3. It's A Curse

Lu Feng stroked his bruised face after he was beaten by the man with a thin mustache. That man with a thin mustache stepped on Lu Feng's body to keep him from escaping. The other four didn't even try to lift their heads. They were ashamed that they lost to ordinary people, even Johan's team was playing around after taking the lead in the score.

Lu Feng said.

"Sssh, how cruel you are, senior Deadly Note. Can you hold back a little?"

The man with the thin mustache was Deadly Note. He is a musician, but not an ordinary musician. His music is a technique that can be used to attack enemies using sound waves. That's why he is known as the Deadly Note because he can kill enemies just by using the strain of a tune.

"It's your own fault for having a foul mouth, Lu Feng."

Deadly Note holding a smartphone and typing something in a certain app. That app is Discord, an app that is usually used to hang out, karaoke, stream, etc. Since that application has many features and each server is hidden if the link is not shared with others, Deadly Note created a server used only by cultivators he knew. The server is named "We Are Mt. Tai".

Lu Feng doesn't know what Deadly Note is doing, so he asks.

"What are you doing, senior?"

"Of course, I told everyone to come here. Don't tell me you forgot your oath earlier?"

Lu Feng stiffened. He still remembered exactly what Deadly Note meant.

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This happened when one of the juniors was playing a certain game.

Her name is Meng Jia. Meng Jia knew there was a well-known streaming platform. Different from the discord that is usually used by senior cultivators to stream when they explore some ruins, teach pill refining, etc, that platform was full of streamers playing various games, streaming music, art, or even traveling, and it was only used by normal humans.

And what attracted her at that time was the game when she coincidentally watched Johan who was streaming a 5v5 character-based tactical fps and then changed to a sci-fi-themed fps battle royale game which at that time got a lot of views.

Perhaps cultivators thought games were not important. But they couldn't help but say there was an interest in things that were made by humans in the modern era. They were even impressed by the rapid progress of humans on earth despite not having superpowers like cultivators. For example, the development of weapons, the development of vehicles, and the development of information technology.

With the rapid development of technology, it is not surprising that young cultivators are adapting themselves to the modern world.

One day, Meng Jia and several other cultivators, including Lu Feng, streamed an fps game on discord. At that time, she complained.

"Why is it so hard to imitate the streamer Yue Han's gameplay?"

"Who's that? What gameplay? I don't remember a fellow Daoist named Yue Han playing this game, let alone streaming it." The server "We are Mt. Tai" already has around 50 members, and all of them are cultivators. Of all the members, Lu Feng did not remember a cultivator named Yue Han. So, he couldn't help but wonder.

Meng Jia replied.

"He's not a cultivator. He's just an ordinary person."

"Hmmm?" Did he hear wrongly? Before Lu Feng asked a further question, Meng Jia continued.

"I watched his stream, he could do whoosh, bang, swoosh, blink, bang bang bang! So stunning!"

Lu Feng twitched. Veins even appeared on his face as if wanting to form a WTF on it.

Da fuq with whoosh bang swoosh bang, can you even describe it properly?

After that, Lu Feng controlled his game's character, he put his detonator skill on the ground. As he stepped on it, he detonated it and propelled him forward swiftly. While he's in mid-air, he switches his current weapon to his ultimate weapon, a bazooka. He aimed toward the enemies, and…


Three people were wiped.

Meng Jia was surprised. She exclaimed.

"Woah, there it is. How did you do that, senior? Can you teach me?"

"Hehehe, I can teach you, in exchange, we should go on da…"

Suddenly, Lu Feng felt a chill run down his spine. He swiftly checked on the list of who watched the stream.

"Fuq, it's senior Meng." He screamed inwardly. Fortunately, he could hold back, otherwise, senior Meng would personally knock on his door in the next few hours knowing how overprotective he was toward his daughter.

"What did you say, senior?" Meng Jia wondered why he suddenly stopped talking.

"It's nothing. I can teach you if you want."

"Really? Yay!!! By the way, senior Lu Feng. If you can play like that, can you beat that streamer Yue Han?"

"Heheh, he is just an ordinary person. In terms of vision and reaction speed, the difference is like heaven and earth. There's no way he can beat me, a cultivator. I swear, if he can beat me, all seniors can beat me to dumb!"

