Don't trust Zain

The night hadn't fully set and there was still daylight outside. Cody was resting as he leaned his back against the metal wall and looked at the beam of sunlight shining through the hole in the metal roof. He could feel the slight heat on his leg, but slowly it was getting cooler.

'The sun is about to go down, I should really get a move on.' Cody thought. The swelling on his face had decreased a little, making it easier for him to see, and resting on the ground had allowed him to regain his energy for whatever threats he could encounter next.

When he tried lifting himself up with both hands on his knees, he noticed his legs were still wobbly.

'If I run into anyone or anything dangerous, I'm not sure if I can even do something about it…but that is if there is still something that I have to worry about.'

Looking around him, Cody glanced at all the dead bodies on the floor, most of them were Zombies, other than members of the Cobra gang with the side of their skulls smashed.