Watching Videos

At first, Bai Yueling thought that this was just a relatively weak mortal planet but, after watching these videos, she had completely withdrawn her contempt, and was even amazed at the wisdom these mortals withheld.

The power of an atomic bomb after the explosion is equivalent to the full blow of an ordinary imperial weapon. Although it is a one-time use item, it is better than it can be mass-produced.

Looking at her dignified expression, Jiang Qiao decided to add a lot of weapon content.

He must let this woman know the power of technology and completely dispel her thoughts of creating chaos in this world.

"How much destructive power can you produce in your fist?" he asked casually.

"The battlefield of an "emperor" cultivation level generally takes the universe as the background, and its atmosphere is huge and boundless, and it can create or destroy worlds."

After thinking about it, Bai Yueling added: "However, an attack of that level will also pay an unimaginable price . "

Although he was well prepared, Jiang Qiao was still shaken by this description. The fairy he picked up at will to be able to destroy a plant at will? What a maniac!

"In fact, humans have attacks of this level, and they are even stronger." He took a few deep breaths and said slowly.

Bai Yueling suddenly turned her head and looked at him with an incredible expression.

It took her nearly 10,000 years of cultivating to attain such powerful strength, and the human civilization in this world is said to be only a short period of time. Five thousand years, nuclear bombs are already scary enough, and there are even more powerful weapons?

Jiang Qiao calmly clicked on a video screen with the caption "The moment the Star Destroyer fires."

A Star Destroyer with a length of tens of kilometers hovers quietly in the deep and boundless starry sky, with a target planet in front of it. The next moment the Star Destroyer fires, the dazzling laser beam hits and penetrates the core at the speed of light, and the entire planet explodes into pieces.

(T/L: He's basically showing her a scene from star wars lol)

Fairy Bai's eyes revealed shocking emotions. It was an unbelievably powerful attack.

With a single hit from this main cannon, even an emperor could be killed!

Seeing her uneasy look, Jiang Qiao quickly shut down the web page, knowing clearly that he must not let her find out that it was fake, at least not for the time being.

"Your world is really powerful..."

Bai Yueling sighed, but fortunately she didn't have the desire to rule the world. If she were an enemy of this world, in her current state, she would probably die, however now, she was way more determined to integrate herself into the world.

"It's all thanks to the power of science." Jiang Qiao was very satisfied with her current expression.

Although there is a more powerful black hole weapon in the sci-fi movie, he is not going to continue playing it. After all, even a mortal can see that it is fake at a glance.

"Do you have the kind of... crossbow that can easily penetrate gold and crack rocks?"

"You mean a pistol?"

It turned out to be a pistol, Bai Yueling nodded slightly.

"Because that thing is too dangerous, even in our world, it is a contraband, and only a small number of official groups or the military are qualified to master it."

Jiang Qiao saw her contemplative expression and continued: "Modern society advocates peace and prohibits violence. Using force to violate the ban, ordinary people only need to live their own lives, and other unstable factors are left to the state to solve."

"Meaning, as long as I don't expose myself, I will be safe?"


Jiang Qiao laughed, it seems that the plan is very successful, and has left the desire of conquering this world in her heart.

"How do ordinary people usually live?" Fairy Bai asked after thinking.

"Work, entertainment, eating and drinking, shopping, listening to music, watching movies, there are also people who simply eat and wait to die."

"What about you?"

"As you can see, I opened a small shop downstairs. During the day, I sit and wait for people to come to buy things. At night, it's entertainment time. If I want to be lazy, I close the shop and go shopping in the city.

"It sounds very free."

"You can say that."

Jiang Qiao was quite helpless, in fact, he was also the type of person who eats and waits to die.

The only child, majoring in computer science, has two floors in the house after the demolition. His father works in a state-owned enterprise, while his mother is a teacher.

His network resources are good. It can be noted that as long as he wants to find a good job, it will not be difficult, but he chooses to relax and be lazy.

Therefore, he opened a convenience store in the Fairy Peak, however, his parents were angry and forbade him to go home, saying that he was not doing his job properly and that he would be shaming them.

Furthermore, going back to the countryside to raise pigs would have a better future than opening a grocery store, unless he could open a convenience store.

Hearing those words, Jiang Qiao simply pouted silently.

In today's society, ordinary people can't afford to buy a flat for most of their lives. How can he sit in the scenic spot all day and collect money?

Moreover, making money while working from home is his ideal dream.

Soon, Jiang Qiao came back to his senses and found that Fairy Bai was still looking down in deep thought.

He looked at the time, and it turned out that it was already so late.

"Are you an orphan?" Bai Yueling said suddenly, with a very pitiful tone.

Jiang Qiao: "???"

"I haven't seen your family after all this time, so it must be embarrassing for you to take in a stranger?" She thought for a while and said.

"My parents are still here and healthy, so I won't worry about them. As for taking you in, I don't need you to worry about it for the time being." Jiang Qiao replied angrily.

"Where are they?"

"We don't live together, they're in the city."

"Oh, it turns out that the family has been separated."

"In our case, the family is separated after getting a divorce."

Bai Yueling was a little surprised. In her impression, mortals got married when they were teenagers. This person was already in his twenties. He was so old that he couldn't get a wife.

"Poor mortal, no one likes you, right?"

Jiang Qiao's face was a little dark, this fairy has such a vicious tongue?

"So, are you married?"

"I cultivated the Dao since I was a child and ignored the world. Experiencing love has long been forgotten." She shook her head, her tone calm.

This time, it was Jiang Qiao's turn to be surprised, and even felt a little unbelievable.

After living so old, she still hasn't been in love yet?

"The 10,000-year-old maiden..." He whispered softly.

"What did you say?" Bai Yueling raised her eyebrows.

"Um, I said, it's time to sleep."

Jiang Qiao shivered in fright, and once the fairy who can kill a star was angry, he would not be able to recover from her slap.

He closed the laptop, ran to the door of his bedroom as if running away, and looked back at her.

"Fairy Bai, next door is your room. If you have any questions, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Bai Yueling nodded lightly and suddenly stopped him when he was about to close the door.

"By the way, the name fairy is too eye-catching. In the future, you can call me by my name."