When Deadly Note heard Lu Feng swear in his stream, he immediately watched Johan's stream afterward. It was clear that Johan's skill in playing the game looked abnormal and unreal, so he immediately notified the other fellow cultivators in the group after he compared Lu Feng's gameplay with Johan's. Furthermore, he found an interesting fact about Johan.

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That's what happened.

Lu Feng's face, which was already ugly from being beaten by Deadly Note, became even uglier.

He even begged to let him go. However, Deadly Note replied.

"Your suffering is my pleasure. After all, if you swear, you should keep your words."

Lu Feng wanted to cry. Why did his mouth run around like a b*tch? He should just keep silent and everything would go well. But, he didn't.

After waiting around an hour, some people riding flying swords appeared from the sky and landed in front of Deadly Note. There were handsome men with long and short hair wearing ancient Chinese clothes, stunningly beautiful fairies with dresses somewhat similar to Hanfu from ancient China, elegant middle-aged men wearing modern clothes, and there was also a monk wearing a Buddhist robe.

Lu Feng felt hopeless after he saw who had come beside fellow Daoists of the same rank as him. At that moment, he knew he f*cked up.

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Everyone looked at Lu Feng who had been beaten up almost lifelessly on the ground. Even though the seniors who had arrived remained silent and only fellow Daoists of the same rank beat up Lu Feng, still he couldn't go against all of them. Especially after he was beaten by Deadly Note earlier.

Lu Feng could only grumble in a low voice.

"You bastards, how dare all of you gang me up? Watch out when I recover, I will take revenge on all of you!"

The one who replied to him first was a young man with fiery long red hair. He said.

"Don't take it to heart, fellow Daoist Lu Feng! You should be grateful for what we did to you!"

And then, a beautiful fairy with her white dress also nodded, she added.

"That's right, just like what Southern Vermillion said. You should be grateful! Your body will adapt after being physically injured which will put you on the verge of death. However, when you recover, your strength will be doubled, until later you can transform into a Super Saiyan."

"Super Saiyan, your grandpa! Ouch ouch ouch…"

Lu Feng snapped at that beautiful fairy, even though he felt pain all over his body afterward.

Deadly Note looked at Lu Feng's condition, then said.

"Well, well, since Lu Feng has already got what he deserves, should we treat him?"

The only monk among them nodded while holding his prayer beads. He looked at Lu Feng and gave him some advice.

"As a man, you have to keep your word, especially when you take an oath! You will always carry an oath even to the afterlife, and you will have to pay it in the afterlife if you don't keep the oath."

"What deep advice."

"You should heed the advice of the Great Master Profound Nirvana, fellow Daoist Lu Feng!"

"Yeah, you shouldn't take an oath carelessly."

The other Daoists agreed with the words of the monk who was called the Great Master Profound Nirvana. They also warned Lu Feng, although, in their hearts, they thought that it was better for Lu Feng to continue acting like before so that he could be bullied.

At that moment, a short-haired man approached. He reached out his hand and give something to Lu Feng.

"Here, a Senzu bean."

Lu Feng twitched. He said inwardly. "How long are you going to imitate the thing in Dragon Ball?"

The man was an Alchemy Great Master. What he gave Lu Feng was just a healing pill. Not a Senzu bean just like he said before.

"So, why are you calling us over here, fellow Daoist Deadly Note?"

Everyone also wondered. The reason he called them here wasn't just because Lu Feng and the other 4 cultivators were defeated by 5 ordinary people in a game. There must be something else they didn't know about.

Deadly Note let out a smile.

"Follow me!"

Then, he swiftly dashed in a certain direction. Everyone looked at each other, and followed suit.

After a few minutes, they landed on top of a tall building.

"There he is."

Deadly Note pointed at the youngster who walked with his friends.

"Hmmm, isn't that Yue Han?"

Lu Feng was the first to react.

"The one who beats you silly?"

"The one who slapped you hard?"

"The one who toyed you in the competition?"

The cultivators started badmouthing Lu Feng because of Lu Feng's humiliating defeat. Even if it was just a game, defeat meant defeat. But at the same time, Deadly Note said.

"There's something wrong with that kid's eyes. Don't tell me you didn't realize, Lu Feng?"

"His eyes?"

Then Lu Feng and the others turned toward Johan's direction.

"It's a curse." A middle-aged man who had been silent all this time started to speak. And what he said left the others dumbfounded.