Not Dead, But As Good As Dead

"You're a strange person. I don't know you at all, but you keep saying that you're my husband and Xiaoxi's father. I don't remember some things, but I'll be angry if you take advantage of me like this." Lin Jingxue stared at Ye Nantian coldly and said in all seriousness.

"Alright… then I won't say anymore." A helpless smile surfaced on Ye Nantian's face.

"But, Mom, he's really my father. He's exactly the same as in the photo. You told me in the past that the person in the photo was my father!" Ye Xiaoxi blinked and said to Lin Qingxue.

"What photo have I shown you? You're already spouting nonsense at such a young age." Lin Jingxue rolled her eyes at Ye Xiaoxi.

"I'm very grateful to you for saving us and paying for our hospitalization fees. I'll return this money." Then, Lin Jingxue looked at Ye Nantian.

"There's no need to return it." Ye Nantian was completely speechless.