
A few minutes later, the group stepped out of the club and walked through the city streets once again. Even though the number of zombies was still huge, the density of zombies was now far less, and their numbers had decreased a lot when compared to the state of the city a few days back.

"Shouldn't there be more zombies now? Do you guys have any idea what could be the reason behind this? Where are those zombies?" All three of them noticed the strangeness, and Pink asked the other two.

"I don't know. Maybe it's those demons. Maybe they are the ones killing the zombies?" Kun shrugged.

"It could also be that they are moving," Zain chipped in, "The zombies seem to be moving from place to place, but that could be because of lack of food as well. As in, there are not enough humans.

"We will have the same problem as well."