.

Damian waved his hand and sent everyone back to the cabin before walking toward Natasha.

Natasha had already transformed her suit back into its collar form and was starting to undress.

"You wear a bra," Damian commented, arriving behind her and helping her take it off.

"It's a habit, I guess," Natasha said, shrugging, causing two large things to bounce.

"I'll try not to use it; the girls say it's liberating," Natasha said, laughing and turning around to look at Damian.

Damian laughed quietly before carrying her in his arms toward the water and swimming a little way out.

"Your hair is a mess," Damian said, smiling as he started to clean it.

It was full of mud and even leaves.

"I have to learn to protect myself with magic," Natasha complained.

"It's okay, you only became a vampire yesterday; you'll soon learn to control your magic and I'm sure you'll be able to build your magic circle soon," Damian said smiling.

"Hm," Natasha hummed in agreement as she enjoyed Damian's hands.

Damian thoroughly cleaned Natasha's hair until it regained that beautiful red color.

Moving down her hair, he began to clean her shoulders until his hands reached her plump breasts, causing Natasha to suppress a soft moan by biting her lips.

Damian lowered his hands and embraced Natasha's waist. Her smooth skin and gently defined abs made her very sexy, and Damian's passion ignited every time he looked at her.

"Do you want to have some fun?" Natasha asked, turning around and smiling flirtatiously at Damian before wrapping her legs around him. It didn't seem like she would accept a no for an answer.

After a while, Damian returned with Natasha to the small camp they had.

Since everyone was already ready and just waiting for them, Damian made them reappear back at the palace.

The two tactically ignored the annoyed looks for making them wait.

As soon as they arrived, Damian's phone rang immediately; his little AI was already sending him messages.

Not that he couldn't before, she just didn't want to bother him when he was resting.

When he saw her phone, he finally remembered that the plot of Iron Man 3 should have happened around this time, and he had totally forgotten.

Fortunately, everything went well with Cortana's help.

"Is something wrong?" Ana asked, seeing his surprise.

"It's nothing," Damian said, smiling slightly before starting to pack up all the things they brought.

"Daddy, how much longer until we go to school?" Alice suddenly asked.

"Hm, about three months or so," Damian said, smiling at his daughter.

"Hm," Alice nodded cutely before going to play.

Damian spent some time with his family before appearing on the large balcony on the top floor of the Stark Tower.

"Hello, Mr. Damian," Jarvis said upon seeing him appear.

"Hello, Jarvis. I heard Cortana gave you trouble," Damian said, smiling.

"It was very instructive," Jarvis said.

"I'm glad," Damian said, smiling as he walked inside the house.

"Hello, Damian," Pepper said, smiling at him.

"Hello, Pepper. I came to see Tony; I heard they attacked you," Damian said, smiling.

"Yes, we had a good scare. Tony said he would call you if things got overwhelming, but fortunately, it didn't happen," Pepper said, smiling. Damian had given them a method to contact him anytime, and he would come.

"Uncle Damian," Morgan said, having heard Damian's voice before running to the living room and hugging him.

"Hello, my little sorceress," Damian said, laughing as he lifted her.

"Did you come to visit me?" Morgan asked, smiling happily.

"Of course," Damian said, nodding with a smile.

"Then you brought me a gift," Morgan said, smiling.

"Of course," Damian said again, laughing as he heard her.

Pepper chuckled as she shook her head; she definitely got those kinds of things from Tony.

"Then I'll give you a gift," Damian said, nodding before kissing her on the cheek and putting her back on the floor.

Damian took out a small box full of sweets.

"These candies are very delicious; you have to hide them from your father, or he'll take them from you," Damian whispered secretly to Morgan.

"Hm," Morgan nodded seriously before running to hide them with a smile.

Pepper just smiled at the gift he gave her and her daughter's excited smile.

"Is Tony downstairs?" Damian asked, although he already knew.

"Hm, he's waiting for you," Pepper said, nodding.

"I'll go see him," Damian said, nodding to Pepper.

Damian went down some stairs and reached Tony's lab.

He saw him examining something under a microscope while having Jarvis take notes.

On the side, he also saw a black-haired woman eating fruit while watching Tony work.

Upon hearing him arrive, both turned to show different expressions.

"Finally, you're here; come," Tony said, gesturing for Damian to approach quickly.

Damian walked with a slight smile towards Tony; he could also feel Maya's doubtful gaze on him.

There was no way for him to know that Maya had tried to contact him to develop Extremis, only that due to various accidents, she couldn't do it.

Perhaps the world would have been very different if she had succeeded.

"This guy, huh?" Damian said, looking at Killian.

"Do you know him?" Tony asked, surprised. Maya also looked at Damian, waiting for his response.

"Hm, several years ago, he approached Madripoor wanting to cooperate to improve our super soldiers," Damian said, mocking.

"Hmm," Tony nodded.

"That doesn't matter. You see, I discovered really fascinating things about Extremis. Do you know about its abilities? Well, let's just say they can simply heat their bodies to high temperatures and regenerate almost completely," Tony quickly said while looking at Killian; the hole in his chest had closed a bit.

