Protect the King

"Heaven Slaughter of the seventh district of the Southern Border war zone, lead 300,000 men to protect the king!" The heroic general's voice was loud and clear as he roared.

"Heaven Slaughter of the Southern Border war zone's seventh region? Heaven Slaughter is the empire's general! Protect the king? Which king is he protecting?" Upon hearing this, the bearded man's legs went limp. He could not think straight and muttered to himself.

"Boss, the Southern Border war zone has millions of soldiers. It's the strongest war zone in our Great Xia. Other than the South Heavenly Emperor, who else dares to call themselves a king? The king he mentioned is the South Heavenly Emperor." An underling reminded with a trembling voice.

Upon hearing his underling's words, the bearded man's legs went limp as he sat on the ground. "It's over, it's over. They're definitely going to denounce us. I didn't know that the South Heavenly Emperor had descended in Jiang City. We must have neglected the South Heavenly Emperor, so his subordinates are here to denounce us."

"Boss, you can't fall. You have to steady yourself!" The underling hurriedly stepped forward, and four to five people helped the bearded man up.

"Bullshit. Open the door, open the city gate, and let the brothers of the Southern Border in," the bearded man shouted.

"Brothers of Jiang City, don't panic. We are only ordered to gather in Jiang City. We will wait for the South Heavenly Emperor's orders for the next step."

On the military vehicle, the heroic general cupped his hands and ordered his men to drive away.

"Wait for orders? You're waiting for orders? That's good!"

Upon hearing this, the bearded man heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he shouted at his subordinates, "Why are you still standing there in a daze? Hurry up and find out what happened. Hurry up and find out where the South Heavenly Emperor is. Find out where he ate and which toilet he went to. Otherwise, all of us will lose our heads."

In the Lin family's residence in Jiang City. The hall of the Lin family's residence was already in chaos. People were bustling around.

"Bang!" Old Madam Lin swept the things on the table to the ground. Her hair was messy as if she had gone crazy.

"Where is everyone? Where did everyone die? Trash, all of you are trash! More than a hundred guards have entered, and I've been back from the hotel for so long. How can you not be sure if Ye Nantian is already dead? Are all of you useless?" Old Madam Lin shouted like a mad person.

"Matriarch, the Qiyun Hotel has already been taken over by troops of unknown origins. No one can approach within a five-kilometer radius. No one has come out of it!"

"Matriarch, according to the news, Ye Nantian and an unknown woman have already left the hotel with Miss Jingxue and that little b*stard."

"Matriarch, there's news from outside the city. Hundreds of thousands of troops have surrounded the city. There are countless fighter jets and battleships!" In just a minute, several servants rushed down and knelt down to report the news respectfully.

"I don't care. I won't listen. What does that have to do with me? I only want to confirm that Ye Nantian is dead. He must die today. Even if the Heavenly Emperor comes, he must die! No one from the Ye family can be left alive. Back then, we burned 179 members of the Ye family. Now, only Ye Nantian is left. As long as he dies, the Lin family and the Zhao family can forever dominate the Jiangnan Province with no worries." Old Madam Lin was so angry that her chest heaved as she roared loudly.

"Matriarch, we really can't act rashly. The South Heavenly Emperor has just won a great victory in the Southern Border. He slaughtered the million-strong army of the Heavenly Bamboo Kingdom and recaptured three thousand kilometers of the empire's lost land. He's a powerful figure in the empire. Now, he's even more powerful than the Heavenly Emperor. If our actions alarm him now that he has descended in Jiang City, both the Lin family and the Zhao family will probably suffer a calamity." An old man who looked like a butler lowered his head deeply and advised bitterly.

"Go find Huang Long. My nephew, Huang Long, is the person in charge of the Jiang City Public Security Division. He can be considered an insider. Tell him to think of a way to find Ye Nantian without alerting the South Heavenly Emperor. We must kill that piece of trash. Kill him!" Old Madam Lin gritted her teeth and said indignantly.

"Immediately, immediately arrange it. I'll urge Huang Long to search the entire city now!" The butler's voice was trembling as he hurriedly stood up and rolled out, afraid of any delay.

At the moment, in a luxurious ward of the Jiang City People's Hospital. Ye Nantian held Lin Qingxue's hand in one hand and Ye Xiaoxi's hand in the other. However, the two of them were in a coma. Ye Nantian's face was filled with sorrow.

"Your Excellency, the doctor said that the little princess can wake up in a short period of time. However, Madam's injuries are more serious. I'm afraid she will need some time to wake up," Red Moon reminded in a low voice.

"What's the situation with the Qiyun Hotel?" Ye Nantian frowned and asked with a pained expression.

"The Qiyun Hotel has already been taken over by our people. All the guards of the Ye family and the Zhao family have been slaughtered. However, don't worry, Your Excellency. I can guarantee that the incident at the Qiyun Hotel will not cause any commotion. No one will know what happened at the Qiyun Hotel and how many people have died." Red Moon bowed slightly with a cold expression as if she was talking about an ordinary matter.

"You may leave. I want to be alone." Ye Nantian rubbed his temples. Red Moon bowed slightly and left.

"Uh-uh… Uh-uh…" At this moment, Ye Xiaoxi twisted her body uneasily on the bed and moaned in pain.

Upon hearing this voice, Ye Nantian seemed to be jolted as he pounced in front of Ye Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi? What's wrong?"

Ye Nantian looked at Ye Xiaoxi's small face anxiously. He gritted his teeth tightly, and his eyes were red. He was a top-notch iron-blooded man, but he could not suppress his emotions at all in the face of his wife and daughter's suffering.

After Ye Xiaoxi twisted uneasily, her lively eyelashes fluttered twice, and two streams of tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes. She seemed to take a long time to open her eyes. When she opened them, they were already filled with tears.

"Dad, Dad, save Mom, save Mom. Bad people hit Mom, they hit me." The moment Ye Xiaoxi opened her eyes, she kept muttering.

Upon hearing these words, Ye Nantian felt as if a knife was stabbing him. He hugged Ye Xiaoxi's small body tightly in his arms. "You're back. Daddy is back. I will never leave you guys again. I won't let bad people hit you again. You're safe now."

"Is… is Dad back? Is Dad back? Are you really my father?" Ye Xiaoxi cried a few times and hugged Ye Nantian's head gently. She looked at it repeatedly and cried, "You're identical to the person in the photo Mom showed me. You're really my father!"

"It's true. Dad is really back," Ye Xiaoxi murmured and confirmed repeatedly.

"Yes, I'm back. I'm really back." Ye Nantian gritted his teeth. He held back his tears as his heart ached.

"Mom, where's Mom?" Ye Xiaoxi's eyes were filled with tears as she looked around. In the end, her gaze landed on another bed. Ye Xiaoxi broke free from Ye Nantian's embrace and walked to Lin Qingxue's bed.