Ch 3 Analytics (5)

It was hard not to smile at the officer's mistake. I maybe a minor in age but my family knew how to build an empire.

My lawyer frowned at the officer replying in the "what kind of stupid are you" voice that lawyers know so well. "I am afraid that who my client chooses to have relations with is not the companies or the state's prerogative. She has had her eggs stored and her birth control is still working. She has already said that she felt no pressure to have sex with the man in question and it was her choice. They are also comparable in age. You haven't said the employee is charging his boss. After that there really is no reason to bring it up again. If you do bring it up for a fifth time I am going to have to file police harassment charges, since this really is getting excessive. My client as told you what she learned of the terrorist, she is not pressing charges against her own employees at this time. So unless there is something else I really do believe it is time you let her and her people go."

The officer frowned at me and sighed, "Fine, don't give me a reason to talk to you again, Miss Swan." the officer stood and left without looking back at me and my lawyer. I got the feeling that officer wasn't used to not getting anything from an interrogation session even with a lawyer present.

My lawyer had me wait a good 10 count after the officer left. "Well, I paged your car, Ms. Swan. Would you like a separate car to pick up, mister Goliath and mister 2-bit?"

"No, I am still a bit rattled, I would feel better if they were with me."

The lawyer frowned at me. Just a small tightening around the eyes giving away his disapproval and uncertainty, "Very well, miss. Let me walk you to your car then."

It wasn't a far walk to the front of the station. The wind blew as we opened the front doors onto the landing pad. We had to be 50 or 60 floors up. Why was nothing on the ground? I said goodbye to my lawyer as my normal bodyguard opened the limo door for me.

I smiled at him wearing the same mask he always saw and never seemed to notice. "I will be fine, Joe. Please ride up front while I talk to my two heroes."

Joe gave a slight bow and said, "As you wish miss." As I climbed into the familiar car, with two angry looking people. Joe closed the door, heading to the front of the car.

Goliath opened his mouth to say something but I glared at him then rubbed my eye and looked out the tinted window at the police station. The officer that had been questioning me was watching my car leave from one of the windows and I was pretty sure he had a short ranged listening device. Goliath held his tongue as he saw what I was looking at, 2-bit didn't seem to know what was going on but if Goliath wasn't talking, he wasn't going to talk. Not that he ever said that much anyway.

I waited until the building was out of sight and then I sighed, "Joe, tell school I wish to test out of the rest of this year's classes, site trauma as why, losing one of my close friends and being kidnapped should count. Tell them I intend to pick up my classes next year as long as I pass the tests."

"Yes, miss."

"Also, I seem to have lost my phone in the whole process, please make sure a new one is set up and waiting for me when I get home."

"Yes, miss."

I smiled at him and rolled up the privacy screen. He didn't try to stop me, I rarely kept the screen down while riding in the car anyway. "If you want to yell, you should probably wait until we get to the house, Goliath. Other than that it should be safe to talk now."

"I am still trying to decide if I should just kill you."

2-bit looked at Goliath with surprise but said nothing, "You have not been asked to betray your beliefs or cause. I couldn't stay with a bunch of rebels, my people would have turned the world upside down to find me. Now that I am on my way home, I need you two to stay around for about a week, then you can disappear into my work force, if that is what you want. Do that and in two weeks you can be back at your base with a few more resources than when you left, and no one actively looking for you. Also you will have prebuilt fake ids if you are ever caught again. As long as you aren't caught committing a capital crime you can just say you were there on my interests and use it as a paper shield. It should get you out of most problems."

"You knew the net wanted you." Goliath was still glaring at me.

"Yes, and it is a flimsy excuse to say I didn't know it wanted me that bad."

I looked over at 2-bit as he snorted, when he saw me watching him he said, "Blank space."

"I have seen what you are talking about, I don't know what goes in the blank spaces on my id either. It is the only complete Id I have seen with large blank spaces. So I guess that might be why the government AI seems to be prioritizing keeping me alive. My plan really had been to find out about my friends and the station then log off and let you whisk me away again. It wasn't until after that I found out the AI had known as soon as I showed up on facial rec. So I added making you two long term employees to my list of things to get straight with the AI."

"So now what, She-u? We play your slaves?"