Chapter 22: Death Harpy Teacher

As Aurianna roamed the Training grounds, her keen eyes caught sight of a group of Goiglers up ahead. Seeking cover behind a cluster of rocks, she called forth a weapon into her grasp. To her surprise, it materialized as a colossal gun, easily as large as herself. Yet, she effortlessly lifted it, defying its hefty appearance. Tossing it into the air, she watched as it spun gracefully, obediently following her hand's trajectory towards the approaching Goiglers.

"Now it's time to see what this baby can do," she declared with a determined tone.

With a resounding shout, "Burst!" Aurianna commanded the hover gun to release a concentrated blast of compressed fire magic at the Goiglers. The impact was immense, causing a mighty explosion upon contact, engulfing the adversaries in flames.

Aurianna couldn't help but beam with delight. "I'm really liking Eva's gun," she confessed, her hover gun replaced by two sleeker firearms, which she aimed at the scorched ground.