The Goal of the military

Zain was stuck in the specially crafted vehicle for a while, as he continued to hear the sound of many footsteps, helicopters and perhaps more. It was as clear as day that he had made it to an Army base.

'Based on the state of the city, I thought the Army would have already dissolved into nothing. They didn't seem to be doing any evacuations of any sorts.' Zain thought. 'Yet, a base like this, to still be operating with this much power.' 

It seemed like Zain had underestimated humanities capabilities. Although his frame of reference was only from the games he played, where there would be next to no military help at all. 

The sound of the doors being cracked open were heard and for a second the bright light had startled Zain as he lifted his hands. When he finally let them down, he could see the outside.