Everyone power up

Although Zain did expect to get caught with the crystals, at least not so soon. He expected others to notice this when they perhaps went on another outing and needed to place the crystals inside again.

On top of that, he had prepared himself to be caught by Shark, not Kun. Out of everyone here, Zain liked Kun the best. The latter was the first Reborn he had met, so the last member of the group he would want to deal with would be him. This was why he was genuinely taken aback when Kun called him out.

"You can't just take those crystals! And Why are you handing them to Skittle? Oh man, if Shark finds out about this, he's gonna rip your head off. I don't even know why, but he really cares about those things!" Kun was speaking incredibly fast and was taking deep breaths. It was hard for him to speak, and Zain could tell the situation was tough for him as well.