Get out!

After waiting for a while, most of the zombies that had amassed started to disperse. They moved away from the building, and a couple of police officers in the group had risen, now as zombies, while the others had their brains chewed out.

'I still can't figure out how the zombies choose which ones to eat and which ones to turn to. Can they sense something that even I can't? Or is it just because I haven't started to really eat people yet.' Zain thought.

Another thing he noticed in the zombies' movements was that some seemed to be heading in a specific direction. They were slowly walking away, heading towards the outskirts of the city.

'Maybe if I followed the Zombies, I might be able to figure out that quest. Find out what the Zombie's goal is in all of this. Maybe the answer to that question is why there aren't so many in the city either.'