Chapter 16: Heaven's Gate Online

"I'll be honest, I was kind of infatuated with Rachel. I mean, I used to sneak a peek at her from a distance every single day," the man confessed, trying not to sound too creepy.

Hitono and Ken exchanged knowing glances, both silently agreeing that this guy seemed more like a creepy stalker.

Through tear-filled eyes, the man continued, his voice trembling, "Rachel, she was seriously the sweetest lady I've ever come across... sniffle... it's tough for me to even talk about her."

"Hey, buddy, take a deep breath and try to calm down," Hitono interjected, gently patting him on the back. "We're here for you."

After composing himself, the man took a long, deep breath and continued, "But you know, something strange happened a couple of weeks ago. Rachel received a delivery for a VR headset she had ordered. Now, I can't say for sure, but my buddies mentioned that the delivery woman acted really weird."