Back outside (Part 2)

The others didn't like the sound of Zain's idea. There would be military personnel with weapons, and it would also be unfamiliar territory.

"Zain is right. There are no rewards without risks." Shark replied. "If we don't get brains, then we die. This will give us new ground to cover as well."

The others weren't so sure, but at least this time, they would be travelling together, and if Shark thought it was a good idea, they would follow him.


Once the group was done with the preparations, they stepped out of the club. It was a bright sunny day today, and as usual, zombies were slowly roaming around the streets.

"Look after the place, Jelly. We'll bring you some nice treats." Kun said as they waved him off.

While on the way, Shark told Zain that they had already searched two sections of the city, although not thoroughly.

They had gone in the four-mile radius of the club to the east and west of them but hadn't gone towards north or south yet.