Chap 4: War 4

"Everyone, Battle Berserker Saintess, Hitono is here! Let's unite our strength and give our utmost to win over this formidable quest!" exclaimed a spirited individual, his declaration echoing with the enthusiastic cheers of fellow players.

However, oblivious to their exclamations, Hitono seemed to enter a trance-like state. In a display of remarkable agility, she leaped high into the sky, confronting a grotesque, colossal flying monster. In a swift turn of events, a massive bazooka materialized in her hands, and with a decisive aim, she unleashed a devastating explosion that engulfed the monster in searing flames. Yet, the creature refused to be vanquished easily.

With an audacious charge, the monster lunged towards Hitono, viciously swiping its tail, propelling her across the battlefield. Hitono swiftly regained her footing, determined to face her adversary head-on once more.

With excitement, she declared, "After dedicating countless hours of gaming and an entire year to becoming the strongest, I refuse to be defeated by a monster like you!" Her voice reverberated with conviction as she launched herself into the air once more, now wielding a pair of sabers adorned with integrated pistols. The sky crackled with an electric energy as large fireballs condensed around her weapons, poised to unleash their devastating power.

As the impending danger loomed, the sky monster emitted a resounding cry, signaling a potential onslaught. In a sudden turn of events, a multitude of identical creatures appeared on the horizon, hurtling toward Hitono.

Summoning a glow around her body she exclaimed, "Blast beam!" The energy surrounding her weapon surged forth, manifesting a colossal beam of scorching fire that incinerated the entire horde of monsters in one fell swoop. With a few stragglers left standing, Hitono swiftly closed the distance, her sword slashing through the remaining foes with precise and rapid movements. Witnessing this awe-inspiring spectacle, the army of fighters below erupted in cheers, fueled by newfound determination.

Amidst the triumphant atmosphere, Bake called out to Hitono, his voice tinged with urgency, "Hitono, we need your healing powers!" He deftly employed his light saber to fend off a relentless monster gnawing at his blade.

The creatures, with their diminutive heads and robust insect-like bodies, possessed menacing claws. As they relentlessly assaulted the group of races, their razor-sharp appendages effortlessly tore through the defenders' sturdy steel armor.

"Consider it done, boss," Hitono responded with a playful wink, maintaining her levitated position in the sky. In a matter of seconds, her entire party, who had been riddled with injuries, experienced a miraculous restoration, their wounds healed completely.

Bringing her hands together, Hitono initiated a powerful gesture. Suddenly, a vibrant green light encompassed the entire battlefield, mending the injuries of all those who had bravely battled against the ferocious monsters. The fighters themselves were a diverse group, each contributing their unique skills and abilities to the struggle. Fairies soared through the skies, unleashing torrents of magical explosions upon the monsters, while elves showcased their exceptional archery prowess, delivering lethal strikes to the creatures' vulnerable points. Dwarfs experimented with their latest technological innovations, and both beastmen and humans fought side by side, offering mutual protection and assistance.

As the grueling day of battle neared its end, Hitono dashed towards the colossal monster that stood before them all, propelled by astonishing speed. Towering over a hundred feet in height, the creature possessed a grotesque amalgamation of an ant, a mosquito, and a snake. Its jagged exoskeleton ominously glistened under the sun's rays, while its buzzing wings created an eerie symphony that reverberated through the air.