Ch 5 Antique (6)

Andrew frowned at me, and Goliath shifted in his chair. Joe also shifted just slightly, neither would allow a physical treat to me it would seem. "You are just going to let them die?"

"You still don't understand who I am do you, Yellow? It isn't up to me if they die or not, but no I won't cry for them if they pass into the next the world. I have other problems that need solved. With Black that close they will freeze before the fastest ship could get there. Let alone the weakest dragon."

Yellow had opened his mouth to argue but closed it in surprise. Goliath spoke to the yellow instead, "You should take a moment and talk to the yellow dragon. Though you might not have noticed that you can since you haven't slept once. Purple is considered the weakest dragon. The only one that isn't aligned hot or cold. Green and yellow are about equal in strength just like Red and Blue. I am not sure all four of them could drive off Black. At least not before he causes another ice age."

"Worse than an ice age. Humans might not survive but life would survive an ice age. While I like humans and find them entertaining as long as life its self-survived, I don't think I would bother returning." I finished the soup while Goliath talked. It was good to know that he could link with Green. So maybe I can find out about their progress in gathering. They know it is urgent, but dragons don't have much of a sense of time. Being immortal does that. That isn't the only problem either.

Yellow looked at me, "You are still going to continue like nothing is happening? The world needs you."

I laughed so hard that bits of sandwich flew across the table. 2-bit frowned at me but kept eating his own food. "You aren't paying attention very well. My last life picked this part of space because none of the others cared about it. If Black has decided to take up station here all I can do is move on. We are talking about absolute zero as a creature. The little star here won't stand a chance against the cold. We are also talking about one of the dragons, while I chose to change dimensions, to learn where the souls go when they die, I doubt black will chose the same and I have no way of forcing any dragon to the other side. So, I can continue to plan to try and save what I can, or I can panic and just run away. Which do you want me to do yellow? If any of the avatars could survive on their own, it is you after all. Flier. Though I imagine the lack of air in space might be a problem for you. If the cold this close to black doesn't kill you as you flee."

Andrew froze for a moment then he took a deep breath moving his head like he was trying to crack his neck. For a moment I thought my heated words had made him angry enough to hit me, but he stayed seated. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

"Right, feels creepy, like you cannot have a negative emotion tied to her. You quite literally cannot disagree."

"No, it isn't that I have to agree with her."

"Abandoned freewill. Acquired power."

I smiled and nodded, "Well put 2-bit. Your wills are being subverted by the dragons you have agreed to avatar for. I shared my knowledge with them, and they agreed to a price for that knowledge. Your ancestors did the same thing. Now you are reaping the curse and blessings of that agreement. It isn't that you cannot disagree with me, you just cannot act against your dragon."

There was a knock on the door, and everyone looked up as it opened a few moments later. A servant bowed, "Sorry for the interruption, Hero has been shown to the park." The servant didn't wait for a response before stepping back outside and letting the door close.

I sighed and shoved the last of the sandwich in my mouth before standing. 2-bit stood at the same time but got to the door first. He opened the main door to the dining room and headed down the hall away from where I was planning on going, "2-bit?"

"Will monitor." Was all he said as he waved his hand behind his head without looking back.

Andrew stepped up next to me. "He says he will monitor the interaction from the room you gave him. There is more that he can do from there and there he is still interested in learning about all the networked toys you have laying around the mansion. He really manages to say a lot with just two words."

"Yes, he does. It is a shame he was born poor. Could you imagine if a mind like that had been born as a tuber?"

Goliath stepped up next to me with a grimace, "He wouldn't like the thought. He is perfect as he is."

"Yes, he is the perfect him, Goliath." With that I started down the hall heading the opposite direction 2-bit had gone. With three men trailing just a step or tow behind me. I had never felt so over protected within my own house before. I also didn't remember having such a bad headache before. I seemed to be remembering more of my past life and behaviors consciously. As I did so I was getting a batter handle on how they had been affecting my life without me knowing. I couldn't seem to make myself remember what it was like being dead, but I was remembering more about what it had been like being alive for eons. Also, what it was like being in the middle of these two forces. I didn't want to lose this world, but I truly was not seeing a solution yet.