Ian VS Golems (2)

They are almost upon me when I realize I will be in big trouble if they catch up to me. I have to get away. Fast.

Another punch is coming my way as I put my hands on the ground and push, releasing a small bit of Uua as I do so. It explodes as it hits the ground, pushing me away from the golems. I stand up and take a deep breath, my legs shaking a bit.

I can't defeat both of them at the same, to have any chance I would have to get rid of them one at a time. I look around and my eyes fall on one of the giant rock slabs in the desert. If I could bury the golems under one of them, then it would be great, but how can I do that?

As I look at the slab two plans appear in my head and with no other way to get out of this predicament, I decided to follow them. Hopefully what I have learned from video games and movies could be applied to real life.

I begin to sprint towards the nearest slab, as I do so I release a small burst of Uua from my feet. I was thinking that since the explosion earlier made me faster than the golems if I could incorporate it into my running I would be able to move far faster than they could. What I did not expect was that it would throw me off balance and throw me upwards instead of forwards.

I land ungracefully on my butt and get up quickly deciding to abandon that style quickly. I run to the slab normally, the golems close behind me.

When I get to the rock I turn around and wait, my body tense as I ready myself for immediate action. Hopefully, they will be stupid enough to fall enough for this trick.

Some part of me expects them to stop but fortunately, they keep on coming. Soon they are in front of me and the one in front readies himself for a punch. I jump just as he throws the punch, releasing a bit of Uua from my foot which propels me into the air. The punch lands on the rock, causing the entire rock to crack under the impact.

Powerful, I think as I marvel at the power of the punch. Still, the rock does not break as I want but that doesn't daze me. Two orbs of Uua appear above my hand and I throw them to the already weakened rock, followed by a wave of telekinetic energy. The Uua causes the rock to explode, while the telekinetic energy pushes the debris towards the golems.

Unfortunately, the golems react faster than I expect, leaping backward and escaping my attack. On the bright side, since the first time they appeared, there is a little bit of distance between them. With the failure of the first plan, I move unto the second. Separating and attacking them one by one.

For this I draw upon my video game experience, making sure I land near one of the golems. If my plan works, it will rush to attack me, increasing the distance between it and the other golem. I will then proceed to attack the lone golem.

I land to the right of the golems, and the one on the right immediately focuses on me. I run away and it fortunately follows. After running some distance I turn around and throw two orbs of Uua at it. The golem raises its arms and blocks the orbs, its arms cracking because of the explosions, then all of a sudden it looks back, immediately noticing the large chunks of rock heading straight towards its head.

The orbs of Uua had only been a distraction from my true attack. Using telekinesis to control the fallen debris of the rock slab to smack into its head. While the golem is strong, it doesn't take me long to notice that every time it deals a heavy attack it also takes some damage. After all, it's only a piece of rock. My plan is to exploit that flaw, smacking its head with the debris until there's nothing left but dust.

I panic the moment the golem notices the rocks heading for its head. If this plan fails then the other golem will be able to catch up. If that happens, I'm screwed.

The golem tries to dodge and I react, burning close to half my remaining energy and turning it into telekinetic energy. I raise my hand towards the golem and use telekinesis to lock it down. I know that the golem has some degree of resistance towards telekinesis and so I spare no expense in the amount of power I use.

The golem suddenly becomes frozen for a few seconds. Those few seconds are all I need as the debris begins to smack its head, one after another. Soon it is covered in dust, making me unable to see what is going on.

The attack ends and I lower my hand, suddenly feeling drained as I stare at the dust cloud in front of me, wondering what the outcome is.

The dust settles quickly and I quickly study the golem. It is far weaker than before, its head covered in cracks and leaking small bits of light. It takes a step forward and staggers as it tries to stabilize itself. I have a rough idea of what is happening. With the current state of its head, the noers within it have probably been affected, leaving it in this weakened state. It won't be an exaggeration to say it's out of the fight.

I immediately turn my attention to the golem behind it, which is running towards me, not caring a bit about its weakened comrade.

With one golem basically out of the game and no more rocks left to utilize, I decide to go toe to toe with the remaining golem. I take a deep breath and cover myself one more time with Uua, causing my entire body to be surrounded by a light blue glow. At the same time, I circulate part of my Uua , leaving the enhancement noer I had activated alone. I still need its effect.

I wait for the golem to come, my body tense as I ready myself for action.

The moment the golem comes within a few meters of me, I attack. The next second I begin exchanging blows with the golem. Each time we touch each other there is a small burst of light and heat as the Uua around me reacts, damaging the golem, but even with that I soon find that I am no match for the golem.

A punch lands on my cheeks, effectively causing my brain to go blank. For a long moment, I lose awareness and when I recover I see another punch headed my way. I try to make a shield but the golem easily breaks through it and lands another punch.

It begins raining blows on me. I am helpless to dodge and soon find myself curled up on the ground, cringing in pain. As the blows land endlessly I begin to think of giving up. Master Hogan had made me believe that the exam would be easy to pass, but now I wonder why I even believed him.

Just try, I say to myself. Just try and use up your magic, at least that way when you lose you will know you tried your best.

With that thought, I decided to give it one last shot. Doing my best to focus I activate the telekinesis, using it to push the golem backward. The push doesn't do much except cause the golem to freeze for a second. That second is all I need to perform my last attack. As I had already made up my mind that I would lose this, I have no qualms gathering all my remaining energy and using it to form an orb of Uua. The orb is far more powerful than any I've created and with my last bit of strength, I hit it on the head of the golem.

Bright light.

When next I open my eyes I am on the ground, the sun beating heavily on me. I turn my head slightly and see the remains of the golem. There is nothing left of the head and part of the chest apart from a gaping hole. While I can still make out the limbs and other parts they have mostly fallen apart. The golem is dead. I won.

I wait to be taken back to the Metorium but nothing happens and I begin to worry. Isn't the exam over? Or is there more coming? If there's more coming I should just give up. Or have they forgotten me here?

Suddenly I hear slight footsteps and turn my head to the other side. I see the golem I had not killed still staggering about, still strangely alive. Maybe that's why I'm still here, the exam is still on.

Mustering the last bit of strength I have, I create an orb of Uua the size of a pea and launch it towards the head of the golem. If that isn't enough to kill it, I might as well admit my defeat and end the exam here.

The next moment the golem's head collapses, followed by its body. I won. The exam is over.

I close my eyes and sink into unconsciousness as the world spins round and round and round….