The Dracula of Lumina lunii Castle

As the rain countines to pur down from the sky, The man in his chair looked out from his window dazing at the two moonlight sky as the stars gives anamuzing light to the dark,

*knock* *knock*

The sound of knocking door can be heard feon he other side of he door, the man says,

"You may enter...."

The door proceded to be open tjen came a girl in a dress that has long skit going down to her foot, she called out the emn from the office chair in the end of the room, the man promply yold her to come and take seat, the woemn followed the man's wishes and took seat and came face to face to him,

The two began to discusses his plans for today and upcoming meetins that he will be attending, after that the women placed down photo in thr table, and proceded explained,