Learning Telekinesis

"What's it about?" Drew asks.

"I'll tell you when you come back," Hugo says, walking away.

I watch their brief conversation in silence. Drew's team is probably those he was with when I was rescued from the Minotaur. I wonder if the mission would prove dangerous to them. They seemed powerful enough when they rescued me.

"Your team," I begin saying, and Drew turns to me, "what level are they on?"

"They're all Protectors, but they're pretty strong."

"So they'll soon become captains?"

He shakes his head as he places his hand on the wall. "Captains are basically Protectors that are far stronger than others, because of that we are given teams of Protectors to lead. That's why we are called Captains. Since Protectors can't lead any teams, they can't become Captains so they just skip directly to Wranth."

I nod. "So Protectors and Captains are basically the same, the Captains are just Protectors that are stronger than normal."

Drew nods. "Correct. Come on, I don't have much time."

I nod and follow him into the portal. We move quickly through the In-between and soon appear under a giant arch in the middle of a courtyard. We head to the ATC and not too long after we get to the class where Mr. Hogan is waiting for me. Drew does not wait for me and leaves immediately after we get to the class, telling me he'll come back as soon as he can.

I take a deep breath and walk into the classroom. Remembering what had happened during the last lesson all too clearly, I make a point of bowing slightly and saying. "Karenatha Zimear."

Mr. Hogan who is at the front of the class nods and motions to the mat in front of him. I walk to it and take off my shoes before sitting on it.

He raises his hand and a sphere of Uua appears above it, he looks at me meaningfully, and immediately I understand what he wants me to do. He wants me to create that same orb without my Uua being connected to me by any strands. I smile inwardly and raise my hand, this is what I had practiced for. A few seconds later and a similar orb appears above it.

He studies the orb for a second before nodding at me. He drops his hand, dispersing the orb and I do the same. A small portal appears in front of him and he reaches into it before bringing out a book which he tosses over to me. It is a small book with a brown cover. A large golden sign almost completely covers the front of the book. For a moment fear grips me as I look at the sign since I assume that the content inside is going to be in some strange language that I will have to learn. I open the book and relax once I see English.

"That book contains everything you are going to need to learn before school begins in the summer. Today you'll be learning how to use the noer to cast magic and also learning the simple telekinesis noer. Let's begin."

We start with creating noer with the Uua. As the lesson progresses, I realize why we had spent the last lesson learning how to make simple and complex shapes. He had been preparing me for creating noer with my magic. Because of that lesson I am able to easily create all the noer he shows me.

Once he sees I have no problem with that, we finally move unto learning the simple telekinesis noer, which is the first chapter of the book he gave me. It is quite easy to do, the only thing is that I have to create the noer inside my body.

"Why?" I ask Mr. Hogan.

"The Uua is a strange thing, quite unlike the Eani it is made from. Within the body, the Uua has creative properties, healing, increasing strength, speed, memory, and so on, and over time it permanently increases the body's capabilities. But once it leaves the body it turns irreversibly destructive, which is why we disperse it instead of trying to reabsorb it. Create the orb again."

I raise my hand and allow the orb of Uua to form again. He nods. "Good, now release it and send it towards the ceiling."

Release it? I had no idea what to do with the Uua except to create shapes and disperse it. I stare at the orb floating above my hand and imagine it flying towards the ceiling. Surprisingly it obeys and shoots towards the ceiling. As it hits the ceiling, it explodes, sending debris raining down on us.

I instinctively close my eyes as I raise my hand to protect myself. After a second or two of waiting without anything happening, I open my eyes to see the debris flying back to the ceiling before melding seamlessly with it. A second later and everything is back to the way it was before my Uua blasted the ceiling.

Master Hogan looks at me. "Apart from it being destructive, using the Uua to create noers outside the body makes it harder for you to control the magic, as well as the amount produced due to how sensitivity to magic is reduced once outside the body. Therefore we do it inside our bodies. Do you understand?"

I nod and we move on with the lesson. I create the simple telekinesis noer inside of me and following Master Hogan's instructions, pass my Uua through it. As the Uua touches the noer, it transforms into another type of energy. Seeing that it is successful, Master Hogan instructs me to disperse it. Warning me not to gather telekinetic energy within myself as it is dangerous.

He explains. "Our bodies cannot handle an infinite amount of energy, it has a limit. The limit is even smaller for anything that is not Uua. Hold in too much energy and you risk yourself blowing up."

He then goes on to explain the effects of the energy I had created. It only had two. To push, and to pull. That is it. He then goes on to explain that most of what I would see people do with telekinesis was just combinations of these two forces. For instance, to make something fly towards you, you would have to push it against the force of gravity before pulling it to yourself.

After the explanation, he pulls out a brick from a mini-portal as he did with the book and places it in front of me. With that, he begins showing me how to push and pull the book. By the time the lesson ends I am able to push and pull the book to and from me, move it to its sides by pushing against the opposite side, and finally, make it float.

By the time the lesson finally ends, I am feeling a little tired, but with a little circulation of my Uua the tiredness fades away. I stand up and leave the class, wondering how long it will take for Drew to come.

I open the door and find Drew waiting outside the class. He smiles once he sees me and asks. "How was your lesson."

I smile back. "I just learned telekinesis."

He nods as if he was expecting me to say that. "Listen, I won't be able to follow you to the Metorium after today, so I'm going to teach you to operate the portals and Cirport."

For a moment I am surprised, some part of me was expecting Drew to always follow me to my classes, but now that I think about it I realize that is stupid. There's no way he could follow me to my classes forever. I nod and ask. "What's a Cirport?"

"Those circular flying thingies that brought us here."

"Okay, so how do I operate them?"