Growing up in a space colony surrounding the deadly environment of Earth, John Pek has lived the first 17 years of his life being in the lowest class of society. Hearing stories about the Powered exploring the universe, and the rich, elite among them living lives of luxury, he just wishes he could leave his metal tube of a home some day.
One day, his space station that is orbiting the Earth is struct by a solar flare. Killing hundreds, he is just one of few survivors amongst this accident. Being taken to another space station with nothing but the clothes on his back, he manages to find work on a cargo ship that takes him away from Earth.
Noticing that since the day of the accident there has been changes in his body, he decides to stay away from most people and study what is happening to him. Realizing that he must have gained powers to make him one of the Powered he enrolls in the military where they will provide him training and a place to live.
Follow John Pek on his journey of discovering what life is really like in the Universe and how he decides to live his future.