Proper Goodbyes

"Dang, that really stings….."

Edward said as he sat down in the fire camp in the middle of the open field forest; he was led here by his four comrades, that is Ryan, Harold, Daniel, and Greyson, they all sat there as they stared at Edward from the distance as the camp was total silence after the reunion they all had awhile ago,

"So, would you guys tell me why you are all here?"

"Were, the ones supposed to ask that, we've been here for, I don't know…. like a lifetime!"

Greyson said as his face was filled with rage as he talked to Edward,

"Alright, sergeant, calm down; much confused as you are…."

"But, the fact that we're still here was his fault; let me go!!!!"

Greyson goes limb as he realizes that no matter how much he hated Edward for being such a dooche, he could not help but sigh and sit with others at the camp.

This scene really does look familiar in that winter camp back in the war, Edward mumbles,