Chapter 10: Hitino

"Phew, today was definitely a challenging day," Hitono stretched her body with a smile, trying to shake off the lingering sadness from the recent game event. Determined to leave it behind, she decided to immerse herself in more games and kickstart her online streaming session with her beloved VTuber character.

With a renewed sense of excitement, Hitono powered up her gaming setup and transformed into her virtual persona. The vibrant world of streaming awaited her, where she could engage with her loyal audience and create a joyful atmosphere.

As she went live, Hitono's infectious energy filled the virtual space. She greeted her viewers with a cheerful wave and a playful wink. "Hey there, everyone! It's time to dive into some epic gaming adventures and leave all our worries behind. Let's have a blast together!"

The chat box started buzzing with enthusiastic messages, as her fans joined in, ready to stream. Hitono's smile grew wider, grateful for the incredible support and the opportunity to create a positive escape for herself and her audience.

Meet our mc Hitono, a revered Hitono known far and wide for her exceptional skills in both gaming and streaming. As she takes her seat before her gaming PC.

Hitono's gaming PC is made of advanced technology and has a bit of the average otaku design on it. Its sleek design incorporates intricate engravings that depict ancient symbols. As she powers up her PC, a soft glow surrounds the peripherals.

With her fingers poised over the keyboard, Hitono enters a game where her gaming skills merge seamlessly with her key board.

Her gaming mouse , its ergonomic design tailored to her hand, allowing for fluid movements and lightning-fast reactions. It responds to her touch as if guided by an otherworldly force, enabling her to navigate the game landscapes excellently.

As Hitono dons her gaming headset, she attunes herself to the voices of her fellow Hitonoes, communicating with them.

The high-resolution monitor before her displays a world that blends gaming graphics with glimpses of the game world. The colors are vivid, the details sharp, and the motion smooth, allowing her to perceive the virtual battlegrounds excellently.