"The first thing I wondered after fighting with these types of people is how their bodies get the energy to do these things?"

"At first, I thought they took some kind of supplement and could only fight for short periods or could only regenerate a few times, but over time, I realized that this didn't seem to have a limit."

"Cortana said it seemed similar to extracting energy from another dimension, but she wasn't sure either," Tony said, looking at Damian.

"That's right, there is an energy that is constantly absorbed by their cells; it's somewhat similar to the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj."

"It's just that he seems to have formed a bond with a dimension of heat," Damian said, analyzing Killian.

"Something a bit different from the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj who only extract energy to cast spells; his body seems to have been transformed by that dimension," Damian said.

"How can a simple injection cause something like this?" Tony said, confused.

"Hm, let's find out," Damian said before looking at Rhodes at another table.

Damian began to envelop Rhodes with his magic while observing the changes made by Extremis in his body. Fortunately, he had Killian and Tony by his side to easily compare their differences.

Firstly, his DNA had been modified, presumably to withstand high temperatures and increase cell division.

His brain had also been modified; the part where his subconscious is located had an orange energy similar to Extremis. Damian assumed that this modification made people enhanced by Extremis unconsciously extract energy from another dimension for their use.

Although he didn't exactly know why.

Now he really wanted to examine what happens if you can't accept Extremis.

He assumed it had something to do with the fact that the body needs energy but there is nowhere to get it.

By absorbing that energy, their cells use it to improve their biological functions, generate heat, and of course, regenerate tissues.

He couldn't help but think that it seemed like a cheap version of Superman.

Leaving Rhodes, he approached Killian before taking his arm with one hand.

His other hand extended before creating a flame, trying to burn Killian with little results.

The flame changed color while becoming increasingly hotter, causing Tony and Maya to step back.

Damian stopped burning Killian's arm and saw that it was as if nothing had happened, letting it fall onto the table. He looked at Tony while already having a good idea of what had happened.

"Although it wasn't your intention, I must say you created something really incredible," Damian said, looking at Maya.

"Technically, without me, it wouldn't have been possible," Tony said, coughing slightly, and receiving a dirty look from Maya.

"Extremis is supposed to use biological energy to improve the body and repair it at will, but there was a big hole in your research: where does the necessary energy come from? A normal human body doesn't have the capacity," Damian said, looking at Maya.

"I suppose that the brain, upon detecting this, also seeks to obtain greater energy; heat or fire is also energy, so there was a rather interesting result."

"The body uses this energy to improve itself and obtain greater capabilities, but what happens if this kind of connection isn't achieved?"

"The body begins to implode, gathering all biological energy before exploding," Tony said after thinking about it for a moment.

"That's right, although it's a mystery why they create a connection with another dimension," Damian said, shrugging.

"I guess when Extremis reaches the brain, there are some unknown chemical reactions; the human body has always been full of mysteries," Damian said.

He also took a look at the core of Killian's body; it looked like a large fiery ball. It was definitely superior to an ordinary vampire and could even seriously threaten a noble vampire.

"It's really interesting," Damian said, smiling slightly before changing the subject.

"Yes, can you take Maya and put her in prison?" Tony asked, looking at Damian.

"What!?" Maya said unconsciously before remembering her actual situation.

"Sure," Damian said, nodding. He understood why Tony was asking him to do it; to prevent others from using her to create soldiers, it's better for her to be safe in his realm.

"Did you tell Pepper that she's an ex of yours?" Damian asked, putting on a teasing expression.

"What would she think if she knew you spent so much time down here with her?" Damian said again, seeing his face twist.

"Don't tease," Tony said making a face.

"All right, criminal miss, come with me," Damian said jokingly before teleporting her to Madripoor.

''Wai-'' was all Maya managed to say before disappearing.

"What do you plan to do with this?" Damian said, smiling slightly at Tony.

"Why do you ask?" Tony said, avoiding his gaze.

"I see you didn't sleep investigating this," Damian said, looking at Killian's body.

"I'm just seeing if I can perfect it," Tony said, shrugging.

"It would be good; it would give you some more protection," Damian said, nodding.

"If I could do it several years ago, I'm sure I can do it now," Tony said confidently.

"Whatever you say" Damian said, laughing.

"What will you do with him? Do you want me to reverse Extremis in his body?" Damian asked, looking at Rhodes.

"Hm, that's what I was going to ask you," Tony said, nodding.

Damian casually reversed time in his body by a couple of hours, and it was done.

"So easy?" Tony said.

"Just that easy," Damian said, laughing.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Tony said, looking at Damian.

"Does Pepper cook well?" Damian asked in a low voice after hesitating for a few seconds.

Tony opened his mouth to answer but also hesitated for a few seconds.

"Don't be afraid to admit it; Carol is terrible at cooking. Her food could be used as a biological weapon," Damian whispered immediately, feeling a bit guilty for saying it.

"Pff," Tony couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You better not say anything, or I'll turn you into a woman for a month," Damian threatened Tony, regretting telling him.

''Don't worry, she'll give you a dirty look for a while, but I'm sure I'll get a beating for making fun of her,'' Tony said laughing.


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