Growing Territory

When looking at the system, Zain thought he was in luck a little bit. Because according to his map, the Reborn group wasn't even something that was in this city, it was in a small town that was quite a drive away.

'I guess it would make sense. It's not like they can have a secret room, doing all sorts of things in a big city like this.' Zain thought.

Eventually, as well, Zain believed that he would have to leave this place at some point. He didn't know why but there was just an initial attraction to this place for a reason.

'There are a couple of things that I need to decide before leaving this place though.' Zain thought. 'Do I complete some of the quests that I still have. There was the meteorite one. I guess due to how high-level of a quest it is, it would make more sense to find out more, and I can always come back here.'