The Red Sky


One of the girls began to ru as they were chased by someone.

As the sound many footstep stepping the floor. As the girl slips down on the floor, she moves as she sees someone from the dark distance see a figure stand as it approches.

The light from the wondow shines the figure showing fully facial apearnce which made the girl terrified to find out the figure looks a difomed face with Red eyes on its face the figure owre a dark suit as his shoulders is shinny red from its left.

As it slowly appches the girl, she bagn to cry out for help.

as the monster ran towards the girl with speed that can desribe as running horse in a race, when the figure finally catches the girl he was then kicked to to the side with forced that he was knocked backed to his face.

The moster looked up to find Edward wearing soilder outfit with realistic features on them. It shine throught the hall way from the moonligjt from the window.