Amia's shine

Amia heaves her hand as she approaches Edward from a distance, wearing her usual uniform except for the blue jacket like everyone else's, "Having fun with your break?"

"Yeah, pretty much; the whole place is like a carnival with booth games to kill time with."

Amia was delighted as she turned around to find all the different types of booth games and services that are offering,

"Are you also on the break as well?"

Amia asked as she noticed Edward without his apron on,

"Not really, I just came back handling an errand while back….I guess I should go now—"

As Edward was about to speak about their class, his phone rang up a notification, and he pulled it out from his pocket to read the message. as he opened up the screen, he found a notification bar that read a statement from Renard himself,

"I'm kinda on the break now, hahaha…."

"Th-That's god to know…. Say, would you mind coming with me?"

Amia asked as an idea popped into her mind.

"Wait, where are we going?"