Exchange of Deals

"Don't tell me we're going to ask Miss Fiona to be our supervisor?" Edward said as he mentioned that she is also the previous supervisor of the club, "But we don't know for sure that she will accept it, right?"


Rory stood there in the room and smiled at Edward, giving a thumbs-up, and said, "Don't worry, it will work out, I'm sure of it."

This line ends very fast on the very day.



Fiona flat out rejected as the tree is now visiting her in the clinic with an application form in their hand, "Why not?" Rory asked again.

"Because it doesn't benefit me, go find someone else."

Fiona flat ejected again, which made the three struggle to make a deal since the tree had been searching around each professor that asked them to be their supervisor for their club. Still, many rejected or ignored the offer since it was an unknown club to many.

It is only through Fiona that their club can become official and recognized by the student council.

"*Sigh* I don't understand why you're trying to revive this club since it's had problems in the past that led to it being disbanded."

She said as she tried to persude the three not to continue on revive the club, Rory was taken aback by this and said,

"So that means these people used to be your supervisor?"

"Where did you get this?"

Fiona said as Rory presented an old photo showing the club members smiling inside the clubroom; all of them were having a great time in their lives as each member was doing else.

While he takes the photo of everyone without looking at the camera, the person smiles at the camera.

Fiona held the picture in her right hand as she turned her office chair away from three; the window from her desk was open when the afternoon wind blew in, giving Fiona fresh air to think for a moment and placed the picture down on her desk and finally turning around facing the three, "How many members do you guys have,"

"In all, that makes us four members of the club, three of us included,"

Auryan said As Fiona fawned at the tree of them one by one. And decided, "fine, I will be your supervisor." Fiona said.

Rory and Auryan Lit up as they heard Fiona herself saying those words they had been looking for.

"But, first, I want you all to do something for me."

"You want us to do something?" Edward asked Fiona as he was confused about where this going is.

Fiona tore out a piece of paper nearby, wrote something on it, and finally asked them.

After looking at the paper they had been given, the three asked, "What is this address?".

"Exactly, I want the four of you to visit this place and go inside; in exchanged, I'll be the supervisor of your club."

Fiona said as they gave the three a brief explanation of what to do, and after that, they were free to go. Before leaving, Fiona calls out to Rory for a second; she then lets the other wait outside and approaches the white hair nurse who had called her.

Fiona looks up to the student, raises her hand towards her face, and pinches her cheek, "Explain yourself, young lady," the woman said.

"Urkkk yeah, I know to stop the pinching, please."

"Tell me why you hacked the school's only cell signal in this school…." Fiona said with her cross arms together as she looked down at Rory in the chair looking down,

"Just to give E-Edward a message."

"You mean fighting him on the rooftop, and showing him that you're a vampire, is that it? You know we have a rule that says no soul shall know our existence, right? Even worst, you already broke two rules, and you know what will happen, right?."

Fiona said with her voice suddenly changing from soft into a serious one; Rory is now terrified by her and lets down on the floor, bowing over Fiona,

"P-Please, I know I have broken two rules, but Edward hasn't told anyone yet when he found out," Rory said.

"*Sigh* stand up," Fiona was enough of this and told Rory to stand up, "Am I going to get punished or something?" Rory said.

"Pfft, get punished. What are you living in the 1800s? No, you're not getting one, but Edward is now aware of the existence of our kind because of you!"

"Urk, my fault…." Rory said apologetically.

"This day in forward, I want you to look after him, just to be sure." Fiona gave Rory an order, and she repeatedly nodded that she understood the circumstance they were in; Fiona finally let her go and left the clinic.

Fiona sighed and sat down on her office chair.

"It seems that this year will be another interesting ride, huh…." she mumbles as she glances over the window from her desk, watching each student pass by, leaving in and out on the campus.


The door opens, and Liam sees the three coming in, "So how did it go" he asks the three, "We made a deal with the snow-white." Auryan said as she raised the piece of torn-out paper that had an address in it.

Auryan explained to Laim the rest of what went down in the clinic, "Overall, if we visited and came inside to this address, then we have Miss Alonzo in our back." Auryan plumps over to her office hair and relaxes, "So... when is the time we should visit this mister president." Edward asked.

"Starting on Saturday in the morning around 10 pm, we meet up in the station, and we head to this location and find out what is this place."

Auryan said as she continued to pack her stuff to his school bag back. The four do it as well leave the clubroom for today.

When leaving the building, Edward felt watched after the four parted ways.

"Is something wrong, Edward," Liam asked as he saw Edward turn around, "It's nothing.... we should go now."

The two finally left. A student watched from the 2nd storage with an armband on her left arm. In a building with her phone on her ear, "Edward Althaus, is the name correct?" the girl answered yes.

"Go keep an eye on him for now, and I will return to you the next day." The phone said as it hang-ups after finishing talking with the girl.