
Pink and Kun were two of Zain's first true allies in this world. He hated to admit it, but he had grown to like them and because of that, he had shown both of them how to use the crystals to grow stronger.

Based on what he saw, Zain believed that the two of them had the potential to grow, and as a result increase his chance of survival. After all, a group was the basis of survival as each person did what they were specialised at.

Surviving on your own would be difficult no matter who you were, even for him, but the two of them somewhat seemed to rely on him, more so than they realised, and with his split, in a way he was hoping for this to happen.

'Kun already surprised me with his strength and speed even though hand- to-hand fighting isn't his speciality, but you Pink, you are strong enough to make the system give me a gold card for defeating you. You must have really improved.'