Back to normal?

For a second, Zain thought he might be acting a bit rash. This wasn't like him, to make a decision on a whim, to not make the best choice possible without all of the information first. Sure, he had seen signs that improved intelligence in his Horde meant they could understand more instructions, but there was no proof.

There was no proof that if their intelligence increased to a certain level, that they would be back to the way they were or that they would become a Reborn. In the first place, Zain's intelligence wasn't even that high, yet he could do these things.

For some reason though, when it came to a decision including Skittle, for a lot of those decisions, he would disregard his more thinking side and just did what he really wanted to do.

"Zain… Zain… Zain…" Skittle said back, opening his mouth. His hand slowly moved towards his lips and his own small arms were shaking. "Zain… I can speak… I can speak."