Chapter 13: Police

"Don't be too hard on her, honey," a soft male voice intervened, gently reprimanding Jenna. Seated on the couch was an old man with a warm, brown complexion, sporting short blue hair and a pair of captivating blue eyes. He held a newspaper in his hands and adjusted his glasses as he continued reading.

"I just want her to eat, darling," Jenna pouted, her hands firmly placed on her hips.

"Why do you think my cooking is bad?" Jenna asked, her expression filled with hurt.

"No, Mum, I love your cooking. It's just that sometimes the meals make me feel a bit too relaxed at work," Hitono nervously explained, scratching her cheeks.

"Whose fault do you think that is?" Jenna asked, giving her daughter a knowing look. "You feel sleepy because your body doesn't get enough rest. The herbs in my food help your body relax and recover, ensuring you stay healthy and strong!" Jenna proclaimed, her voice brimming with conviction.

Recognizing her mother's genuine concern, Hitono decided to sit down at the dining table and enjoy her meal. She eagerly picked up the eggs from the plate, savoring each bite as she exclaimed, "I'll eat, eat, see, see!" Her mouth filled with bread, and she washed it down with a gulp of tea.

Observing her daughter relishing the food, Jenna couldn't help but smile, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. Marcus, Hitono's father, joined in the smile, proud of the loving bond between his wife and daughter.

With her hunger satisfied, Hitono bid her parents farewell, slipping them some money to assist with their expenses. Stepping out onto the porch of her house, Hitono beamed and whistles to herself. Her vibrant personality shone through, radiating warmth and approachability. Passersby couldn't help but smile and wave at her by her calm demeanor and smile. Hitono responded with a friendly wave, acknowledging their presence.

Her patrol car, awaited her. Hitono settled into the driver's seat, feeling a sense of familiarity as the engine roared to life. With her vigilant eyes scanning the city streets, she navigated with expertise, always on the lookout for any signs of trouble.

Arriving at the police station, Hitono heard a familiar voice calling out to her, "Hey, Hitono!" She turned her gaze and spotted a young man with fair blonde hair waving at her, his cheerful smile infectious. Hitono parked her car and walked over, saluting him before giving him a friendly pat on the back. "Long time no see, Ken! How are things going on the village side?"

"Thankfully, we managed to crack the case! Can you believe it? The killer of the village elder turned out to be his own wife," Ken revealed, his tone tinged with astonishment.

"Whoa, seriously? Why would she do such a thing?" Hitono asked, taken aback by the unexpected revelation. She remembered meeting the woman and finding her sweet and kind, but now she had her doubts.

"It's insane, really. We discovered that she had sacrificed her own child and when her husband found out, she silenced him too. And get this, she even tried to frame someone else for the crimes!" Ken shared, his face contorting with disgust.

"Ugh, I can't stand people who try to shift the blame onto innocent folks just to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. But you know what, Ken? I firmly believe that justice will always prevail. Sometimes we just need to give it a little nudge," Hitono declared with determination, her eyes shining brightly.

Ken glanced at Hitono, his expression turning slightly nervous. He responded, "Hitono, as police officers, we can't always resort to violence to solve situations. We have to rely on evidence, proper investigations, and the law."

"Indeed, our current legal system is quite a mess, and I am determined to bring a good change for the sake of true justice!" exclaimed Hitono, her hand reaching towards the sky in passionate conviction.

"Hey, Hitono and Ken! Roll call is about to commence!" a male officer called out.

Ken and Hitono exchanged nods, trailing behind their comrade as they made their way into the police office. Inside the spacious room, they were met with the sight of numerous policemen and women, all standing attentively with their hands positioned firmly behind their backs. Following suit, Hitono mirrored their professional stance.

As roll call commenced, Hitono and her colleagues assembled to receive their daily assignments. When it was finally Hitono's turn, she met the gaze of the chief officer, who couldn't help but notice the vibrant expression on her face, a reflection of her excitement for a new job.