Chapter 158: Hunt

"Thank you all for standing up for me, but I do not enjoy conflict so please stop."

As she watched the tension around them calm down, a hallucination of her trying to impress Dwane appeared on her mind and he would pat her on the head causing her to blush like a maiden in love. However, thinking about that past made her grit her teeth in anger, but she tried her best to maintain a smile.

'She doesn't enjoy conflict? Since when? I can clearly see she's enjoying herself!' Shialor mused, her expression dumbfounded as she observed Aurianna.

Trying to take her mind off him a sudden thought came into Aurianna's mind, 'Hmm how I'm able to move like light, Eva is this the evolution you spoke off? The Liquid body?' Aurianna asked curiously as she suddenly remembered.

"Ah, yes. I didn't think liquid body would make you appear as light though. It's not similar to what I have here," Eva said and Aurianna could hear the doubt in her voice.