Chap 6: Top 5

In a synchronized display of courage, the top five players boldly launched themselves at Pergutsus, united in their mission.

With a powerful cry, Hitono unleashed a devastating blow known as the "Blast Punch!" Her fist connected with Pergutsus' face, triggering a spectacular explosion that caused the monstrous creature to tremble and collapse onto its back. The impact was so immense that it sent shockwaves through the battlefield, further fueling the resolve of the fighters who rallied behind Hitono's lead.

"Everyone Hitono, gave us an upper hand so charge forward!" As the knight in golden armor raised his voice, rallying the entire army, a surge of determination coursed through their veins. With a unified battle cry, they charged forward, their attacks raining down upon the fearsome monster. Explosions erupted, and devastating blows were delivered with precision.

However, the monster, undeterred, rose to its feet, wielding its massive legs as deadly weapons. It mercilessly crushed individuals beneath its enormous weight, claiming the lives of many brave fighters.

Yet, Hitono remained undaunted by the grim turn of events. "Adrein, back me up!" she shouted, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. A dark-skinned man with brown hair and formidable armor promptly responded, nodding in agreement.

With a swift and synchronized motion, Adrein dashed along the ground as Hitono soared above him. The gleaming sword in his hand radiated a brilliant light, and with a mighty swing, he unleashed a powerful slash upon the monster. At the same time, large wings of light materialized behind Hitono, accompanied by an array of luminous spears that floated around her. Together, they struck the monster, their combined assault intensifying as Adrein and Bake joined in, launching their own ferocious attacks.

Meanwhile, Kofi, a master of elemental magic, tapped into the forces of earth and fire. His hands moved with fluid grace, summoning swirling flames and razor-sharp stones that formed a protective barrier around himself and his comrades. With a mischievous grin, he flicked his hands, unleashing torrents of fiery blasts upon the monster. The impact forced the creature to recoil, emitting a pained screech that echoed through the battlefield.

Standing beside Kofi, the embodiment of strength and precision, was Kui, a force to be reckoned with. Draped in gleaming armor and wielding a masterfully crafted blade, Kui exuded an aura of confidence. With each fluid swing of her sword, the air resonated with a sharp melody, showcasing her lethal skill. Seizing the opportune moment, she swiftly maneuvered behind the towering monster, unleashing wind blades of colossal proportions. With precise strikes and impeccable technique, she carved through the creature's hardened exoskeleton, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

At the center of the battle stood Hitono, a divine presence emanating from her very being. Her robes fluttered around her as she raised her hands, palms outstretched in a solemn prayer. A warm and healing light radiated from her, enveloping her allies and imbuing them with renewed vigor. This radiant energy served as a shield, protecting them from the encroaching dangers of the battlefield.