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The zombies that were summoned had been unsummoned and placed back into the system. If there was any doubt as to who the zombies belonged to, now it was certainly cleared up.

"Wait, so the new guy, the new guy actually beat Carl? Does this mean he's the strongest in the Dark Zombies?"

"Hey and what about his summoning power, how come he can do that, what is with that, that's a first, right?" Another said.

There were whispers all over the place, some were happy that Carl had finally been defeated, amazed at what happend, but there was also a lot of caution among the Dark Zombies.

Carl, although he was the strongest, strictly followed Humfree's orders, and having been with Humfree for a while now, they knew he meant no harm to them. Whereas this newcomer, doing this, there was a good chance that it could change the status quo of everything.