The Helper of Death and its Red Horse

Light energy spits out from Mr. Kermit's hand as he made an open gesture with his hand. before the light strikes the floor, everyone disperses to the side, Moho looks back and shouted,

"Bring him out of here!"

Without hesitation, Lilith picks Edward's shoulder and gets him out of the way, Moho and Rory catch on as they count to charge forward.

Moho proceeded to shoot live bullets at the floating man in the distance, however, it became plain.

his right catches them automatically, with no sweat to lose, as he opens his palm Mr. Kermit comments,

"Hmm, trying such tricks wouldn't work on me!"

When the bullets flew through Rory, he held onto Moho'a's arm and threw him to the side.

Avoiding getting electrocuted by the particles flying around the men, as tables and equipment were flying everywhere.