The experiment

Earlier that day, Cody had arrived at the hospital, and with him was Kelly. The two of them had travelled together after separating from Zain, who had saved them from their situation. In truth, Cody was hoping that Zain would come back and try to find them, but in the end, due to Kelly's careful nature, she had convinced him otherwise.

She even said she was somewhat afraid of Zain, and although at times Cody did feel that way, he never felt any of the threatening vibes directed toward him. And as they continued their travel, Cody suddenly began to show symptoms of fever.

At first, he thought it was a simple cold and would go away with time, but as time passed, the fever started to get worse and worse. He could hardly move and felt deenergized, and his body was sore, making it harder and harder for him to move.