The Metorium (2)

On the other side of the barrier, everything is still the same. Drew is still waiting for me by the platform, people are still going about their business, still, something feels different. But I can't put my finger on it.

Drew notices the strange expression on my face. "Don't think too much about it. Everyone feels it but no one knows what it is. They say the Eldest cast a strong spell here but no one knows exactly what it does. Just ignore it."

"Oh," I say. So that's what it is, a spell. Even though Drew says not to think too much about it, I can't help but wonder what the spell does. But, considering my incompetence in everything magical, I doubt I will be able to figure it out, especially when even people like Drew don't know.

He motions for me to get onto the platform, which at the moment looks nothing more than a circle drawn on the ground. As he comes up beside me, I suddenly realize how small the platform is as his body presses into mine.

"Normally I wouldn't do this, but you can't control the platform on your own and I don't want you to get injured."

Suddenly the platform surges upwards, throwing me off balance. Time slows as I begin to lean dangerously towards the ground. Just when I think I'm going to fall off, a hand grabs my arm, pulling me back and stabilizing me.

That was close, I think as I stare at the rapidly retreating ground. A slight sheen of sweat breaks out on my skin as I realize how close I was to hurting myself. And like that, I lose all interest in the floating platforms, wanting nothing more than to get off the one I am standing on.

It moves quickly through the air - thankfully - and stops once level with the floor we are getting off on.

Drew gets down first and I follow after him, trying my best not to look at the ground. Despite my trying, my eyes glance towards the ground far below us, and for a brief moment, I am overcome by a feeling of vertigo. It passes once my two feet are on the ledge and my eyes off the ground, but the feeling that I'm about to lose my balance takes a bit longer to fade away.

As I walk away from the ledge, I focus on the passageway in front of me. It is made of a dark stone with thin white veins running through it. Strangely, the wall looks to be completely seamless. It seems as if the stone just naturally formed the walls, but nothing could naturally be this smooth.

The top halves of the walls are painted with beautiful patterns which stretch up to the roof above us before finally merging. Floating at regular intervals are blue globes that light up the passageway, providing just enough light for us to see where we are going but nothing more.

All in all the passageway gives off a mystical aura, which I believe is what it was intended to do.

As we walk I reach out and touch the wall. Smooth. Just like glass, and cool to the touch. Not at all what I was expecting.

I trail the wall with my fingers as I walk, a bit surprised by the fact that I could not feel even a single groove as I walk. I eye one of the glowing globes in front of me, wondering what it would feel like to touch.

As I get closer to it I am a bit surprised not to feel the slightest hint of heat. It had been like this ever since I entered but I hadn't really paid attention to it until now.

I take my fingers off the wall and reach for the globe which is right in front of me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Drew says causing my fingers to halt just in front of the sphere. I can feel some heat, but it is suppressed somehow.

I turn to Drew curiously."Why?"

He stops walking and turns to face me."That is unfortunately not just a globe of light. It is pure energy, a part of the security system of this place for those who don't know anything about it, like you. If you touch it, I'm afraid you will be left with no hand anymore, or worse."

"Does everything in this place have to be dangerous?" I ask, thinking of the floating platforms.

He smiles."It's only dangerous because you aren't a Laen."

Then he reaches out and touches the globe. It explodes. That's the only word that can be used to describe the sudden burst of light and heat. Fortunately, it is directed at Drew, but still, the sudden heat is far greater than I could expect, causing my skin to shrivel up and tingle as it dries every single bit of moisture on me.

I jump backward at the same time I shut my eyes - too late- to block the light. I feel something scorching hot press against my skin and hiss in pain as I try to stumble away from it. It takes me a few seconds to realize that the thing is my shirt.

The temperature suddenly drops, relieving me from the sudden heat. I blink my eyes open and look up to see Drew covered in blue light, holding a hand out towards me, with mist wafting off it.

"Sorry about that." he apologizes as he lowers his hand."I forgot you were so close to me."

He is completely unharmed. He didn't even break a sweat, which is reasonable considering the heat would have instantly evaporated it. His glow fades away, though I can't help but wonder if I had imagined it. I had been practically blinded by the explosion.

"Come on," he says walking away, "we have to be quick. The Masters are waiting."

I follow after blinking a few more times, making sure this time to stay well away from the orbs. I now understand what Drew means when he said I would lose my hand or worse, I would probably have been burnt to ashes.

Soon we reach the end of the passageway. In front of us is a huge wooden double door. Plain except for the large golden rune at the center, half on each side of the door.

I stop just in front of the door while Drew moves ahead and places his hand on the door. He stays like that for a second before taking a step back.

"What do we do now?" I ask.

"We wait," he says, unexpectedly solemn. His fidgeting hands tell the truth though, he is nervous. And that makes me realize I should be too. Behind these doors are the Masters, the men who would determine my fate.

Slowly my heartbeat begins to speed up.

The golden rune suddenly lights up and my breath ceases. It is time.

The door swings open, allowing me to see into the room before. Drew lowers his head as he walks into the room, while I follow nervously behind him.

He stops some distance into the room and the door shuts behind us.

"Karenata zimear." he says as he bows to the men sitting above us.