Attack the demons (Part 2)

The Zombie Hunters had come in from one of the sides heading towards the main centre. They could see the large arena in sight and they were currently heading over a large bridge that went over a large river that was part of the main city.

The Zombie Hunters were attacking harder than ever with all of their abilities. Groups were using their long ranged abilities hitting the demons as much as they could. While others were clashing with them directly on the bridge itself.

There was a stalemate as the majority of the hunters were now on the bridge fighting against the demons.

Buke was leading the charge, standing at the front confidently. A demon stretched out its tentacle trying to slice at him, but he avoided the hit and grabbed onto the end, pulling the demon over. It flew in the air before he punched it in its body, sending it flying off the edge and dunking into the water.

"NOW!" Buke shouted at the top of his lungs.