After receiving the platinum reward, Zain's stats had improved considerably. He no longer felt like he was a zombie that was going along the control path, and instead was one that was going on the enhanced path.
The stats he received was as if he had jumped a few levels. It was then that Zain realised that day he should have died. The quest was almost impossible to complete, which was why Zain had decided to put off the other high level quest, such as finding a meteorite.
Still, Zain continued to hunt the level 2 zombies and he managed to level up, growing stronger and stronger. He had gone up by two levels reaching level 10, and that was when a special quest had arrived for him.
A quest to unlock a class skill. It was classified as a gold reward, but it gave him an idea of what the reward would be. Surprisingly it was easier than he thought though, since it was for him to defeat three Level 2 zombies, which was something he had done before.