A Day at Home

I look at the books scattered across my bed with dread. I had missed one month of school, and the amount of work I have to catch up on is colossal. Emily told me my teachers had offered me a chance to write the tests I had missed. If I could pass those and the upcoming exams, I would have no problems going to the next class. If not… I do not even want to think about it. Fortunately, Emily had helped me get the notes of some of my classmates so that I could begin studying for the tests.

My mom had told me to take it easy before she left for work this morning but I could not help but panic. I have so much work to catch up on. Luckily I have four days before the week is over, and before I finally go back to school. I decide to make the best of these four days. Still, I can't help but grumble about the time I had wasted yesterday running those pointless tests. Hopefully that doctor has finally reached the conclusion that there is nothing special about me.

After a while, I drop the book I'm reading as I begin to massage my temples. I can feel a headache coming on. I should take it easy, I think as I decide to take a break, after all, I am recovering from an injury. I decide to take a snack during my break.

I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. The house is empty and I remember a time when I was too scared to stay at home. The noises that usually seemed to start whenever I was alone did nothing to help. Over time the fear left but the noises never did.

In the kitchen I go to the drawer and pull out a bag of chips, after that, I get a soda from the refrigerator. As I am about to leave the kitchen, something catches my attention behind the window overlooking the backyard.

My body freezes as I try to convince myself that what I am seeing is not real. In my backyard is a that I have never seen in my life. It has a wolf's head with a slightly elongated snout. Its head is connected to a body that seems to be nothing but wiry muscles. Its elbows shoot out to form a sharp spike and its fingers end in claws. Its pale body is covered in strange tattoo-like markings and it emanates a strange malevolent aura.

It turns itself as if it can sense me looking at it and I instinctively look away. Some primal part of me feels like there would be nothing but trouble if it catches me looking at it.

I try to act natural as it continues staring at me. When I try to open the bag of chips in my hand, I realize my hands are shaking. What is wrong with you, I chide myself inwardly as I finally get the bag open.

Suddenly the thing begins to move towards me. I lean on the counter, trying to act as casual as possible as I begin to eat the chips in my hand. They taste as good as cardboard.

It walks through the kitchen wall and my heart clenches as it gets closer. It reaches me and I have to forcibly restrain myself from standing up, screaming, and running away.

Just when I thought I would not be able to take it anymore the thing walks past me and leaves the kitchen.

Some time passes before I can convince myself to get up and leave the kitchen. My appetite is long gone, still, I carry the chips and soda to my room. My body is still jittery as I sit on my bed. I take deep breaths to calm myself.

I had thought the hallucinations had stopped when I left the hospital, but today proved me wrong. Are you sure those are hallucinations? Some part of me asks and I immediately dismiss the thought. If it was not a hallucination then what was it? A wolf-man that can walk through walls?

Just forget about it, okay. Just forget.

Wanting to forget what I just saw, I do my best to immerse myself in reading. Fortunately, it works.

After an indeterminate amount of time my room door opens and a head full of brown hair pops inside. It takes about two seconds for my hazy thoughts to become clear and for me to recognize who it is.

"Good afternoon." Emily greets.


"Hungry?" she asks as she walks into the room and goes to the window. She stares out as if looking for something.

"Why are you asking? Do you want to cook?"

She turns to look at me, her eyebrows raised as if warning me to be careful with what I say next."Yes, I do. So?"

Emily is not a bad cook. On the contrary, she is quite good at cooking. The only thing is, every once in a while she makes some silly mistake that usually spoils the food. Like adding a bit too much salt, or water, or more commonly whenever she picks up her phone in the middle of cooking, allowing the food to stay on the fire a bit too long. Because of that, she gets quite a bit defensive when I bring up her cooking.

"Emily, relax, I just wanted to know. And yes I'm hungry."

She instantly goes back to her usual self."Okay, give me half an hour."

As she leaves the room some part of me seems to relax at the thought of there being someone else apart from me in the house.

* * * * * *

"Anything interesting happens in school today?" I ask Emily as I wash the dishes we just used to eat.

Her food had fortunately turned out well and the aroma had lured me out of my room. Unfortunately, Emily had decided to take advantage of that and presented me with a deal. Do the dishes or no food. Naturally, I argued, in the end, we reached a compromise we would both do the dishes.

"Not really. Arthur's back though."

"Did he travel?"

"No. Remember when I told you that the police found some evidence connecting him to the shooter. Well, he left school after that. He's back now so I guess he's innocent."

"Oh. I forgot about that."

"I feel sorry for him though."

"Why? I thought you hated him, after him cheating on Cassandra and all."

"I know but you should have seen him today. Everyone's treating him...weird. Even during lunch, he tried to make a joke, and everywhere was just silent. And..."

Her phone begins to vibrate cutting her off. She grabs a napkin and wipes her hand before picking up the phone.

I ask."Who is it?"

"Mom." she replies before answering the call."Hey mom."

She nods a few times as she listens to what mom says before finally saying."Okay, mom. Bye."

"What is it?" I ask as she drops her phone.

"She said she'll be coming home late today. And that I should cook dinner."

I wash the last plate and drop it in the sink before rinsing my hands.

"Where are you going?" Emily asks as I start to leave the kitchen.

"My room."

"At least wait for me to finish." she protests.

"Sorry," I say, not feeling the least bit sorry as I hurry out of the kitchen.

"Don't forget to take your medicine!" she shouts as I move up the stairs to my room.