Dance in the Dark

Edward looked to the side he found Grace simply looking at him with a cheerful unchanged expression on her face,

"Say, Grace, what do you feel after all of this?"

"Hmm, you are asking me that question? let's see….. I guess I feel that I loved you."

Grace says with a straight face as she looks at Edward's yellowish eyes.

"You know that sounded like redundant, to be honest…."

"What, how rude of you to have an assumption like that; my feeling for you still stays the same, even in my death, humph!"

Grace said she looked to the side and pouted her cheeks out as they turned red from Edward's perspective. as he looked at her in the eyes it only bacame a peprnt that she hasnt really chnaged at all after all of those years that they been with together,

"Pff, haaah i'll be dammed, you still ollooked like thwe witch that i just met in the wet store."

"Well, you still the same old guy who hasent even let go of me after years of being alive and have girls fan overing you."