Ch 5 Antique (1)

Dragons weren't the only scary people in the world. With a smile I followed Goliath back out into the gym. Joe was already to the mats that were set up for hand to hand training. Joe was trained in many styles of hand to hand combat, Goliath had learned at the school of hard knocks. I wondered what Goliath was thinking as he stepped up into the ring with Joe. Goliath's green scales seemed to get brighter and sparkle.

Probably shouldn't tell him that later, men don't normally like to be described as sparkly. Joe took off his jacket as he waited for Goliath, "You still spry enough to flip tables when you need to old man."

Joe stretched his arms as Goliath tossed his jacket over a piece of equipment not that far away. Goliath was wider and a bit taller than Joe. Joe wasn't a small man, Goliath just lived up to his name. Then again, I was sure the name came after the physique. "It surprises me how often a fire fight breaks down to a sprint and fist fight."

Goliath and Joe were testing each other. They wanted to know each other's weaknesses and strengths. It didn't take Joe long to figure out that he didn't want to get hit by Goliath more than he absolutely had to. I was watching the two men with more interest than I thought a pure fist fight would have for me when MAID appeared next to me. "Miss, sorry to interrupt but a Major has just arrived wishing to speak to you."

"Send him for me, these two should be done with the inhuman abilities by then."

"As you wish miss."

The fight had been going on for a while, but Joe and Goliath still seemed to be at a draw when the gym door opened. I did a double take in surprise, when I saw the man in battle armor enter the room. The major was the same one that had rescued me from the RedVR. I knew because he had on the same battle suit, it was older and scratched which is the only thing that lets you tell them apart without a monitor connected to the government AI. He had his helmet off and his weapons were away, but he still had his hood up and he was carrying his helmet.

Joe and Goliath both came to a stop looking at the man. They didn't even need to say anything to each other they just stopped on their marks, it was strange. The soldier saw us and headed over.

"You expecting a battle, Major?"

He came to a stop a respectful distance from me. His tone wasn't as respectful. "Considering how often you end up in incident reports, I am a bit." My eyebrows shot up but the man continued, "That is actually part of why I am here. You are cleared for a ten man person protection team everywhere you go, miss She-u, and you have been derelict in even hiring one. Well only hiring one, the office of domestic affairs has decided it would behoove them to assign an officer to you. It is also their hope that closer cooperation between your security and the military can help prevent the misunderstandings that have plagued our abilities to keep our citizens safe. Though you aren't a normal citizen." Damn the GAI is fast.

Goliath and Joe both jumped down at the same time, picking up their jackets. Goliath spoke first, "So they are assigning the major that lead the team to free She-u to protect her, whether she wants it or not, and you thought full gear in the house is a good idea?"

"At least put your hood down, Major. You are being rude, to your charge." Joe had crossed his arms. Ooooo, the major had gotten Joe mad, he would regret that, if he stayed long enough.

The major pulled down his hood, I froze as I looked at him. I realized that even though he had been talking to me he hadn't looked at me as I saw the long yellow ears that seemed to fold back into the gear covering his back. "Yellow!"

Joe didn't move but the world seemed to shift as the man's eyes snapped to mine in surprise. Time did that strange sudden stop thing, as the world I perceived twisted and changed. This time I could feel the green dragon warrior floating with me as we watched.

The scene looked the same as with the green dragon only this one felt warmer, the yellow dragon floated in the space looking down at the major. Only he had on different clothes, but the face was the same, so much the same that it took me a moment to realize that it was the major but his however great ancestor. "Inheritor to the third son of Shu, you have a choice to make. Accept this power and you become a knight to defend your king. Be warned there is a price to pay. Your children will have varying amounts of my power and should the king need it they will be my link to him. Should your children turn me down, it will kill them. Are you ok with that?"

"Yes, just help me save the purple dragon."

"As you wish." The yellow dragon seemed to eat the man.

It had only been a memory that the yellow dragon was showing the heir to his power. Then just as it had last time, the scene reset but this time it really was the man that had saved me standing before the green dragon. "The soul of your king cried out to you, child of mine. Would you like the full range of your power to protect them?"

"Wait, what? She isn't a king not even royalty according to her file."

"It does not matter what from the purple dragon takes, it is still your king."

"I don't serve kings; I serve the people." It seemed that the major was trying to back away but he couldn't move in the bright void that was the connection between him and the yellow dragon.